Plant Biology

1. Peroxisomes are involved in which Type of Reactions Pertaining to Plant Photosynthesis?


2. If a cross-section of a sarcomere is seen, each myosin is surrounded by how many actin molecules:


3. Generally, Translocation of Gibberellins is Non-Polar Occurring through


4. In Drosera, Movement of Tentacles are


5. This Structure Has Dense Irregular Connective Tissue


6. Among the following organisms which shows the best adaptations for locomotion?


7. Conjugation in Spirogyra or Fertilization in Chlamydomonas Leads to the formation of


8. The Role of the Gap Junction is to


9. Pick the Right Sequence of Taxonomic Categories


10. FAD is reduced in which of the reaction of the Kreb’s cycle?


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