
1. Viruses which Cause Lysis of Bacteria are Known as


2. The Covalent Bond which Links the Cell Walls of Gram-Positive Bacteria Containing Two Modified Sugars – N – Acetylmuramic Acid (NAM) and N-Acetyl Glucosamine (NAG) is


3. Transfer of Genetic Material from the donor to Recipient Bacterium through Cell Contact is Termed as


4. Transfer of Genetic Material from one Bacterium to another in the Process of Transduction is by


5. Transfer of Genetic Material in Bacteria through Virus is Termed as


6. Which of these is the culture medium for Mycobacterium tuberculosis?


7. Amoebiasis is Transmitted by


8. The BCG vaccine is administered for immunity against


9. This can Eradicate Polio


10. Which of these is Exposed on the Outer Surface of a Gram-Negative Bacterium?


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