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The Correct Situation of Mesophyll in isobilateral Grass Leaf is Shown by


Which of the following is involved in the spread of malaria?


When leaf cells are fully turgid, the transpiration rate is


From Protonema, Leafy Gametophyte is formed in


Diadelphous Stamens are Found in


Haemophilia is as a Result of a Lack of


Which of the above properties are shared by fermentation, aerobic respiration and photosynthesis?


Which of the Following is an incorrectly Matched Pair of a Disease and Its associated Vector?

The largest bone in the human body is


A Quality of angiosperms without any Exception is


Which of the following is a richer source of chemical energy?


Which of the following is not the part of Selaginella plant?


Which of these is not true of Pisces?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of Class Mammalia?


Which of the following is not a sub-kingdom of Kingdom Protista?


Mainly, Ozonosphere is Depleted by


The Fluid Sample Required for Performing the Amniocentesis Test is ________.


Which of the Following is the Weakest Bond?


Which of the following is the method of asexual reproduction in Chlamydomonas?


Which of these is found in seed plants?


Amino acids are present in the cell wall of


The Mode of Communication between the Neurons by Sending Electrical Impulses Known as _______.


Abscission Zone can be induced for formation by


Cell Lining of the Lumen of the Fallopian Tube is involved in Ciliary Action to Transport the Egg from the Ovary to the Uterus. the Cytoskeleton Structure Responsible for this Movement is


This is Not the Function of Plasma Membrane


Which of the Following is used as a Biocontrol Agent Against Caterpillars of butterflies?


Hershey and Chase Proved that DNA is the Genetic Material. they Worked on


Gibberellins can Facilitate Seed Germination Due to their influence on


Which of the following groups from the nucleotides


Which class of animals has a four-chambered heart and is able to maintain a constant body temperature?


Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of Euglenoids?


In which of the following, flowers are sessile and crowded together on a short axis?


In Tissue Culture System, this is the Main Effect of Cytokines


What is the name of the structure that protects the composite structure of the nucellus and megaspore mother cell in gymnosperms?


What is the structure of the thallus in liverworts?


During Ecological Succession, Types and Numbers of animals Remain Constant


In majority of the Fungi the chief component of the cell wall is


The Gene Responsible for Causing Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is Found on


The Aerobic Digestion of Sewage is Utilized in the Production of


The heart of reptiles is


The Ciliated Columnar Epithelium is Present in


Immunosuppressant drugs are consumed with


This is a Complication of Haemophilia


In Sponges, this Chamber is Common to All the Types of canal Systems


Which of these is the habitat of Mollusca?


Which organism is responsible for potato spindle tuber disease?


Amanita is


_______ forms the Crystalline Core inside the Peroxisome.


Pyrethrin is Extracted from


The Fertilized Egg Divides by the Process of


The transport of substances from a region of its lower concentration to its higher concentration is called


The alternation of generation in moss plant is


This About Periplaneta Americana is incorrect

What is the Name of the Special Hyphal Tips through which Parasitic Fungi Absorb Nutrients Directly from the Cytoplasm of the Living Host?


Which of these is not true of birds?


Which of the following types of chromosomes have arms of equal length?


Here, the Maximum Exchange of Material between Blood and Surrounding Cells Takes Place


What is the Placentation in the Unilocular Ovary with a Single Ovule?


The water potential of all solutions as compared to pure water is always


Which of these is extinct reptile?


Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of angiosperms?


The association of More than one Ribosome with a Single Molecule of Mrna Complex is Known as


Spirogyra belongs to which of the Following Classes?


Which type of plant life cycle is exhibited by bryophytes and pteridophytes?


Smut is caused by


This is Not a Biofertilizer


Slimy capsule of bacteria is made by


Avery and his colleagues confirmed that the transforming material is that


Which of the Following Nitrogen Fixers is Found in Rice Fields associated with Azolla?


The Nature of an Enzyme is


In 1981, the First Bioherbicide Developed Was Based on


This Virus, for the First Time, Was Synthesized in the form of Non-Living Crystals


Haemoendothelial Placenta Takes Place in


Which of the following is polysaccharide


The Outermost Proteinaceous Layer of Maize Endosperm is Called


In Many industries, Tin, Steel and Copper are being Substituted by


Which of the Following is Called the Common Neurotransmitter?


Death angel/Death Cap (Amanita) and Jack O Lantern Mushroom are All Examples of


A Process Using Microbes to Convert toxic industrial Wastes to less toxic or Non-Toxic Compounds is


In this Plant, Sex Determination Was First Studied


Amoebiasis Causes


The Persistence of Vision for the Human Eye is


The sori in Pteris are


The organelle Serving as a Primary Packaging area for Molecules that will be Distributed throughout the Cell is


When Green tomatoes Fruits Turn to Red, then


Amniocentesis, Chorionic Villi and Alpha-Fetoprotein Sampling are Performed to Determine_____.


Which of these Subunits of RNA Polymerase is totally Required to initiate Transcription?


The Actual Function of the Vertebrate Stomach is


What is the precursor to the seed habit in pteridophytes?


Rotenone is A


During the first step of Glycolysis, glucose is converted to glucose phosphate. The phosphate group comes from


The Restriction Enzymes Bind to and Cut the Sequences of DNA which Usually are


Which of these is extinct reptile?


All Three Types of Plastids Have Evolved from _________.


Which of these Immune Cells are Able to Quickly Respond Post any Subsequent Encounter with the same antigen?


Which of the Following Plants does Not Have independent and Free-Living Male and Female Gametophytes?


Ulva is


Tse-Tse Fly is a Vector for Sleeping Sickness. which of the Following Parasite Transmits the infective Stage?


Composition of Bone Marrow is_______.


Which of the following delays the normal process of aging in leaves?


The Reason Why Funaria is a Bryophyte is


Which class of animals have milk-producing glands?


The Fungi which Derive their Food Directly from Dead organic Matter are Known as


The edible mushroom commonly consumed as a food item belongs to which group of fungi?


The Fragments of DNA are Joined together by which of the Following Enzymes?


Transduction Was Discovered by


The Respiratory Quotient (R.Q.) of C39 H72 O6 is


The Correct Sequence of Cell Stage in Spermatogenesis is


In a Culture Medium, the Use of an Old Sample of DNA is associated with the Discovery of which of these?


When sporozoites of Plasmodium pass from the blood to liver cells, they multiply for


Activated Fatty Acid is Transported to Mitochondria from Cytosol by


Which of the following is variable in an amino acid?


Generally, a Person with down Syndrome Has an IQ of


Haemophilia is

Which of the following is not true of Glycolysis?


Which of the following is mismatched in bryophytes?


Eukaryotic Entities


The primary plant body is covered with a layer of cells called


What is the predominant stage in the life cycle of mosses?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of living organisms?


Which of the Following Layer Has Actively Dividing Cells?


Which stage in the life cycle of mosses is responsible for bearing the sex organs?


On the Cell, where is the “Hormone Response Element” Found?


This Conduction is Most Likely to Occur If the Developing Foetus is Not Sensitive to the Effects of Testosterone and other Such androgens

This is Apt for Vermicomposting


Which of the following is not the character of seed plants?


Parasite that is Also a Vector Host is


The Main Function of Trna with Regards to Protein Synthesis is


The Hormone Cytokinin Has the Main Function of


Lichens are a Good indicator of so2 Pollution because


A Plant that Require Not less than 10 Hours of Light to Flower is Called ______.


The hyphae of Rhizopus are


Which type of plant life cycle is represented by algae such as Volvox, Spirogyra, and some species of Chlamydomonas?


This organ is majorly affected by hepatitis


In Men, this is Genetically dominant


Which of the following are trends towards seed habit exhibited by Selaginella?


In Earthworms, Typhlosome is A


This is Capable of Delaying Yellowing of Leaves


This is the correct definition for Dialysis


Which of the Following is an anti-Forest Conservation Activity?


Which of these is found in viruses


Which of the following has a body cavity called pseudocoelom?


During light reaction of photosynthesis, ATP formation occurs when electrons are transported between cytochrome


What is the purpose of taxonomic studies?


Which of these is not the mammalian character?


Which of the Following Differentiates Conifers from Grasses?


The ER and Bodies Linked with It During Ultracentrifugation are Separated as a Fraction Known as


The Protein Content is the Highest in the Lymphatics of ________.


This Enzyme Catalyzes the Transfer of a Phosphoryl Group from atP to Glucose


This Group is used to Represent Pathological Fungi


In which Part of the Cell, Oxidative Phosphorylation Takes Place?


Which of the following is not a common genus of green algae?


This Root Modification does Not Store Food


This Cell organelle Participates Actively in animal Apoptosis


Formation of the Nodule is induced by


The type of hyphae that penetrate and digest the substrate in fungi are called:


Which of the following is not a characteristic of living organisms?


Which of these is Not a Product of Fermentation?


The number of veins in Megaphyllous leaf is


This Property of a Hormone Causes It to Not Display Its Complete Effect without the Presence of another Hormone


This is the Genotype of Blood Group A


The term “Binomial Nomenclature” was coined by:


Rupturing of _________ Causes the Dehiscence of Moss Capsule


Which of the Following is Not True About Hydroponics?


Chlorophylls c, d and e are present in


A hormone that controls closure of stomata in response to water stress is


Reproductive leaves produced at the ends of upright branches in Selaginella are called


The dome shaped structure formed in the sporangium of Rhizopus is called


Human Immunodeficiency Virus First Destroys these Cells


The Main Site of Different Types of Cellular Activities is


This is Not a Basic Component of Culture Media for Plant Cultivation


In double fertilization, one sperm cell fertilizes the egg cell to form a zygote, while the other sperm cell:


This is Not an indigenous Microbe used for Bioremediation


Telocentric chromosomes have centromere located at


___________ Takes Up the Role of Transcription of New Messenger RNA


The dominant generation in Bryophytes is


What is the sporophyte of a liverwort differentiated into?


Which of the following is the character of reptiles?


Right Ovarian Artery Arises from


State the Way in which increasing Species Diversity can Affect the Ecosystem


Benign Tumour is the one which


Mammals can Drink Water and Also Derive It from


Siberian Crane is A Regular Visitor of Bird Sanctuary


Which of the following determines the shape of the chromosomes?


Robert Hooke examined thin slices of cork made up of the bark of


What do antheridia produce?


The Stage of Prophase I Wherein Crossing Over Occurs is


This Serves as a Connecting Link between the angiosperms and Gymnosperms


Which of the following character of living things is found in viruses?


The Stem of the Cycas is a source of Edible Starch Known as


The Protein Whose Production Gets Affected in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is


Chemicals, that can induce cancer are Called


In Mycoplasma, the Elementary Cell Body Performs the Function of


During which Stage of the Purification of the Sewage Water are Microbes used?


This is the Role Undertaken by Bacteriophage in Transduction


Production of two types of spores is called


Which of the following classes of Mollusca includes animals that have a single, spiral shell and a muscular foot used for movement?


Transgenic Crop Developed to tolerate Herbicides is


Which of the following is not true of organisms in the kingdom Monera?


In Alcoholism, this Enzyme is Elevated


Of the total sunlight reaching the earth, the percentage used in the photosynthesis is


In the leg


Which of these Acts as an inducer of the Lac Operon?


Passage of Water Across a Selectively Permeable Membrane is


The elimination of bacteria from a medium is called


An Albuminous Seed Showing Hypogeal Germination is


The Low RBC Count is Seen in anaemia and ________.


Collared, Flagellated Cells that Cover Large Parts of the inner Chambers of Sponges, Helping Water Circulation to Continue are


Transpiration is a Phenomenon Pertaining to


Which class of animals is characterized by the presence of feathers and wings?


Osmotrophy is Found in


Meiosis (reduction division) in moss plant occurs


Assimilatory or Photosynthetic Roots are Present in


Which of the following is resistant to degradation?


This is the Wavelength of infrared Radiations


The Gibberellin involved in Flowering is


The water potential of all solutions as compared to pure water is always


After Trying for Several Years, A Couple Finally Learnt that they are Going to Have A Baby. they are Experiencing this Type of Stress


Allosteric Enzymes Possess


Which of the Following Statement About Enterogastrone?


In Monocots, Grafting is Not Possible as _________


The Respiratory organ in Reptiles is


Seminiferous Tubules Develop Central Lumen After


Infertility is When a Couple Fails to Conceive After


In double fertilization, one sperm cell fertilizes the egg cell to form a zygote, while the other sperm cell:


Mitochondria are found


They are stored in plant and animal cells


Which of the Following Shows Syngamy Outside the Body?


The Common aspect of Two Distinct Generations in a Single Life History is Observed in


In the Krebs cycle oxaloacetic acid reacts with


In which of the following families Gynoecium consists of only one pistil?


They are the remains or impressions of living organisms preserved in rocks


This is Not an Example of Performing Biological Control of Diseases/Pests Using Microbes


Prothallus Represents


Among the Energy Values of Nutrients, 9.3 Calories is that of


Proteins are synthesized in the


Absorptive Heterotrophic Nutrition is Exhibited by


In Funaria, the Peristomial Teeth are


The Fruit in tomato is Classified into _____.


This set shows bacteria diseases


In the Plasma Membrane, Carbohydrates


Each of the Chromosome at the anaphase Stage of a Bone Marrow Cell in Our Body Has


Which of the following cell organelles is not involved in the sequence of events from synthesis of an enzyme to its excretion?


The Degree of Unsaturation of Lipids can be Measured as


Heterocyst of Nostoc are


Which of the following is caused by bacteria?


Which of the following is a parasitic protist?


Which of these is an example of uniparous cyme?


Which one of these Categories Has Real Existence?


Most of the Dinoflagellates are


A DNA Segment Contains 100 Adenine and 100 Cytosines, How Many Nucleotides are Present in the Segment?


Which of the following is a characteristic feature of monocots?


The Chief Constituent of Honey is


Telocentric chromosomes have centromere located at


Which of these is the Most Advanced Phylogenetically Among the Dicotyledonous Families?


Which of the following is not true of zygospore of Rhizopus?


Which of the following forms of Plasmodium is present in the saliva of mosquito?


Caloric Values for Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats are


This is the Role of the Coronary Artery


The Ventral Portion of the Midbrain is Composed of Mainly Four, Round Swellings Known as


Identify the incorrect Statement About double Circulation.


This is an Extracellular Messenger of Apoptosis


During light reaction of photosynthesis, ATP formation occurs when electrons are transported between cytochrome


What is the function of the protein coat (capsid) in viruses?


Pick the incorrect Statement


Which of the Following Type of Plastids Helps in Pollination?


The best Description of the Group of animals to which Sycon belongs is


The osmotic pressure of a solution


Epiphyllous Roots in begonia and Bryophyllum are


This Bioassay is used to Test the Presence of Gibberellins


The Alveolar Epithelium of Lungs is


What is the Function of Copper-T?


At the Producer Level, If 20J of Energy is Trapped, then How Much Energy will be Available to a Peacock as Food in the Subsequent Chain? Plant -> Mice -> Snake -> Peacock


Which of the Following Body Function is Regulated by the Thyroid Producing Hormones?


On hydrolysis triglyceride yields


The value of respiratory quotient of amino acids is


Honey, Silk and Lac are


The innermost Layer and the Most Delicate Layer of the Eyeball Where the Photoreceptors are Located are


Adenine is a


Which of the following is not present in Chlamydomonas?


In Moss plant


The Major interaction Responsible for Stabilizing Plasma Membrane


The tibial nerve


Spores in liverworts are produced within the:


Pseudopregnancy is a Physiological Condition, Comparable to Normal Pregnancy Except that there is No__________.


The osmotic pressure of a solution


A Few Normal Seedlings of tomato Were Placed in A Dark Room. After A Few Days, they Were Found to Have Turned White-Coloured Like Albinos. which of these can be used to Describe them?


Which of the Following Events is Likely to Take Place, If the Nuclei from an 8-Celled Stage of an Embryo are Transplanted into Enucleated Eggs?


Theory of Linkage Was Put forward by


Which of the following is not shared by both the Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms?


The Role of the Gap Junction is to


This Cell organelle does Not Contain DNA


Which of the following is an example of liverworts?


Which of the following type of stem is found in iris


The value of respiratory quotient of amino acids is


This Part of the Eye Dilates and Contracts Based on the Environment


Which of the Following Gets Killed by Lysozyme Present in Saliva and Tears?


In Selaginella, sporangia are produced


Of all the animal species in the animal kingdom the number of arthropod species constitutes almost


The Hepatic Portal Vein Drains Blood to the Liver from ________.


_____________ Bacterium can withstand the dosage of Radiation, which are Several Times Higher than what Human Cells can tolerate


A Chromosome with a Very Short Arm and a Very Long Arm is Referred to as


This best Describes a Polysome


In Cattle, this Factor is Critical that Would Lead to increased Milk Yield


This About Ecological Succession is incorrect


Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of Kingdom Monera?


Which of the Following Contains Notochord in the Embryonic Stage?


This Causes Delay in Senescence


Strip Cup is used


The Blood is Transported to the Liver by Hepatic Portal Vein from which Part of the Body?


For Wheat, which of the Following Combinations is Correct?


In wind pollinated flowers the petals are


In the Life Cycle of ascaris, the infective Stage is


Of the total sunlight reaching the earth, the percentage used in the photosynthesis is


Meiosis Occurs in the Life Cycle of Rhizopus During_______.


This Statement is True About Thalassemia


The antibody-Dependent Cytotoxicity is Seen in ________.


In the Context of the ABO Blood Group, a Transfusion of AB Blood may be Given to a Person Who Has Blood Type


Even After the Brain of a Frog Has been Crushed, It Still Responds to a Pinch on the Leg by Drawing It Away. this Act is an Example of


Who First used Artificial Hybridization in Fruit Crops?


Sperms are Stored in which Part of the Reproductive System in Male Cockroaches


This Plant Hormone is Responsible for the Ripening of Fruits


Secretion of Pancreatic Juice is Triggered by


Which of these increases the growth rate of isolated cells in a test tube?


Which of the following produce flowers?


This cannot be Performed by Predators


This Prevents Keratinization of the Skin


Transcription is the Transfer of Genetic information from


The enzyme sucrase act on


Which of the Following is used as a Biofertilizer for soybean Crop?


If a Blood Type Ends in + (Positive) that Means


The Major interaction Responsible for Stabilizing Plasma Membrane


This Disease Falls Under the same Category as Colourblindness in Man


A Child is Suffering from Kwashiorkor and If this Child is Compared with other Marasmus Children then what Additional Symptoms are Present in Kwashiorkor Child?


Which of the following are the characteristics of the ovule?


Enzymes that are involved in the Feedback inhibition are Known as


Inheritance of ABO Blood Group System is an Example of


Nicotiana Sylvestris Flowers only During Long Days While N.Tabacum Flowers only During Short Days. Under Different Photoperiods, they can be induced to Flower at the same Time and can be Cross-Fertilized to Produce Self-Fertile offsprings. what is the best Reason for Considering Nicotiana Sylvestris and N.Tabacum as Separate Species?


Bacterial Sex Factor is


This Hormone in Males Triggers Sertoli Cells to Synthesize androgen Binding Globulin (ABG)


What is a herbarium?


In Dinoflagellates, the Reserve Food is


The gametophyte of a moss plant is


The application of Auxin in small amount


The Everyday Dietary Requirement of an Average Adult Active Moderately is Approximately


In these Tissue Cells, Lacunae are Enclosed


The Cranial Nerve that Regulates the Heartbeat


What does the sporophyte of a moss consist of?


The corn grain is a/an


Antibodies are Secreted by


In mammals fertilization is


The Membrane that Surrounds the Bone is Known as as________.


The Respiratory Quotient in Germinating Seeds is


Ability to Give Rise to a New individual Entity from Body Parts is


Flowering can be induced in Pineapple by Application of


This is a Microfilament inhibitor


The Body Cavity Found in Echinoderms and Chordates is


Which of these possesses true body cavity (coelom)?


This is a Crustose Lichen


They are stored in plant and animal cells


Root-like hyphae of Rhizopus are called


Which of these is not the character of reptiles?


Which of the following is the hardest substance found in vertebrates?


The Energy Produced by the Hydel-Power Plant is


Which of the Following is False About Spirogyra?


The Thylakoid in Chloroplasts are Arranged as


How Many Cleavages are Completed in the 16-Celled Stage of an Egg?


Which of the following are the principal photoreceptors in the chloroplast of green plants?


The Hepatic Portal System Carries Blood from


The organization of Taxonomic information in Logical Classification is Known as


The Bioremediation Process involving the Usage of Plants to Degrade Pollutants is


The Membrane investing the Ovum Just Outside the Membrana Granulosa is


What does the Tapetum Lucidum do?


Mycelium of Rhizopus is


Coenobium Refers to


Fight or Flight Reactions Causes the Activation of


Human teeth are


When a bacteriophage, in its lytic phase carries some of the bacterium’s partially digested chromosome with it to another host cell, the process is called


Which of these is not the character of Coelenterates?


Liverworts are divided into two groups, which are:


Blood Pressure in the Pulmonary Artery is ________.


The Protist that Reproduces Both by Binary Fission and Conjugation is


Name the Blood Test which can Detect If A Person is A Carrier of Thalassemia


Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of Kingdom Fungi?


The Pteredophytes are also called lower vascular plants because they


What is the first stage of the moss gametophyte?


The Main Function of Trna with Regards to Protein Synthesis is


In the Five-Kingdom System of Classification, into which Kingdom Would you Classify Nitrogen-Fixing organisms and Archaea?


Which of the following cellular organelles extracts energy from glucose and forms ATP molecules


This Technique is Commonly used for Most Viral Vaccines


A Process Using Microbes to Convert toxic industrial Wastes to less toxic or Non-Toxic Compounds is


For Urea formation, the Correct order of ornithine Cycle is. ornithine ________, ________


Which of the Following is the Main Cause for Goitre?


___________ is a protein having partial with no detachable nucleic acid


Which antibodies are Found in the Plasma of a Person with Type a Blood?


This is Not a Vestigial organ in Man


The fungal body consists of thread-like structures called:


Which of the following is monocot family?


This Factor Contributes to the Carbon Cycle


Which of the following is an example of carbohydrate


What is the predominant stage in the life cycle of mosses?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of angiosperms?


During the first step of Glycolysis, glucose is converted to glucose phosphate. The phosphate group comes from


Pick the incorrect Statement Regarding Apoplast Movement


Which of these is not true of the egg laying mammals?


The Amount of Yolk and Its Distribution are Changed in the Egg. this is Affected


Carbon is Made Available to Crop Plants in this form


They catalyze biological reactions in the form of enzymes


This is the main symptom of Tuberculosis


This can Elicit Enterogastric Reflex


This Characterizes the Presence of Selaginella


This is a Communicable Disease


What are the Glands Referred to as When Secretary Granules Leave Cells by Exocytosis with No Loss of other Cellular Material


In Swiss Cheese, Big Holes are Made by A


72 Generations of Drosophila Were Kept in Darkness by a Scientist. Despite that, the First Flies Possessed Eyes that Were Normal. this Disapproves the theory of


Which of the following is NOT true about Pteridophytes?


The Role of Bacteria in the Carbon Cycle is


When the Viral Genome Gets inserted into Bacterial Host It is Termed as


Which of these studied mitosis in animal cells?


In the Event of Starvation, After Consumption of Glycogen and Fats, the Next Nutrient that is to be Consumed is


In Amoeba, Excretion Occurs through


The Hormone Released by the Adrenal Glands Allows the Body to Make Energy More Readily Available from the Stored Nutrients


Exophthalmic Goitre is Due to ________.


In blue-green algae photosynthesis takes place in


Protozoa are Classified on the Basis of


The __________ Branches into Circumflex Artery and Left anterior Descendary Artery


The stem of Selaginella does not contain


If the Cell Stimulation is Strong, then the Strength of the Action Potential Produced Would be ______.


Which of these is not true of amphibians?


One of these Events does Not Take Place During Meiosis


Limitations of Ecological Pyramids involve All these Statements, Except


All of these are A Differential Diagnosis of the Primary Genital Lesion of Syphilis, Except for


Lactose Found in Milk is a Disaccharide Composed of


This Phylum Shows the Presence of Nerve Cells and Absence of Nerves


Which of the Following Plants is an Example of a Cryptogam with Vascular Tissues?


Treatment that can be Given to Thalassemia Patients


In the life cycle of angiosperms meiosis occurs


Which of these is not true of Echinodermata?


Which disease is NOT caused by a virus?


The characters of vertebrates are


The sac-like internal digestive cavity of coelenterates is called


___________ are Released in the Respiratory Burst Having the Potent of Cell-Killing Ability


In Selaginella sperms are transported to the egg through


Which of the following statement is true of Fungi Imperfecti?


Where are the sex organs antheridia and archegonia produced in mosses?


In the Carbon Cycle, the Human Body Returns Carbon to the atmosphere through this Way:


Which of the following has segmented body?


Which of these are sexually reproductive zooids?


The only Treatment in Case of Uremia is


What are the two types of leaves found in pteridophytes?


This can Help on the Diagnosis of the Genetic Basis of a Disorder


This Virus Contains Both DNA and RNA


The BCG vaccine is administered for immunity against


Molluscs are


Well-Developed Pith is Found in


The Transparent Lens in the Human Eye is Held in Its Place by


Egg Development without Fertilization is Known as


Among the Energy Values of Nutrients, 9.3 Calories is that of


Members of the porifera reproduce sexually by


Which of the following organelles and their contents are incorrectly paired

The Reason Why Haemophilia is More Commonly Observed in Human Males than in Females is Due to


Bioethanol is Mixed with ________ to Prepare Transport Fuel


______________ is Known as a Coelom Derived from Blastocoel


This is the Most Heterogeneous Type of Cytoskeleton Filament


The function of root cap is to


Which of the Following Shows double Fertilization?


The movement of solvent molecules through a semipermeable membrane from a region of low solute concentration to a region of high solute concentration is


Who First used Artificial Hybridization in Fruit Crops?


Plants do not store carbohydrates as glucose because it


Reduction Division in Pteridophytes Occurs in


The Pheromone Coated Paper Strips in the Confusion Technique are Thrown Over an area to


This can cause Hepatitis


A Genomic DNA Possesses Functioning Units, a Group of Genes Under the influence of Promoters Known as


Asexual Reproduction in Rhizopus is by the formation of_______.


What is the Group of Proteins in the Peroxisomal Membrane Called?


The External Conditions Required for Seed Germination are


Scientists Regarded as Neo Lamarckists are


Which of the following causes sleeping sickness?


Which of the Following is Not a Major Greenhouse Gas?


Coelenterates are


The part of Cinchona plant found suitable for the treatment of Malaria was


Number of ascospores formed in Each ascus of Penicillium is


Soil Conservation is the Process Where


Find the Correct Match


The typhlosole found in Pheretima occurs in


The Protective Covering Over Radical During the Germination of Seeds is


Nature of Honey is


This Amongst the Following is an Excretory Structure


The Vein Having the Lowest Amount of Urea is


Which of the Following Undergoes Meiosis?


If the Father in a Family Has a Disease While the Mother is Normal, the Daughters only are inherited by this Disease and Not the sons. Name this Type of Disease?


What is the main use of pteridophytes?


Diagnosis of tuberculosis is done by

Which class of animals has a four-chambered heart and is able to maintain a constant body temperature?


In animals the product of anaerobic respiration is


Which of the following is a true statement


Which of the Following Rnas are the Most Abundant in an animal Cell?


Protoplasmic Streaming Movements are Referred to as


The Group of animals to which Sycon belongs can be best Described as


What is the name given to the life cycle pattern in which the diploid sporophyte is the dominant, photosynthetic, independent phase of the plant?


This Step Improves Crops


Individuals with Bulimia Have a Perceived Lack of Control Over their Eating Pattern and are often Reported to _________.


Apoptotic Bodies can be Recognized with the Presence of these on the Surface


In which of the following only the stem performs the function of photosynthesis?


Curing of tobacco involves


Which of the Following Factors Promotes the Opening of the Stomatal Aperture?


What Stops a New Chromosome Variant Appearing as a Unique Mutation from increasing in Frequency?


In which part of the gymnosperm are megasporangia located?


The Action of the Vaginal Diaphragm is


This is Not the Function of Plasma Membrane


Which of the following sexual method of reproduction is absent in Protozoa?


In which of the following flowers are produced in dense spikes?


This is an Active Cell Death Process


Which of the following is present in the cytoplasm of prokaryotes?


Apis dorsata is used to Refer to


The ear of mammals is divided into


In Comparison with Humans, the Erythrocytes in Frogs are


RNA Contains Repeating Units of


Flagellated Cells, which Line the Spongocoel in Poriferans are Known as


The Duct of Bartholin is Linked with


Which of these is not the characteristic of Proifera?


Enterobiasis Diseases is Caused by


The Membrane that Surrounds the Bone is Known as as________.


Which of these is Not a Reason Accounting for Greater Biodiversity of Tropics?


Morphologically Endoplasmic Reticulum exists in


Vascular Bundles are Closed in Monocots as:


For Vermicomposting, this Species of Earthworm is Not Apt


Amino acids (proteins) are present in the cell walls of


Which of the following organelles is present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?


The water percentage of cytosol in the cytoplasm is


Which of the following infectious agents lacks a protein coat?


Under ideal condition a bacterial cell divides about every 20 minutes. It takes 200 minutes to fill a culture tube. How much time will it take to fill a test tube of double size.


The involvement of this Muscle Affects the Breathing in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy


The Most Common Site for Amoebiasis is:


At what phase of meiosis are homologous chromosomes separated?


Nucleic acids are formed of units called


Chloragogen cells are found in


Globulins of the Blood Plasma are Responsible for


Which of the following conditions in a plant cell would increase the uptake of water?


The unique properties of each amino acid are determined by its particular


. Taxonomy Pertains to


This Cell Lacks Cytoskeleton


Which of the following is the method of asexual reproduction in Chlamydomonas?


In which of the following multicellular haploid phase alternates with unicellular diploid phase?


Which of the following is not a type of angiosperm?


What is the name of the multicellular female gametophyte in gymnosperms?


Which of the Following Hydrolytic Enzymes Act in Low Ph?


Which class of animals is characterized by the presence of gills, webbed feet, and undergo metamorphosis?


Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of viruses?


Euglena is an animal because it lacks


Basophils, Eosinophils and Neutrophils are Referred to as


Ananda Chakraborty Received the First U.S. Patent for a Gm Entity. the Entity Was


Which of the Following Immunoglobulins Makes the Largest Percentage in Breast Milk?


The Main Nitrogenous Waste in ___________ is Uric Acid


Which of the Following Statement is True About the Function of Vibrissae?


Oyster Mushroom is an Example of Predator Fungi that attacks


This Jellylike Substance inside the Plasma Membrane in which All Cell organelles are Floating is


Vancomycin and Penicillin do Not Affect the Mycoplasma as


Which of the Following is a Living Fossil?


Nucleoli Were Discovered by


A virus that can reproduce without killing its host is called


The Duct of Bartholin is Linked with


The Least Number of Cells in a Male Gametophyte is Found in


This is the Reason Why Mendel Did Not Recognize Linkage Phenomenon in His Experiments


This Helps in the Penetration of the Egg by the Sperm


It is much more uniform habitat and better supplied with nutrients


Which of these is not the characteristic of an Angiosperm?


Which of the following cells secrete dentine?


Non-Renewable Resource is


The Embryo Sac Occurs in


Cellulose is absent in the cell wall of most


Generally, Uric Acid is Eliminated from the Body through


Which of these increases the growth rate of isolated cells in a test tube?


______ influences the Process of Flowering in Plants.


Chlorophyll mainly absorbs red light and


Which of this is/Are Examples of an organ Containing a Smooth Muscle


Which of the Following is a Type of Autosomal Recessive Genetic Disorder?


In Pteridophytes, the dominant Generation is


A Patient is Suspicious of Having Breast cancer. what Type of Test will a Physician Conduct to Diagnose the cancer


Phanerogams without the Ovaries are


Antibodies are


In the fluid mosaic membrane model the lipid bilayer


This is Jojoba


Traits which Exhibit Continuous Phenotypic Variation are Typically Determined by this inheritance form


Transgenic Crop Developed to tolerate Herbicides is


Alternation of generation


The Differentiating Factor between Pteris and Funaria is in Having


The most common monomer of carbohydrates is a molecule of


Which of the following character of living things is found in viruses?


This is Not a Possible Adverse Effect of Global Warming


Zygotes of species in the group Thallophyta


In which of these Conditions can Widen QRS and Tall-Tented T Waves be Observed?


The Spicules of Silica are Found in


Which is the Example of Slime Mould?


Which of these is Not a Lipid?


Which of the Following is a Pair of Biofertilizers?


The number of chromosomes in the cells of the Sporophyte plant body of Ulva is


The plant body of a Pinus is


The Number of Spermatozoa, A Single Primary Spermatocyte Finally Produced in Spermatogenesis is


Which of these remain underground during hypogeal mode of germination?


Uricotelism is Found in


This About Apomixis is True:


Which is the largest group of Pteridophytes?


Which of the following products of light reaction of photosynthesis is not used in the dark reaction?


Silk is chemically


When one organism Obtains Nutrition from the other, the Mode of Nutrition is


Iodine Deficiency can Cause


This is a Common Passage for Bile and Pancreatic Juice


Monascus Purpureus is Utilized in the Production of


The Body Cavity of ascaris is Pseudocoel as


Trichocyst of Paramecium is Required for


These are Brain Macrophages


Which of the following is not true of zygospore of Rhizopus?


The Secretion of Several anterior Pituitary Hormones are Governed by other Hormones from


At this Stage of Wastewater Treatment, Methanogenic Microbes are the Most Significant


Inside human body Plasmodium attacks


Stigeoclonium is


Sexual reproduction in which small male gamete is motile while the large female gamete is immotile is called


What is the nature of the association between algae and fungi in lichens?


The movement of solvent molecules through a semipermeable membrane from a region of low solute concentration to a region of high solute concentration is


A DNA Molecule in which Both Strands Have Radioactive Thymidine is Permitted to Replicate in an Environment that Contains Non-Radioactive Thymidine. what is the Right Number of DNA Molecules which Possess some Radioactive Thymidine Post Three Duplications?


This is Not a Climax Vegetation


The molecule which actually enters the Krebs cycle is


At the end of the Krebs cycle, most of the energy removed from the glucose molecule has been transferred to


This Identifies a Particular Amino Acid and Its Cognate Trna Molecule


Whorling Whips are Named so because of


Entamoeba Histolytica can be Cultured in

The Fruiting Body (Ascocarp) of Penicillium is


Dracunculiasis is Caused by the ___________ Worm and Transmitted by the __________ Vector


True Fishes Have Fins and Gills. this is Not a True Fish

A Person with antigens a and B and No antibodies belongs to Blood Group or in which Blood Group antibodies are Absent


This is the Correct Sequence for Artificial Experiment in Bisexual Flowers


What is the Mode of Nutrition in Bacteria?


Production of Bioethanol is through Fermentation of ________ and Starch Components


Ovary is oblique in


The Action of Cream and Jelly is


What is the predominant stage of the life cycle of a moss?


Morels and truffles are


Typically a nucleotide is composed of


Which class of pteridophytes includes horsetails and scouring rushes?


Which Serious Ailment does the Poliovirus Cause All Over the World?


The only Human System that is Derived from All the Three Germ Layers is


Pinus produces


The Pollen Tube Enters the Embryo Sac through


Under this Circumstance, an antigen-Antibody Reaction will Occur. a Person with


Red Blood Cells that do Not Contain Either a or B antigens on their Surface are Normally Found in the Person with Blood Type


Lymph Differs from Blood in Having


The Fundic Part of the Stomach is


This Was the First Restriction Endonuclease that Was Discovered


This is Also Known as Meroblastic Cleavage


Which of the following belongs to the family Solanaceae?


What is the male reproductive structure of an angiosperm called?


Which of the following cellular organelles extracts energy from carbohydrates and forms ATP molecules?


After Cross-Fertilization of True-Breeding Tall and Dwarf Plants, the F1 Generation Was Self-Fertilized. the Resultant Plants Have Genotype in the Ratio


The Ability of Cells to Uptake DNA Fragments from the Surroundings is Known as


The Type of Cleavage Found in insects


Typically, in Humans, Gametes are Disease-Free or Even in other animals as


This Has a Saprophytic Mode of Nutrition


Sucrose is formed of


What are Flagella and Cilia of Eukaryotic Cells Made of?


A photosystem is an assemblage of pigment molecules together ranging from

An adult human being has a total of 32 permanent teeth, which are of four types. they are called


In the Rainy Season, doors Get Swelled Up Due to


Which of the following statement is true of Fungi Imperfecti?


Which of the following is the character of amphibians?


What is the product of fertilization in bryophytes?


Which of the following types of reproduction is common in brown algae?


The Transparent Lens in the Human Eye is Held in Its Place by


Mesoderm Gives Rise to All the Structures Except ______.


Antheridium produces


Lichens are symbiotic associations between:


Which of the following cellular organelles extracts energy from glucose and forms ATP molecules


Formation of a Chemical Bond Results in


Presence of Plants organised into Well Defined Vertical Layers Based on their Heights can be best Observed in


Plant Cells and animal Cells Differ from Each other in Having ________.


Which Part of the Digestive System Contains Symbiotic Microorganisms?


Prions are infectious agents that consist of:


Sporophytic and Gametophytic Phases are independent in


If Bb is a Gene Pair of an individual then the Alleles for this Gene Pair are


The Process of DNA Replication is Affected by an Enzyme Known as


Organ of Defense in Protozoans is


Accumulation of __________ Causes Muscle Fatigue.


Which of the Following Events Takes Place in a Ring Girdled Plant?


In which of the following endosperm is involved in the process of fertilization?


In Spermatogenesis, the Phases of Maturation involve


Which of the following structures protect the megaspore mother cell in gymnosperms?


Predators which Consume Almost Everything are


Elephants are included in


Which of the following is not a kingdom in the five-kingdom system of classification?


Electron Transport System (ETS) is Present in which of the Following Parts of Mitochondria?


The final acceptor of electrons during the light reaction of photosynthesis is


This is a Most Popular Example of Lamarck


What is the Person with these Symptoms Suffering from? Outbursts of Emotions, Unpredictable Moods, Quarrelsome behaviour, Conflicts with others


This Part of the Autonomic Nervous System Provides the Body with Energy for the Fight-Or-Flight Response


In living cell, protein is


In Spermatogenesis, the Phases of Maturation involve


Which of the Following is Not an Agricultural Product?


This is Not the Consequence of Ozone Layer Depletion

Synthesis of Ribosomes in Prokaryotes Occurs in


In DNA, the Enzyme which Breaks the H2 Bonds is


Why does Genetic Diversity Have a Major Role in the Adaptability and Survival of a Species?


The function of root cap is to


Appearance of Scaly, Dry Lesions with a Sense of Itch on Different Body Parts are Symptoms of


The plant body of a Pinus is


This is a Characteristic Feature of Fishes


Pick the Correct one

Human Blood Types in the ABO Blood Group are Identified by


What is the defining characteristic of living organisms?


Lac Operon is an Example of


The Deficiency of Protein Alone is a Symptom of


What is the name of the multicellular, free-living, photosynthetic gametophyte in pteridophytes?


This is Also Called a Biogas


Nucleotides of DNA molecule varies due to their


The Endoplasmic Reticulum in Rapidly Dividing Cells is


Region of earthworm that is a forest of nephridia is


Tallest Known Gymnosperm is


They are absent in higher plants


If All the Puddles and Ponds are Destroyed, the Entities Likely to be Destroyed are


Which of the following is common method of asexual reproduction in yeasts?


What are Flagella and Cilia of Eukaryotic Cells Made of?


After the new classification of living organisms into three domains of life (bacteria, archaea and eukarya) which one of the following is true about archaea?


What is the name of the plant body that produces gametes by mitosis?


In an Ecosystem, If you Discard Predators in A Hypothetical Scenario Causing Few Species to become Extinct, It indicates


The word malaria has been derived from the combination of two words which are


Tricarpellary, the Syncarpous Gynoecium is Found in these Flowers


From which of the following plants gain weight?


Active transport


Which of the following is a characteristic of prokaryotic cells?


Which of these Colours is Least Scattered by Dust, Fog, Smoke?


A plant in the division Tracheophyta has a Sporophyte with


Sucrose is formed of


In Paramecium, Food is ingested through


The seed of Pinus germinates and forms new


When the Dark Period of Short-Day Plants is interrupted by Brief Exposure of Light, then the Plant ______.


Mesophyll Tissue of Pinus Needle is Composed of


Which type of asexual reproduction is most common in green algae?


Water exits from a sponge through the


Which of these is an example of Annelida?


Which of the following phyla includes animals that have a segmented body, jointed appendages, and an exoskeleton?


A Painful Disorder of the Joints, Gouts is Due to


What does P2 in the Mentioned Hardy-Weinberg Equation indicate? (P+Q)2 = P2 + 2pq + Q2


In which of the following endosperm is involved in the process of fertilization?


Which of the Following Plant Propagation Method Uses Girdling?


Cholesterol is


What is the most common mode of vegetative reproduction in red algae?


Kala-Azar is Transmitted by


The Diversity of Our Flora and Fauna is Affected by the Threat Posed by


Which of the following is not the feature of flowers pollinated by wind?


Ananda Chakraborty Received the First U.S. Patent for a Gm Entity. the Entity Was


Which of these is nondigestible by man


During mitosis the process of cytoplasmic division is called


Which of the Following is True for Cytochrome C Oxidase Complex?


Which of the following is a method of asexual reproduction in bacteria?


Hydroponics is a Method of Cultivation of Plants without the Use of


Which of the Following Immediate Procedure is Carried Out, When a Patient with Myocardial infarction is Admitted to the Hospital?

What is the name of the male strobilus in gymnosperms?


Which of the following is not true of palmatic acid


Phytochrome is a Photosensitive Pigment involved in _________.


There are some Special Types of Cells Present in the Seminiferous Tubules Known as Sertoli Cells which are


It is dominant generation in tracheophytes


The White Edible Part of Maize is


Which of the Following is Not a Lateral Meristem?


Liverworts play an important role in:


Which of the following type of stem is found in iris


Genetic Recombination between Bacterial Cells is First Demonstrated by


Each of the Chromosome at the anaphase Stage of a Bone Marrow Cell in Our Body Has


Methanococcus, thermococcus and Methanobacterium exemplify


Which of the Following is the Scientific Name for the Brown Rat?


New leaves are formed from the


Which is Not a Vitamin Deficiency Disease


In Many Laboratories, Active Research is on to Comprehend the Genetics of Apomixis


Nuhn’s Glands are Present on


ECG Report Must Consist of the Following information


Which disease is NOT caused by a virus?


The Proteinaceous Part of Maize Endosperm is


Factors that Modify Geotropic Responses are


In the retting of flax and hempcellulose fibers are freed by bacteria which decompose


Find the Correctly Matched Pair

Which of the following genera exhibits an alternation of generations, with haploid and diploid multicellular phase?


In Human Females, the Fertilized Eggs Get Implanted in the Uterus After ________.


This can be a side effect of haemodialysis


This is an Example of Fat


Which of the Following Statement is True About the Palisade Parenchyma?


This is the basic unit in the eye of insect/cockroach


A Bottle Filled with Previously Moistened Mustard Seeds and Water Was Screw-Capped Tightly and Placed in a Corner. After 30 Minutes, It Suddenly Blew Up. this is the Process involved


Deforestation may Reduce the Chances of


Which of the following genera exhibits an alternation of generations, with haploid and diploid multicellular phase?


They fix atmospheric Nitrogen


This theory States that the Accumulation of Particular Waste Products Leads to Ageing


Inside photosynthetic bacteria, Chlorophyll is


In the Urine of Frog, the Main Nitrogenous Waste Product is


It is an underground stem that is short, thickened, and fleshy containing food material


Which of these are regarded as the first of the vertebrates?


Which of these has cartilaginous skeleton?


The number of stomata per square centimeter of leaf surface of tobacco leaf is almost


This Cell Lacks Cytoskeleton


Their cotyledons absorb the endosperm tissue and are greatly enlarged


In protoplasm dry matter consists about


Which of the following characteristics are adopted by organisms for life on land?


Phosphoenol Pyruvate is the Primary Acceptor for CO2 Fixation in

Which of these is not the character of Coelenterates?


The points at which crossing over has taken place between homologous chromosomes are called


These are the Functional Units of Food Absorption

Largest Salivary Gland is


Haemophilia is as a Result of a Lack of


The Wild Growth of ______ is Checked with Cochineal insect


Which of these Colours is Least Scattered by Dust, Fog, Smoke?




In Rabbits, Humans and other Placental Mammals, Fertilization Occurs in


The Trophozoite of Entamoeba Histolytica Feed on


Which of the Following Factors Promotes the Opening of the Stomatal Aperture?


Rancidity of Lipids of Lipid-Rich Foodstuff is because of


Which of the Following is a Method of Birth Control?


The Hormone Released by the Adrenal Glands Allows the Body to Make Energy More Readily Available from the Stored Nutrients


This Enzyme Was First isolated and Purified in the form of Crystals


When the fluid outside a cell has a greater concentration of a given molecule than the fluid inside the cell, the external fluid is


When Dioecious Plants are Considered for Artificial Hybridization, this Step Would Not be Relevant


Megasporium is Equivalent to


With Regards to Enzyme Action, this Statement is incorrect


This Phase in the Development of Sperm Has No Counterpart in Ovum-Development


A Cornea Transplant is Never Rejected in Humans because


Simple Permanent Tissue that is Food Storing is ___________.


The Karyosome of Entamoeba Histolytica is


The two types of cellular organelles that transform energy are


They are the remains or impressions of living organisms preserved in rocks


Which of the following established rules for binomial nomenclature?


Mode of Action of Penicillin is by


Which of the Fungi Produces toxins in Crop Plants?


An important effect of ethylene is to cause maturation of


What does the term “gymnosperms” mean?


While Burrowing, the anterior Ends of Earthworms become Turgid Serving as a Hydraulic Skeleton Though they do Not Possess a Skeleton. this is as a Result of


This Part of the Human Brain is Also Known as the Emotional Brain

Which of the angiosperm Contains Nostoc as an Endophyte?


An Outer Membrane is Not Present in


Which of the Following is Made of Dead Cells?


Which of these Functions will be Affected If the Medulla Oblongata is Damaged?

Under ideal condition a bacterial cell divides about every 20 minutes. It takes 200 minutes to fill a culture tube. How much time will it take to fill a test tube of double size.


Amoeba Was Described in Detail by


Which of the following is true of reptiles?


In Many Laboratories, Active Research is on to Comprehend the Genetics of Apomixis


This Statement is True About Thalassemia


Pick the Right Sequence of Taxonomic Categories


The Cavity of the Diencephalon is Known as _______.


Muscular Dystrophy can Affect


In Selaginella, of the two cells formed by the first division of zygote, only one develops into an embryo while the other grows into an elongated structure called.


Which of these is the naturally occurring auxins?


Primitive vascular paints had sporangia at


Nucleus in plant cells was discovered by


The sporangia of conifers are located on the


A fatty acid is unsaturated if it


Which of the following classes of Arthropoda includes animals that have two pairs of wings and three pairs of legs?


Interferons Curb infection of


This organism is Not an Example of Eukaryotic Cells


Which class of animals has a unique characteristic of producing milk for their young through mammary glands?


Microfilaments are Composed of


Formation of Non-Motile Male Gametes is Observed in


In the Carbon Cycle, the Human Body Returns Carbon to the atmosphere through this Way:


Which of the following is a characteristic feature of ascomycetes?


Bacterial are haploid organisms because the number of chromosomes in their cells is


This is cancerous State of Blood


Find the incorrect Match

During this Phase, the Nuclear Envelope begins to Disappear


Substances cross the cell membrane more easily when they are


The fruiting body of a mushroom is called:


A Common Phycobiont in Lichens are


In plants, both haploid and diploid cells can divide by which process?


Which of the Following is the Symptom of Diphtheria?


The Disease as a Result of Prolonged Clotting is Due to Lack of Plasma Thromboplastin Component (PTC) Necessary to the formation of Thromboplastin, is


Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of Kingdom Monera?


Which of the Following organ is formed During Gastrulation?


Uridine Present in RNA is


One of the Endangered Species of the Indian Medicinal Plants is


Which of the Following Terminal Cytochromes is Responsible for donating Electrons to Oxygen?


Minimum Peristalsis Takes Place in


Which of the following is not a level of biological organization?


Which of the following classes of Mammalia includes animals that lay eggs?


Which of the Following is used as an Osmolyte in Humans to increase Medullary interstitial Osmolality During Concentration of Urine?


Which of the following is part of mitosis in cells of seed plants?


The Receptor Cells in the Hypothalamus of the Developing Males in the Womb are Unresponsive to


Which of the Following is another Name for the Third Ventricle of the Brain?


Which of the Following is the First Complex (Complex I) of ETS?


Their roots contain nitrogen fixing bacteria


For Tuberculosis, the drugs used to combat it are


Prey is Small, Predator is Massive, Typically Filter Feeders – Whales and Zooplankton and Lichen, Graph is Found to be Linear


The Chamber Common to All the Types of the canal System of Sponges is


Human Blood Types in the ABO Blood Group are Identified by


Which of the following molecules move regularly from the nucleus to the cytoplasm?


Half-Inferior Ovary and Perigynous Flowers are Present in


Photophosphorylation in a chloroplast is mot similar to which of the following mitochondrial reaction?


An Example of ____________ is Carnauba Wax


Micronucleus and Macronucleus are the Characteristic Features of


Na+ and other Carrier Ions Facilitate Absorption of


Apis dorsata is used to Refer to


A Network of Microfilaments and Microtubules is Classified as


Which of the following is not part of an embryo?


This Crisis will be Produced First and foremost If Half of the forest Coverage of the Earth is Uncovered


Paramecium are


A DNA Sequence is Read by an RNA Polymerase that Produces Complementary antiparallel RNA Strand Known as


In this State of the antibody Test, It is Found to be Positive in 1-3 Weeks Post the Appearance of A Chancre


Typically, the inner Membrane of Mitochondria is Highly Convoluted to form a Series of infolding Known as


In which of the Plant Species, Parthenocarpy Takes Place?


Plasma Membrane is Made Up of


Which of the following has stored food in the form of sugars?


Salivary Glands are Absent in


This is an Example of Derived Lipids


Sharks belong to


Which of the Following may Contain Satellite Rnas?


What is the most unique characteristic of mammals?


Oxygen gas released during photosynthesis is comes from


Up to the Age of Six Months, this is the Ideal Food for Newborns and young infants


When the Count of White Blood Cells Drops below the Optimum Level of Blood It is Known as ________?


Which of the Following Class does Rhizopus belong to?


The mineral that must be consumed in limited quantities by those undertaking Dialysis is


The DNA Molecule used for integrating foreign Gene for Cloning is Called


The Karyosome of Entamoeba Histolytica is


A Real or Perceived Challenge or Threat which Causes the Body to Produce A Response is A(N)


An Apparatus Commonly used to Demonstrate Phototropism is


When leaf cells are fully turgid, the transpiration rate is


What is the first stage of the moss gametophyte?


Dikaryophase and Septate Mycelium are Characteristic Features of which of the Following Class?


_________Regulates the Enzymatic Quantity in Pancreatic Juice.


An Autotrophic, Prokaryotic and Nitrogen-Fixing Symbiont is Present in


Difference between the Natural System of Plant Classification and Artificial System of Classification is


When Dioecious Plants are Considered for Artificial Hybridization, this Step Would Not be Relevant


Most sponges are


Meiosis in Dryopteris/Pteridophytes Occurs at this Time


Man has been able to produce food in greater quantities due to advancement in


In a Crystal, Covalent Molecules are Held together by


Organs that can Utilise Energy formed in Ketogenesis are


The intermediate cutaneous nerve of the thigh


The Region Where the Polio Virus Multiplies in the Body is


The total chromosome complement of a cell is called


Which of the following is a characteristic of a prokaryotic cell?


A lipid molecule in the plasma membrane has a head and two tails. The tails are found


Integumented mega sporangium in which megaspore is retained is called


Food can be preserved when pH of the medium is


Which of the Following Products of Glucose Oxidation are Necessary for Oxidative Phosphorylation?


In the seeds of leguminous plants, food is stored in the


Fungi are ____________ When they Feed on Dead organic Matter


In the life cycle of Plasmodium fusion of gametes and formation of gametes and formation of zygote take place in


ATP Synthesis by atP Synthase is Driven by the Movement of


The Species Causing White Rust of Cruciferae Has A Botanical Name, It is


Megasporium is Equivalent to


This Cell organelle is Responsible to Extract Energy from Carbohydrates to form atP


Though Cycas Has an Embryo with Two Cotyledons, It is Not Grouped Under Dicotyledonous Plants as


Which of the following is not true of malaria patient?


Which of the following organelles is present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?


Triticum aestivum belongs to the family


After Reaching the Ovary, Pollen Tube does Not Display this of the Following Events


The growth in arthropods goes along with this process


This is one of the Symptoms of Coronary Artery Disease


Which of the following is not true of Nostoc?


Which of the following is not a type of bacterial cell shape?


Lithosphere Serves as a Reservoir for


In the life cycle of angiosperms meiosis occurs


The formation of Erythrocytes in Foetus Takes Place in_________.


Which of the Following Events Takes Place in a Ring Girdled Plant?


Sperms are transported to the egg in seed plants through?


Test Cross is A


The Product formed Predominantly in the Reaction of toluene with Chlorine in the Presence of Fecl3 is


In mammals fertilization is


Which of the Following is the Important Mammalian Character of a Rat?


What is the most unique mammalian characteristic?


The zygote in moss plant divides and produces


In Gram-Positive Cells, During Its Reproduction, Synthesis of New Membrane Material is Carried Out by this organelle


Most Effective Light for Stomatal Opening is


Which of the following is a radially symmetrical animal?


Which of the following causes rusts in cereals?


Embryos are present in all


The water of guttation is forced out of the leaves by


Transduction involves


Which of these is not true of fermentation (anaerobic respiration)?


Hepatitis G virus is from the family


The Type of Cleavage Found in insects


What is the term used for symbiotic associations between algae and fungi?


Entities Exhibiting Properties of Both Non-Living and Living are:


Organisms in this kingdom are made of prokaryotic cells


This is Not an indigenous Microbe used for Bioremediation


A Freshly Unfertilized Egg of Hen Contains


‘Club Moss’ belongs to


This is Not Under Situ Conservation


In which of the following reproductive organs are not surrounded by sterile cells?


Which of the Following Statement is True About the Camel’s Erythrocytes?


Reduction of NADP+ to NADPH is Seen in


Which of the Following is an Endomycorrhiza?


Sacred Groves are Useful in


Aleurone Layer Participates in


Where do you Find Velamen?


Sharks belong to


Protoplasts can be Synthesized from Suspension Cultures, intact Tissues or Callus Tissues by the Enzymatic Treatment with


How are the leaves of gymnosperms adapted to withstand extreme conditions?


When calyx and corolla are not distinguishable, they are collectively called


The sporangia of conifers are located on the


In this interaction, the interacting Species Stay Close together


Which of the Following Type of Plastids Helps in Pollination?


It is the most abundant carbohydrate in nature


Petroplants Was Recognized First by


Abscisic Acid Regulates


This Group does Not Have Seeds but Has Vascular Tissues and Produces Spores


The functional group COOH is


This is the Basis on which Female ascaris can be Identified.


Beta-Oxidation of Fatty Acids Occurs in


This Neurotransmitter is Not a Biogenic Amine


Zygospores are generally absent in a culture of Rhizopus hyphae developed from a single spore due to


Which of the following processes is responsible for the entry of water into root hair?


Mechanism of Regulation, Typically between Entities and Its Environment of solutes and the Loss and Gain of Water is Known as _______.


In living cell, protein is


This insect Transmits Relapsing Fever


Which of the following are produced in archegonia?


Transcription is the Transfer of Genetic information from


Green Manure Plants are


Mycelium is a term used for


Which of the Following Cell organelle are Found only in a Plant Cell?


In orchids, Velamen Tissues is Found in


Amino acids are mostly synthesised from

The Primary Hormone Responsible for Stress-Related Physiological Responses, such as an increase in Heart Rate is


This About Alpha-Thalassemia is Correct


Infectious Protein is a Characteristic of


The first person who discovered Mycobacterium tuberculosis was


The Probable Cause of Erythroblastosis Fetalis can be


The sporangia of horsetail (Equisetum) cones are produced


Which of these Yields the Maximum Number of atP Molecules and is the Ultimate Respiratory Substrate


10.Which of the Following is the Product of Both Osmoregulator and a Nitrogenous?


Polar Bodies are formed During


Which of the following cell organelles cause a decrease in the concentration of organic material in the cell?


This is Concerned with the intrinsic Pathway of Apoptosis


An injury Sustained by the Hypothalamus is Most Likely to interrupt


The Respiratory Quotient in Succulent Plants is Always less than one. the Reason is


Which of this is Not a Function that Parenchyma Performs


Entamoeba Differs from Amoeba in Not Having


Which of the following is monocot family?


A hormone that controls closure of stomata in response to water stress is


If at the end of meiosis, each of the four daughter cells has four chromosomes, how many chromosomes were in the mother cell?


25 individuals in a Population are Homozygous dominant, then the individuals that are Expected to be Homozygous Recessive are


These Entities Sequester Most Carbon from the atmosphere


In Paramecium, Both Autogamy and Conjugation are Called Sexual Reproduction because of


Which of the following is true of acylglycerols


This Serves as a Connecting Link between the angiosperms and Gymnosperms


Facultative Saprophyte is


If a short-day plant is grown under conditions of long nights and short days and the dark period is interrupted in the middle by a brief exposure to red light, the plant will


Which of these is not true of Pisces?




Euglena is an animal because it lacks


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Kingdom Protista?


Where there is alternation of generation, the diploid multicellular plant is called


Conjugation as a Mode of Reproduction is Present in


Proteins are synthesized in the


The only Human System that is Derived from All the Three Germ Layers is


Which of the Following does Not Contain Nuclear Membrane?


In DNA, the Enzyme which Breaks the H2 Bonds is


Meroblastic Kind of Embryo Development Occurs in


Azolla is used as a Biofertilizer as It Possesses


Which of these is the Most Advanced Phylogenetically Among the Dicotyledonous Families?


Filariasis is a result of the infection of


Which of the following protozoans lives in the gust termites and helps them digest cellulose?


Which of the following is a parasitic protist that causes malaria?


Which of the Following Blood Vessels Contain Blood with the Largest Amount of Urea?


The Respiratory Pigment in Human beings is


Viroids are infectious agents that:


The Mesophyll of a Dicot Leaf is Differentiated into _________.


What is the first stage of the gametophyte in mosses?


This Cranial Meninges is in Close Proximity of the Brain Tissue


Which of the following is a characteristic of Diatoms?


Auxin is Transported Polarly. Mostly, Auxin Movement is


Pressure in Roots Develops Due to


Biodiversity Loss can Lead to Everything Except this


Which of these is Not a Lipid?


Which of the following features differs archaebacteria from eubacteria?


What is the product of fertilization in bryophytes?


This Type of Nephron is best to Conserve Water in Body


This is an Underutilized Oil Crop


What is the name given to the infectious living fluid present in viruses?


Which of the Following theory States that Accumulation of Errors in Cellular Molecule Affects the Ageing Process?


What is the composition of the membrane that is used in Dialysis?


For Wheat, which of the Following Combinations is Correct?


Which of the following produce hard exoskeleton?


Which of the Following are the Primary Water-Conducting Elements of Xylem in Gymnosperms?


Which of the following is a complete monomeric unit of DNA


Which of the Following Embryo Has a Parasitic Mode of Nutrition?

This About beta-Thalassemia is True


Which of the following is NOT a type of angiosperm?


Blocking of Enzyme Action by Blocking Its Active Sites is


Except this, all others enter through the dermal route


Which of the following diseases is caused by a nematode?


Formation of Dikaryon is Characteristic of


It is the oldest vascular plants


The Specific Gravity of Lipid is


Division of White Blood Cells Takes Place by_______.


If the First Cleavage Furrow Divides Zygote Completely into Two, the Cleavage Type is


This Amongst the Following Produces Silk


The Type of Cells Found in Retina are


In Photosynthesis, the Chlorophyll is used for


What is the male reproductive structure of an angiosperm called?


Possible Complications of Thalassemia


This Disease is Not Related to the Circulatory System


Product of Krebs cycle essential for oxidative phosphorylation is _______


Species, the Biological Concept is Applicable only to the Breeding Populations


What is a key?


In which Typical Stage are Lampbrush Chromosomes Observed?


Tube Feet are Found in


Which is the largest group of Pteridophytes?


In a sample of blood, doctors look for which of these elevated levels to confirm Hepatitis?


Which of the Following Protozoan Causes African Sleeping Sickness


Predation can be Considered as

Appropriate Use of Cow Dung is Made in


The Process of Using a Natural Predator to Control a Pathogen is Called


Which of the following is the end product of anaerobic respiration in animals?


The Main Function of the Cornea Present in the Human Eye is


What is the name of the process by which haploid spores are produced in a diploid sporophytic plant body?


Liver Functions are Pivotal to


Which of the Following Statement is False About Fabaceae?


Glucose Molecule During the Process of Glycolysis is Broken down into


The Reason Why Presence of Ample Carbon Dioxide Causes an increase in the Greenhouse Effect is because Carbon Dioxide


Lymph Differs from Blood in Having ________.


This will Lose Its Economic Value If Fruits are Produced through Parthenocarpy


Which of the following is included in sexual reproduction?


Rotenone is used as A


The Reversal of Etiolation Effected by Light is Called______.


Which of the following features is not shared by prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?


Female gametophyte of an angiosperm consists of


Ischemia is


Which of the following is useful activity of fungi?


The Generic Name of which of these is Apis?


Which of these is an Accessory Reproductive Gland in Male Mammals


Montreal Protocol is Related to the


Lichens are a symbiotic association between which of the following organisms?


Both Geitonogamy and Autogamy are Prevented in


The Food Reserve in Albugo Usually is


Which one of the following is necessary for the development of seed?


Which of the Following is Also Known as Pond Silk


Syphilis is A Complicated and organized Sexually Transmitted Diseases Where the Causative Agent is


Which of the Following Nutrients is Abundantly Found in Worm Castings?


This Factor Contributes to the Carbon Cycle


Which of the following do not have true leaves?


The Respiratory Quotient or R.Q. is Greater than one in which Case?


The Enzyme Required for Transcription is


If the DNA Strand Has Nitrogenous Base Sequence atTGCC, the mRNA will Have?


The Method of asexual Reproduction that can be Called as a Mode of Regeneration is


Which of the Following is Not a Primary Function of Protonephridia?


Which of the Following is Correct for Muscle Contraction?


Rapid Heart Rate, Weight Loss, Heat Sensitivity are Most Likely the Symptoms of _________


Even After the Brain of a Frog Has been Crushed, It Still Responds to a Pinch on the Leg by Drawing It Away. this Act is an Example of


In Adults, Red Blood Cells is formed in ________.


Which of the Tissue Culture will form a Triploid Plant


The embryo of Selaginella develops into


Pick the Most Suitable Terminology to Designate Life Cycle of Obelia


Which of these is the characteristic of coelenterates?


Which of the following do not have true leaves?


This Statement is True


What is the primary pigment responsible for the green coloration of green algae?


Dinoflagellates are


Which of the following gymnosperms is known for being one of the tallest tree species?


Anticodon is Present in


What do archegonia produce?


This is an Effective Plant insecticide


Crossing-Over Takes Place in the


Meiosis in Selaginella occurs


Integumented mega sporangium in which megaspore is retained is called


Binary Fission in Bacteria does Not involve


Cholesterol is


The causative of the bacterial disease, Plague is


This Entity will be the First one to Colonize a Bare Rock


The Least Level of Chromosome organization is


Which of the following classes of Aves includes animals that cannot fly?


During what phase of meiosis tetrads are form?


Which of the following is a characteristic feature of Euglenoids?


Which of the following cells secrete enamel?


Boosting the intake of _________ can Help Women Trying to Conceive


Region of earthworm that is a forest of nephridia is


In Amoeba, Nutrition is


Pick the Correct one


Curing of tobacco involves


Demersal Fish is Obtained from


The Condition Wherein there is No Enough Food in a Region to Feed People is Known as ______.


In the Plasma Membrane, Glycolipids are Usually Situated in


This is Not A Symptom of Thalassemia Disease


Ascaris Has ____________________ Cells in the Excretory System


Yeast Produces an Enzyme Complex, which is Responsible for Fermentation. which is the Enzyme Complex?


Humans Have ________ Joint between Sternum and Ribs


Most of the Global Warming is Due to the Perturbation of which of these Cycles?


Which of the Following Statement is False About Parthenocarpy?


Which of the Following Shows Zygotic Meiosis?


The source of Carbon to Plants in the Carbon Cycle is


If a Stethoscope is used by doctors for Cardiac Auscultation, then what will be the Second sound for Each Cardiac Cycle?


This Plant is used in Sandy soils and as Green Manure in Crop Fields


Which of the following amino acids is not necessary to be taken in the diet?


Chlorophyll is a large molecule with a central core of


What are the two types of leaves found in pteridophytes?


This is Not a Function of Neuroglia


In the Last Step of the EMP Pathway or Glycolysis, this Substrate is used


A True Species Comprises of a Population


Which of the following is not shared by both the Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms?


___________ accepts hydrogen from malate


Root hairs are formed from extension of the


The entry of Plasmodium into the blood of Man was discovered by


Where are the sex organs antheridia and archegonia produced in mosses?


The Recessive Character Typically is Expressed only When Present in a double Recessive Condition. but, a Single Recessive Gene can Express Itself in Humans When Genes are Found on


The Opening of the Hepatopancreatic Duct into the Duodenum is Guarded by


In a eukaryotic cell, the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain take place


The causative of Tuberculosis produces Tuberculin, it is a/an


Pick the incorrect Statement


A Few Normal Seedlings of tomato Were Placed in A Dark Room. After A Few Days, they Were Found to Have Turned White-Coloured Like Albinos. which of these can be used to Describe them?


The sporangia of horsetail (Equisetum) cones are produced


The dominant generation in Bryophytes is


Which of the following releases greatest amount of energy


Haemophilia is Caused by


What are the male sex organs in bryophytes called?


Unicellular Eukaryotes are Grouped in


This Property of a Hormone Causes It to Not Display Its Complete Effect without the Presence of another Hormone


Animals Eating Own Faecal Matter are


In Eukaryotes, in order to initiate Transcription


Genotype of dominant Plant can be Determined by


It involves the liberation of Oxygen and absorption of CO2


This is Not used in organic Farming


Which of these is Not the Causal organism for Ringworm


Which group of algae is primarily found in marine habitats?


During electron transport, each molecule of FADH2 produces a maximum of


Dinoflagellates belong to


Meiosis I is Reductional Division and Meiosis II is Equational Division because of


A branched raceme is called


The first amino acid of any polypeptide chain in eukaryotes is


This is Not one of the Steps between the Glycolysis of Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate and 3-Phosphoglycerate


Fruits of the solanaceae Family are


Surplus of atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Causes an increase in the Greenhouse Effect as Carbon Dioxide


Which of this Bacteria is Resistant to Penicillin as It Lacks a Cell Wall?


What do spores in liverworts germinate into?


The Type of Nutrition in which More Nutrients are Consumed than the Required Quantity for Normal Growth of the Body


Which of the Following are the Primary Water-Conducting Elements of Xylem in Gymnosperms?


The Transcriptional Gene Control in Eukaryotes is Mediated by


Caloric Values for Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats are


Fungi reproduce by:


Which of the Following organs can be Regenerated in Echinodermata?


The Protistan Genome Has


This is Concerned with the intrinsic Pathway of Apoptosis


Which of the following cell organelles release oxygen


When Green tomatoes Fruits Turn to Red, then


Which of the Following is a Set of Bacterial Diseases?


In animals, Grass Tetany is Caused Due to Deficiency of


This is How We can Characterize the Secondary Wood of Pinus


The exudation of water drops from the leaves of intact plants is


Lack of independent assortment of Two Genes is Due to


Which of the Following Disorder is an Example of Point Mutation?

This Species Produces Silk of the Superior Quality


This Group Consists of Non-Renewable organic Resources


Osmoregulators Carry Out Excretion of Salt through_________.


In how much time the process of seed formation is completed in Pinus?


Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of lichens?


Which of these Procedures Has the Least Risk for an Unborn Child?


Even After attaining Sexual Maturity, Larval Characters are Retained. It is Known as


This Structure Connects Hypothalamus and the Pituitary


The Cells which Secrete tooth Enamel are Known as


Who Proposed the Chemiosmotic Hypothesis of atP Synthesis?


Which of the following is an economically important use of heterotrophic bacteria?


This form of Hepatitis could be passed via contaminated water or food


Nucleotides of DNA molecule varies due to their


If a Sponge is Chopped into Small Pieces, this Happens


Which of the following is reduced if the leaves are succulents in the succulent plants?


Which of the following causes smut in wheat?


This System Has the Capability to Directly Override the Normal Endocrine Controls


In a Mammal, the Release of Pancreatic Juice from the Pancreas is Triggered by ______.


Possible Complications of Thalassemia


The Type of Cells Found in Retina are


This is a Bacteria without Cell Wall


Ribs and Sternum are Connected by


What happens to the male and female gametophytes in gymnosperms after fertilization?


Plant of Cabbage Consumes Phosphorous from


In Drosera, Movement of Tentacles are


Which of these is not true of reptiles?


What is the purpose of taxonomic studies?


The part of the axis of embryo above the attachment of cotyledon is called the


This can be used to prepare the vaccine of Tularemia and Plague


The Lacunae in the Vascular Bundles of Monocot Stem is


Digestion of Food in Amoeba Occurs in


The typhlosole in earthworm is related to


In Plants, this About Apoplast and Symplast Water Movement is True


Carbon is Made Available to Crop Plants in this form


This About Lichens is incorrect


Which of the following chromosomes have arms of unequal length?


Antiserum is


These Flowers Show Radial Symmetry______.


The Membranous Labyrinth Contains


Malformation of these Cytoskeleton Structures can be Linked to an inability to Contract a Muscle


Tallest Known Gymnosperm is


Which of the following is not true of the exudation of water?


Which of the Following is incorrect for ascomycetes


This Part of the Autonomic Nervous System Provides the Body with Energy for the Fight-Or-Flight Response


Which of the following colours of light work best for photosynthesis?


This is an Example of Bilaterally Symmetrical and Triploblastic animal


Pick the Pair that is incorrectly Matched


A Newborn infant, as Part of Routine is Immediately assessed with this Procedure After Delivery


The total chromosome complement of a cell is called


Each beta chain of Hemoglobin contains


Which of the following is not the character of amphibians?


How Many Bases does the Sequence which Identifies the Restriction Enzymes Contain?


All seed plants are


Predators which Consume Almost Everything are


The Pteredophytes are also called lower vascular plants because they


The Main Difference between the ‘Sixth Extinction’ and the Previous Five Extinctions is that, the Sixth Extinction


This plague type is the most serious of all forms of this disease and is contagious


This Has the Largest Number of Chromosomes


When teeth are embedded in the jaw bone, it is called


Which of the Following is the Most Common Cause of Goitrous Hypothyroidism in Adults?

Which of these remain underground during hypogeal mode of germination?


Which of the following bacterial groups is known to form endospores?


Pick the incorrect Statement Concerning the Terminologies of Phylogenetics


If the Percentage of Crossing Over between Two Genes is 10, then the Distance between Two Genes will be


________ is Commonly Known as Black Bread Mould.


Which of the following is not the part of Sporophyte of an angiosperm?


If you Want to Count the Number of Chromosomes, which is the best Stage to do so?


What is the dominant, independent, photosynthetic phase in haplontic plants?


The First one to Synthesize Cytokinin Was


Continuous Variations are Due to


Which of these is a fresh water sponge?


Which of the following taxonomic categories is the most inclusive?


LSD is Obtained from _______.


Pick the Correct Statement


Which of these attack red blood cells?


In Children, this Leads to Epidemic Ringworm of the Scalp


The Possible Supplies of Nitrogen and Phosphorous Ions in the soil is Exhausted as they are Found as


Filaments of Fungi, which Have Thread-Like Appearance are Called


In the ABO System, Blood Group ‘O’ is Characterized by the:


Wbcs which are the Most Active Phagocytic Cells


Which of the following is not a characteristic of viruses?


Mostly, the Flesh of the Fruit is Made of ___________.


The Correct Sequence of Taxonomic Categories is:


Today, the Main Test that is used to Diagnose Syphilis is


Which of the following conducts water inside plant body?


Greenhouse Gases Present in a Very High Quantity is


Which of the following bacterium is found in extreme saline conditions?


Amongst Honey bees, the Workers are:


This is Not included in organic Farming


Which of the following forces are responsible for the ascent of water in plant body?


It is a site of certain metabolic pathways


Absorptive Heterotrophic Mode of Nutrition is Present in_______.


What is the name given to the new infectious agent that was discovered to be smaller than viruses and lacked the protein coat?


Which of the Following is the Most Precise Diagnostic Screening Procedure for Differentiating benign Thyroid Nodules from Malignant ones?


Which of the Following is Homologous with Sweet Potato?


_____________ is Also used to Address Lag Phase


Which one Represents the Regulative Function of forests?


In the dark reaction, ATP and NADPH2 react with


Which part of the sporophyte in mosses contains spores?


The male gametophyte of an angiosperm consists of


Which class of animals is characterized by the presence of gills, webbed feet, and undergo metamorphosis?


Which of the Following Cell organelle are Found only in a Plant Cell?


Anatomy deals with the study of


Iberis (Candytuft) is an example of


A Condition Marked by Low Tsh Levels is Called ___________.


When Danger or Stress is Perceived/Experienced, this Response Occurs in the Body


This part serves as a kidney in Dialysis


This Condition Impairs infertility


Pteridophytes and Bryophytes Differ in Having


Pollution of our surroundings in the recent past has resulted because of


In which of the Following Groups Would you place a Plant that Produces Spores, Lacks Seeds and Has Vascular Tissue?


Which of the Following Contains the Filiform Apparatus?


This does Not belong to Phylum Coelenterata


The causative of tuberculosis is


The Process of Covering Spawned Compost with a Suitable Material is Known as


Which of the Following is a Geocarpic Fruit?


DNA is unique among the organic molecules of protoplasm in that it can


Which of the following helped the seed plants to adapt to a wide variety of environments?


In Rhizopus food is stored in the form of


The Idea of Use and Disuse of organs Was Given by


This is Considered as a Demerit of the ‘Engler and Prantl’ in the System of Classification


An Enzyme which can Stimulate the Germination of Barley Seeds is


Which of the Following Parts of the Brain Regulates the Respiratory Process?


The statement made by a scientist, which may be the possible answer to the problem.


Secretion of the Parathyroid Hormone is a Good Example of


Seminiferous Tubules Develop Central Lumen After


A False Positive Result is best Described as one that is Given


Which of the following are likely to be present into the deep seawater?


Nicotiana Sylvestris Flowers only During Long Days While N.Tabacum Flowers only During Short Days. Under Different Photoperiods, they can be induced to Flower at the same Time and can be Cross-Fertilized to Produce Self-Fertile offsprings. what is the best Reason for Considering Nicotiana Sylvestris and N.Tabacum as Separate Species?


In Chlorophyta, Structure for Protein and Starch Reserve is


Our Body Synthesizes interferons in Response to


An Example of ____________ is Carnauba Wax


Which of the following is not true of Nostoc?


Oxidative Phosphorylation is the Production of?


In the Human Eye, the Photosensitive Compound is Composed of


Which of the following is obtained from phosphoglyceraldehyde in the dark reaction of photosynthesis?


Linnaeus is Credited with the Following


Who is known as the “Father of Taxonomy”?


Which of the following is true of acylglycerols


Cooking Starch in Moist Conditions may


Trichinella belongs to


If the Stem Grows towards Sunlight and Root Grows Just Opposite to It, the Stem Movement is Known as


In electron transport chain, one pair of electrons passing from NAD reduced to oxygen produces


Acquired Characteristics of Lamarck are Not inherited and Have an Evolutionary Value. Who Gave this Statement?


Which one of the Following is incorrect


Each gametangium in Rhizopus contains


Which of the Following Rrnas in Bacteria Acts as a Ribozyme as Well as Structural RNA?


Which of the Following are the Result of the Droughts, Flooding, increased Population and Unequal Distribution of Food?


Which of the following is an example of a unicellular organism?


This is True About Secondary Succession


Spores in liverworts are produced within the:


The first step in the evolution of Megaphyllous leaf is called


Which of the Following Pairs of Diseases is Caused by Bacteria?


Green pigments capable of capturing the energy of sunlight are located within the


The prophase I of Meiosis completes in


People who slept outside in open spaces suffered from malaria more frequently than those who slept indoors, indicates that


Gasless Abdomen in X-Ray is a Sign of


DNA molecule


The shrinkage of protoplasm due to ex-osmosis of water from the cell is called


The Least Yield of atP is Observed in


A Child is Suffering from Kwashiorkor and If this Child is Compared with other Marasmus Children then what Additional Symptoms are Present in Kwashiorkor Child?


Which of the Following Nucleotide Contains only Ribose Sugar and Not Deoxyribose?

DNA molecule


Polygenes Exhibit


Penicillium Camemberti and Penicillium Roqueforti are Known for


Which of the Following is the Use of Microbes as a Biological Control Agent for Pests/Diseases?


Biomass is used in the Production of


The branches of primitive vascular plants are


The Host Controlled Restriction is A Process associated with


Amino Acids in Insulin molecules are arranged in


In Women, this Sexually Transmitted Disease can Result in infertility


Species very near to Extinction if Conservation measures are Promptly Not take up are


What is the most common mode of vegetative reproduction in red algae?


Transfer of Genetic Material in Bacteria through Virus is Termed as


Pusa Hybrid 4 is a Variant of


Pick the incorrect Pair


The Region in the Body Where Polio Virus Multiplies is


The Elastic Tissue which Connects the Cauda Epididymis to the Scrotal Sac is


Percentage of Crossing Over is More When


The Silkworm Larva Ceases to Eat and begins Spinning Silk All Over Its Body


On the Ozone Layer, the CFC Has Continuing Effect as


1. assertion: Mode of Nutrition in Higher animals is Heterotrophic, 2. Reason: animals can Use Different Trophic Levels for Heterotrophic Nutrition


Which of the following is not the character of gametophyts in tracheophyte?


Which of these is not the characteristic of an Angiosperm?


Kingdom Protista includes


This Process is Functional in Removing Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere


Which of the following established five kingdom system of the living organisms?


There is a Considerable Decline in the Weight of the Body and Growth Rate Along with the Mental Faculties Getting Impaired. which of these Diseases are associated with the Mentioned Symptoms?


This Lacks in Patients with Haemophilia A


What are gemmae?


The fruits of which of the following are provided with hooks?


Cystic Fibrosis is an Autosomal Recessive Genetic Disorder. what are the Chances that the Child Would Have the Disease If any one of the Parent (Either Mother or Father)Is a Carrier of the Faulty Cystic Fibrosis Gene (Cc)?


Amphiblastula is the Larva of __________


The pushing out of materials by the cell against the concentration gradient is


Which of the following is not a sub-kingdom of Kingdom Protista?


In the Presence of Lactose, How Long does It Take for the Lac Operon to be Expressed?


Define Muscular Dystrophy


Beetroot, If Kept in Cold Water, anthocyanin does Not Come Out Due to Plasma Membrane


Iberis (Candytuft) is an example of


Cooking Starch in Moist Conditions may


This Hormone is Produced Under Condition of Stress which Stimulates Glycogenolysis in the Liver of Human beings


In Cassia fistula the inflorescence is


The process by which homologous chromosomes being to pair with each other is called.


Haemophilia is


Coiled shell is present in


Spiral thickenings of the walls of cells occur in


Which type of asexual reproduction is most common in green algae?


In the life cycle of plague, this is the role of humans


Purine Base Found in RNA is


An Approximate of How Much Protein does an Average Adult Male Require Each Day?


Rancidity of Lipids of Lipid-Rich Foodstuff is because of


Liverworts usually grow in:


What is the structure of the thallus in liverworts?


Who is known as the “Father of Taxonomy”?


Which of the structures is not found in a prokaryotic cell?


DNA and histones together form a structure called


This can Stimulate Cytochrome Release from Mitochondria


Cochineal insects are used for


Which of the following causes sleeping sickness?


The Damaged Leg is Not Regenerated in______.

Which of the following characters is not shared by both the Gymnosperms and Angiosperms?


Vertebrates are


Which of the following is not the feature of flowers pollinated by wind?


Amino acids are present in the cell wall of


Apoptotic Bodies can be Recognized with the Presence of these on the Surface


The taking up of a liquid by a substance with the resultant swelling in volume is called


Which of the Following is the Major Causative for Grave’s Disease?


This Statement on Albugo is incorrect


A Real or Perceived Challenge or Threat which Causes the Body to Produce A Response is A(N)


What is the storage carbohydrate of brown algae?


The Distinguishing Factor between Rays and Sharks are


Which of the Following is a Functional Unit of Striated Muscles?


This muscle provides the most control of the hip joint movement while sitting


Which of the Following Enzymes is non-Proteinaceous?


The Reason Why Funaria is a Bryophyte is


Salamander is an example of


Thyroid Disorders are often Mistaken for this Condition.

Which of the Following Statements does Not Hold True in Context of Apoplast?


This is the Classic ECG Change in MI (Myocardial infarction)


Which of these chromosomes have centromere located at one end?


Prions are infectious agents that consist of:


This Hormone is Produced Under Condition of Stress which Stimulates Glycogenolysis in the Liver of Human beings


Rhizopus is


In Children, this Disease is Caused Due to Excess Nitrate Fertilizers Usage


This Statement Regarding angina is True


Flying mammals are included


Chlorophyll in Chloroplasts is Present in


This Plant Propagation Technique Uses Girdling


Germination of seed involves the rupturing of seed coat because of


The 60S and 40S subunits on attachment with each other form


Which of the following is obtained from phosphoglyceraldehyde in the dark reaction of photosynthesis?


Protists include


This is an incorrect Statement


In Human beings, Fungal infection is Known as


Volvox and Chlamydomonas are Similar because they


This Statement About Enzymes is True


Which of these is not true of fermentation (anaerobic respiration)?


How many molecules of oxygen gas are used during the Glycolysis of one glucose molecule?


Mendel took _______ Contrasting Characteristics of Pea Plants.


Limitations of Ecological Pyramids involve All these Statements, Except


Which of the following is not a characteristic of Kingdom Monera?


Indole-3-Acetic Acid is the Most Common Naturally Occurring Plant Hormone of _______ Class


This Group of Vertebrates Comprises of the Highest Number of Endangered Species


In a eukaryotic cell, the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain take place


Cell membrane of bacterial cell invaginates producing structure called


This is Uncommon in Selaginella and Funaria


Which of the Following Statement is False About Parthenocarpy?


Which of these is nondigestible by man


The sequence of electron acceptors in the light reaction is


This is the Effect of Gnrh Secreted by the Hypothalamus


Plant of Cabbage Consumes Phosphorous from


A Widely used Rooting Hormone is

This is the Shortest in Water-Soluble Hormones


Coloured Portion of the Nostoc Cell is


Which of the following belongs to Gymnosperm group


Nutrients are returned to the environment by


Sexual Reproduction is Absent in


The Adrenal Glands in Hyperplasia Produce High Quantities of this Substance


This is Also Referred to as Bog Moss


Which of these belong to the phylum nematoda?


They are absent in higher plants


The causative of Tuberculosis produces Tuberculin, it is a/an


During electron transport, each molecule of FADH2 produces a maximum of


Which of the Following is Not True About annelida?


In C3 and C4 Plants, Primary Carboxylation Takes Place with the Help of


Inside the Cell, H2O2 Clearance is Brought About by______.


The Region of Biosphere Reserve that is Protected Legally, Where No Human Activity Takes Place is Known as


In an Ecosystem, which one of the Following Types of Entities Occupies More than one Trophic Level?


They provide support to the plant body


Vegetable Ghee is Manufactured by the Process of


Today, the Main Test that is used to Diagnose Syphilis is


In Humans, the Causative of Ringworm is


Protoplasm of plant cell is


Kidney Matrix Retains some Quantity of Urea to Maintain_________.


In Selaginella, of the two cells formed by the first division of zygote, only one develops into an embryo while the other grows into an elongated structure called.


The protective covering (integument) of the ovule is transformed into


This Statement Regarding Selaginella is incorrect


Where does the Spore formation Occur in Cellular Slime Mould?


The atoms of solid Ar are Held together by


The main advantage of aerobic respiration over anaerobic respiration is that


The Normal Greenhouse Effect is Essential for Sustenance of Life on Earth as It Helps in Maintaining the Average Temperature of the Earth to


Movements of Leaves of the Sensitive Plant, Mimosa Pudica are Due to


It is much more uniform habitat and better supplied with nutrients


The Elastic Tissue which Connects the Cauda Epididymis to the Scrotal Sac is


The Sequence of the Structural Genes in the Lac Operon is


This Part of the Human Brain is Also Known as the Emotional Brain


Polar Bodies are formed During


Which of the following pigments is responsible for the red color in red algae?


Members of the porifera reproduce sexually by


This Characterizes Ageing


The best Stage at which the total Number of Chromosomes can be Counted in any Species is


The Linings that Separate Air Contained in Lungs from Venous Blood


Fungi obtain their food by:


Shoot apical meristem cells are distinct from other stem cells because of their


What do antheridia produce?


WFP Stands for _______.


During growth fibers elongate greatly


Fret Channels are associated with _________


Recurring Chills and Fever in Malaria is Due to


Of all the animal species in the animal kingdom the number of arthropod species constitutes almost


Which Disorder are Kids of Age below one Year More Likely to Suffer from If Breastfeeding is Replaced by Foods Low in Calories and Proteins?


Major inorganic Components of Vertebrate Bone are______.


Sensor Mechanism of Spore Dispersal is Seen in


Which of the following is the world’s most common protein?


Lymphocytes are of Two Types, they are


What is the Ringworm of the Scalp Called?


Meroblastic Kind of Embryo Development Occurs in


Chronic anaemia and Multiple Sclerosis are


Which of the following produces embryo with in the parent plant?


In which of the following multicellular haploid phase alternates with unicellular diploid phase?


What does Colostrum Contain?


Which of the Following Differentiates Pteridophytes from Bryophytes and Thallophytes?


Which of the Following Ions is Responsible for Unmasking of Active Binding Sites on Actin for forming Cross-Bridge During Muscle Contraction?


Where does True Coelom Present in the Body?


In Yeast, the Sexual Reproduction is by Conjugation. After Fusion, the Zygotic Nucleus Divides Meiotically and forms Haploid Spores. the Unicellular Structure with Haploid Spores is


If We Separate the Cell organelles of a Living Cell, then which Part Should be Alive


Discoidal and Superficial Cleavages are Types of


What will the Respiratory Quotient of the Mixture be When Equal Quantities of Groundnut Seeds and Germinating Maize is Taken


_____________ are the naked RNA strands infecting plants


The Large Amoeboid Cells Found in areolar Tissue and are Also Part of Our innate Immune System are Known as:


One of the Endangered Species of the Indian Medicinal Plants is


Which of the following conditions in a plant cell would increase the uptake of water?


Which of the following is non-living character of virus?


The Low RBC Count is Seen in anaemia and ________.


Which of the following is the source of hydrogen in the glucose molecule formed during photosynthesis?


Covered Smut of sorghum is Caused by


Rapid Heartbeat, Shortness of Breath, High Body Temperature are the Symptoms of ___________.


The Bases are Held together in a DNA double Helix by Hydrogen Bonds. these Bonds are


The Primary Hormone Responsible for Stress-Related Physiological Responses, such as an increase in Heart Rate is


The plant body of a liverwort is:


Which of the Following Species Lack Plastids?


Find the incorrect Statement


In which of the Following Groups Would you place a Plant that Produces Spores, Lacks Seeds and Has Vascular Tissue?


The Probable Cause of Erythroblastosis Fetalis can be


The Host Controlled Restriction is A Process associated with


Which of the Following Statement is incorrect About Agar?


The Number of Spermatozoa, A Single Primary Spermatocyte Finally Produced in Spermatogenesis is


Sporophyte generation produces


For the preparation of food, chemosynthetic bacteria use


Which of the following stages of Plasmodium is spindle shaped?


This Carbon isotope is Radioactive and Very Rare


What is the Sequence in which organic Compounds are used by the Body During Prolonged Fasting


Which of the following is a characteristic feature of Kingdom Protista?


The Deficiency of Protein Alone is a Symptom of


Which of the following is a correct sequence of hierarchical classification?


Erythrose 4-Phosphate is a Precursor of which Amino Acid?


Which of the following bodies is not bounded by a double membrane structure?


Wbcs which Release Heparin and Histamine


Which of the following generally possesses only primary wood?


This Drug inhibits the initiation Step of Translation


The microspore of conifers divides by mitosis to produce a


Which of the following established rules for binomial nomenclature?


Aleurone Layer Participates in


The Restriction Enzymes Bind to and Cut the Sequences of DNA which Usually are


The Difference between C3 and C4 Pathway is


Oxygen in Coelenterates is Supplied to Different Tissues by


Elephants are included in


Which of these is not the characteristic of Proifera?


Salmonella Causes


Taxonomic Hierarchy Refer to


Which of the following is the asexual method of reproduction in Protozoa?


What do spores in liverworts germinate into?


In photosystem II, the electrons lost by reaction center are replaced by electrons from


Roots of which of the Following Plants Contains an Oxidising Agent?


Peroxisomes are involved in which Type of Reactions Pertaining to Plant Photosynthesis?


Where does Spindle Fibres attach to During Metaphase?


Which of the following is mismatched in bryophytes?


SER Produces


This Endangered animal is the source of the World’s Finest, Lightest, Warmest and the Most Expensive Wool – the Shahtoosh


This is Not a Major Endocrine Structure However Produces Hormones Along with Performing Its Main Function


The Difference between Perisperm and Endosperm is that Perisperm:


Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of Euglenoids?


Sporophytic and Gametophytic Phases are independent in


This is Not a Cardinal Sign of inflammation


In which of the following cells elongate parallel to the long axis of the stem or root?


In the angiosperms, the Endosperm is formed


Name the Valve Running between the Stomach and the Oesophagus


This Condition is Essential for a Population to be in the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium


Which Part of atP Synthase forms the Transmembrane Channel?


The Process of Spermatogenesis is induced by


One End of Trna Matches Genetic Code in Three-Nucleotide Sequences Known as


Which one of the following best describes the scientific method?


The points at which crossing over has taken place between homologous chromosomes are called


Mycelium is a term used for


Which of the following is a characteristic of Euglenoids?


A Chromosome is the Thickest During


Which of the following is not a sub-group of Kingdom Protista?


Bacteria survive unfavourable condition by


Which of these are the placental mammals?


This is How We can Characterize the Secondary Wood of Pinus


This is Not a Characteristic of a Growth Curve


The bee Carries the Pollen Back to Its Colony on:


This is an Adulterant


By the Contraction of the Spermatic Cord, the Testis of Man are Not Taken to the Abdominal Cavity Due to this Structure


Fungi that form associations with plant roots and benefit both partners are called:


Which of the following is an economically important use of heterotrophic bacteria?


Glucose in solution forms a ring called


Where there is alternation of generation, the diploid multicellular plant is called


If We Separate the Cell organelles of a Living Cell, then which Part Should be Alive


Both Geitonogamy and Autogamy are Prevented in


This is the Outermost Cranial Appendage


Apart from the conventional use, Dialysis can also be used in scenarios of


These are the Primary Producers of the Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Ecosystem


Medications for Hypothyroidism include Treatment that:


From Mature Parenchyma, Plant Regeneration can Occur as__________.


The microspore of conifers divides by mitosis to produce a


Shoot apical meristem cells are distinct from other stem cells because of their


Oral Polio Drops Contain


In Gymnosperms, the Ovules Typically are


The saprophytes


In which of the Following organelle, Peptide Synthesis Takes Place?


Amongst Honey bees, the Workers are:


Which of the Following Groups are Most Likely to be O, P Directing?


Implantation is the Process of__________.


In Lac-Operon, the Gene Product of Laca Gene is


The parasite found in the seminal vesicle of earthworms are


Protein Storing Plastid is


In Selaginella, roots are produced from leafless branches called


DNA replication occurs in which phase of the cell cycle?


Inner Mitochondrial Membrane Has


Colchicine Arrests Cell Division at


This Drug Along with Alcohol Generates Marked Drowsiness otherwise does Not Produce Sedative Effect


Which of the following contains stored food for the germination of embryo?


Aerenchyma and Chlorenchyma are Types of ________.


Identify this Good Green Manure Leguminous Tree that is Small and Fast-Growing, Leaves Enriched with Nitrogenous Compounds


This Enzyme Catalyzes the First Step of Glycolysis or the EMP Pathway


Most Reptiles are


In which of the following sporangia are not properly protected?


In Bacteria, the Restriction Phenomena Occurs Naturally as


During what phase of meiosis the nuclear envelop breaks down?


A branched raceme is called


This is Not Absorbed through soil


Balbiani Rings are Found in


Liverworts usually grow in:


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of angiosperms?


When Two or More Nonallelic Gene Pairs Affect the same Character in the same Way, It is Called


This About Cell Wall of Gram-Positive Bacteria is True


The Correct Sequence of Cell Stage in Spermatogenesis is

The skin of mammals is provided with sweat glands for


Which of the following is not true of the exudation of water?


If All the Puddles and Ponds are Destroyed, the Entities Likely to be Destroyed are


How do sporophytes in bryophytes obtain nourishment?


A Specialized Transducing Phage that attacks an infected Cell with Lysogenic Stage of the same Virus Produces


Good Ozone is Found in the


High energy electrons in photo system – I are transferred from FRS to


Compositae is Characterized by which of the Following inflorescences?


In the Studies on the atmospheric Pollution, Lichens are Important as they


By-Products Generated During the Rectification of Bioethanol is Utilized as


If Gene Frequency between Genes a and C is 2%; B and C is 13%; B and D 4%; a and B 15%; C and D 17 and a and D 19%. the Sequence of Genes in a Chromosome is


They provide support to the plant body


Which of the following is a characteristic of gymnosperms?


The Ladder-Like Structure formed in Spirogyra is the Result of


Honey is


The Scientist Who used Nutrient Culture solution in Hydroponic Cultures Was


Pyrenoid is involved in


What does the Tapetum Lucidum do?


Which of the following is the approximate number of species in the family Brassicaceae (Cruciferae)?


The Region of Biosphere Reserve that is Protected Legally, Where No Human Activity Takes Place is Known as


Which of the Following Body Function is Regulated by the Thyroid Producing Hormones?


The Bright Colours of Ripe Fruits is Due to


Which of the following is mismatched?


Which of the Following is True About Conidiophores of Penicillium?


The saprophytes


Termination of Replication is Triggered by


Cambium is responsible for increase in


The oldest known vascular plants were widespread about


Reindeer Moss is a Lichen Known as


The wave lengths of red light are in the range of


Spores Produced Endogenously are Found in All Except this


Why is the collection of actual specimens of plant and animal species essential?


Nucleolus and Endoplasmic Reticulum Start Disappearing at


This Phenomena can be induced in Those Responsible for the Horizontal Elements of this Phylogeny


The Type of Fermentation Observed in Yeasts is


Which of the following are the characteristics of the ovule?


Marine Phytoplankton is Mostly Represented by


Which of the following has hollow stem between the nodes?


This Group does Not Have Seeds but Has Vascular Tissues and Produces Spores


Find the Correct Statement for Wbcs


Which of the following algae is commonly found in marine habitats?


The Enzymes Present in Pancreatic Juice are


The Phenomenon of Using a Predator to Control Pests is


Which of these has cartilaginous skeleton?


Which of the following has stored food in the form of sugars?


Which of the following is a green alga?


Except this, all others inhibit the Pancreatic Secretion


The Process by which Protein Synthesis from Genetic Code Occurs is best Described by


Oxysomes of F0-F1 Particles Take Place on


The Main Hormone Secreted by the Thyroid Gland


The seed of Pinus germinates and forms new


Which of the Following Species Lack Plastids?


Burning of Fossil Fuels


Which of the Following Gene Helps in Identifying Transformed Cells?


The male gametophyte of an angiosperm consists of


In a Man, Sperms Move After Ejaculation at a Rate of Nearly


In Humans, the Alzheimer Disease is Linked with the Deficiency of


The Characteristic Feature of ascaris is


What is the study of evolutionary relationships among organisms called?


Zygospores are generally absent in a culture of Rhizopus hyphae developed from a single spore due to


The main effect of auxin is to stimulate


Which of the following diseases is not caused by fungi?


The hyphae of Rhizopus are


Fungi reproduce by:


Hyaline Cartilage does Not Have__________.


Movement of Water through Apoplast Stops at the Level of ________ and Crosses Membrane to Undergo Symplast Till Xylem Cells


What is the term used for symbiotic associations between algae and fungi?


Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum helps to


Constituent of Alcoholic beverage is


Which of the Following Parasites is Responsible for the Cause of African Sleeping Sickness or Gambiense Fever?


The final acceptor of electrons during the light reaction of photosynthesis is


Which carbohydrate is commonly used as a food storage molecule in brown algae?


Which of these Compounds can induce Seed dormancy?


Chronic anaemia and Multiple Sclerosis are


Which of the following pair is incorrect?


The Basilar Membrane is Present between


In Dinoflagellates, the Reserve Food is


Which of the following is not a type of angiosperm?


What is the most unique characteristic of mammals?


This is one of the Most Recent and Valid Explanations for Stomatal Movements.


Which Part of the Ear Has No Role to Play in Hearing but is Very Important?


Scientists Regarded as Neo Lamarckists are


An input of energy is required for which one of the following?


Taxonomy is the study of


Deficiency of this Causes the Death of Root Tips and Stem


Winged Seeds are Present in


The development of a male bee (drone) takes how long?


Which of the following types of reproduction is common in brown algae?


In which of the following the endosperm tissue continues to grows as the ovule matures into a seed?


In Corolla Length of Nicotiana Longiflora, Polygenic inheritance Was Studied by


Which of the following form a network over the surface of the food?


What is the storage carbohydrate of brown algae?


One of this Trait is Not Seen in a Person with down Syndrome


Find the incorrect Statement About Plasmids


Which of the Following are the Parts of the Limb of a Rat from the Centre to the Distal End?


Least Constancy of Shape is Exhibited by_______.


C4 Pathway Takes Place in


This is incorrect regarding Hepatitis a virus


The Primary Advantage of bentham and Hookers Classification is


Common cold is caused by


An Approximate of How Much Protein does an Average Adult Male Require Each Day?


ATP is A


Male gametophyte develops from


Poriferan Evolution from Protozoans is Evidenced by animals Such as


The corn grain is a/an


Which of the Following Plant Hormones Stimulates the Development of Parthenocarpic Fruit?


The Joint in Our Elbow is an Example of


This Statement on Albugo is incorrect


This is an Endangered Species of the Manipur


The Nucleus of cancerous Cells becomes


Which infectious neurological disease is caused by an agent consisting of abnormally folded protein?


The Presence of Epiphytic Roots is the Characteristic Feature of_________.


The function of cellular respiration is to


360 Out of 1000 individuals in a Population Have a Genotype of AA While 480 Have Aa Genotype. the Rest 160 belong to Aa. Frequency of Allele a in this Population is


Which of the Following is Not a Biopesticide?


Which of these Events is Unlikely to Happen If the Mammalian Ovum does Not Get Fertilized?


Which of the following is polysaccharide


In Euphorbia, the inflorescence is


Which carbohydrate is commonly used as a food storage molecule in brown algae?


Find the incorrect Statement


Bacteriophages with Tail are


This is a Neuroendocrine organ


Animals that Get Most Affected by the Change in the Environmental Temperature are


This is the reason why diagnosing tuberculosis is turning challenging


One of the Most Commonly used Fermented Cereal Amongst these is


It is a racemose inflorescence in which the main axis is elongated and the flowers are sessile


Which of these is an example of amphibian?


Vitamin A is a


Of all the taxa, the only one that exists in nature as a biologically cohesive unit is the


Which of the Following is Synthesized and Stored in the Liver Cells?


Pick the common trait in rats, bed bugs, mosquitoes, leeches


Proton Concentration is Highest in which Part of the Mitochondria?


Which of the following is a correct sequence of hierarchical classification?


Which of the following products of light reaction of photosynthesis is not used in the dark reaction?


Pyrethrin is Obtained from


What is the typical mode of development for birds and mammals?


If a Blood Type Ends in + (Positive) that Means


Entities Exhibiting Properties of Both Non-Living and Living are:


This is Not a Characteristic Feature of anatomy of Dicotyledonous Root


Scales in Rats are Present on______.


This Method Dehydrates Microbial Cells by Plasmolysis thereby Causing them to Die


Each chemical reaction in cellular respiration requires


Pick the incorrect Statement About Marasmus

They retain zygote after fertilization in the female reproductive organ which develops into an embryo


The Earliest Phases of Synthesis of Gibberellin Occur in


The most reliable detection test for Hepatitis E is


If a long day plant is grown under conditions of long nights and short days and the dark period is interrupted in the middle by a brief exposure to red light, the plant will


Flying mammals are included


Each gametangium in Rhizopus contains


In the Cellular Respiration of one Molecule of Glucose, _________ of Energy is Conserved as 38 atP Molecules


In Humans, the Number of Ova and Sperms that Would be Produced from 100 Secondary Oocytes and 100 Secondary Spermatocytes During Gametogenesis is


Claviceps Produces


what Happens to the Cell, When the Excess Amount of Water Passes Out from the Tissues of the Kidney without Restoration?


Spirogyra Reproduce Sexually by


This Fish Shows dorsal Fin Modified into Suckers


Which of the Following Pigments is Present in the Brown Algae?


In Funaria, the Sporophytic Phase is Well-Developed, Comprising


Pick the Wrongly Matched Pair


Which of these is not the character of reptiles?


The Everyday Dietary Requirement of an Average Adult Active Moderately is Approximately


Which of the Following Has the Weakest Bond?


How do sporophytes in bryophytes obtain nourishment?


An input of energy is required for which one of the following?


Repetitive Regeneration can be Seen in


When does Lactation Start?


Factory for Synthesis of Sugars in Autotrophic Eukaryotes


This Measure does Not Help to Prevent Diabetes Complications


Another Name for Bulbourethral Gland is

Which of the following do not produce seeds?


In Both Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells, the Synthesis of Protein Chains is initiated with


Chrysanthemum indicum is a


This assessment Finding Would Enable a Nurse to Suspect the Presence of down Syndrome in a Newborn


Which of the following is not the part of Sporophyte of an angiosperm?


What is the other name for Bovine spongiform encephalopathy?

Which of the Following is Not an Agricultural Product?


Which of the Following is an Edible Modified Root?


Interferons Curb infection of


This Macronutrient Checks the Opening and Closing of the Stomata and Decreases the Water Loss from Leaves


Coelenterates are


The Pink Headed Duck Falls Under the Category of


Afferent Neurons Carry Nerve Impulses from


Light reaction of photosynthesis occurs in


Megaspore develops into


This Cleanup Approach includes Removal of Groundwater or soil from Its Natural Setting to Permit for Bioremediation


Preservation of Viable Material of Endangered Species can be done by


Least Constancy of Shape is Exhibited by_______.


Silk is Produced by


Cotton fibers are made up of


Water exits from a sponge through the


Which class of animals has a unique characteristic of producing milk for their young through mammary glands?


_____________ is Not a form of Muscular Dystrophy


When touched with Needle, Amoeba will


Which of the following is adaptation of fungi for terrestrial mode of life?


Sisymbrium irio belongs to the family


Silk Contains a Protein Known as


The Non-Living Characteristic of Viruses is


Which of the following is an example of Biparous cyme?


Raju and Rani are Planning a Family, but Sas Each Has a Brother Having the Sickle-Cell Disorder, they are Worried that their Kids Might Develop the Disorder too. Neither Raju, Rani Nor their Respective Parents Have the Disorder. they Decide to Consult a Genetic Counsellor Who Conveys them this


This Technique can be used to Detect the Chromosomal Abnormality of an Unborn Baby


Brain, Nerve Cells and Spinal Cord or the Central Nervous System Develops from Embryonic ______.


Which of the following is the character of insect pollinated flowers?


There are 4 Pairs of Chromosomes in a Drosophila. the Linkage Groups Present in It are


Which of the following algae has cup-shaped or spiral-shaped chloroplasts?


During the Germination of Seeds, the Seed Coat Ruptures Due to


Though Cycas Has an Embryo with Two Cotyledons, It is Not Grouped Under Dicotyledonous Plants as


What is the main plant body of bryophytes called?


What is the primary function of flowers in angiosperms?


Which of the following produce hard exoskeleton?


In moss plant, spore on germination develops into


Which one of the Following is Known as Blue Mould?


Which of the Following are Ketone Bodies


De Novo Fatty Acid Synthesis indicates this


Pick the incorrect Pair

What is the primary pigment responsible for the green coloration of green algae?


Which of the Following Statement is True About Thyroid Swelling?


At this Stage of Wastewater Treatment, Methanogenic Microbes are the Most Significant


If the First Cleavage Furrow Divides Zygote Completely into Two, the Cleavage Type is


This is Related to Glycosylation of Protein


Scientifically, the Delivery of the Developed Fetus is Termed as


Which of the Following Develops into Pseudocoelom?


Sometimes, the Thyroid Symptoms are Mistaken for which Condition?

This can Help on the Diagnosis of the Genetic Basis of a Disorder


There is a Connective Tissue Cord Extending between the Testis and Abdominal Wall Known as


This is an Example of industrial Melanism is


The Bright Colours of Ripe Fruits is Due to


Ovary is oblique in


Which of the following character is exhibited by platyhelminthes?


Abscisic Acid Treatment Results in


Down Syndrome is


The nucleolus is largely composed of rRNA and


The bryophyte sperm attracted to the egg by


Trade Name of Genetically Engineered insulin is

Which of the following is the number of cotyledons in corn seed?


Rennin Acts on


This is a Common Feature of Kwashiorkor and Marasmus


The part of the embryo between the point of attachment of cotyledons and the radicle is called the


This can best Describe a Microbial Control Protocol inhibiting the Growth of Molds and Yeasts


Which of the Following Plants form a Symbiotic Relationship with Two Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria Rhizobium and Aero Rhizobium in Root and Stem Nodules Respectively?


What is the endoskeleton of birds made of?


The islets of Langerhans are Found in


This About beta-Thalassemia is True


Down Syndrome is Caused Due to


Which of the following characters are shared by both the Gymnosperms and Angiosperms?


Solar Energy Transducer is


The Undifferentiated Primordial Germ Cells are Larger in Size and their Chromatin Rich Nuclei are Distinct in


Which of the following is used in cheese production


The Rate at which Food Energy is assimilated at the Trophic Level of Consumers is Known as


The Basis of Phenetic Classification is


This About Alpha-Thalassemia is Correct


Composted Manure is formed from


HACCP Stands for


This Causes Syphilis


Which of these Entities is an indicator of the so2 Pollution of Air?


Which of the Following Tests cannot be Examined by Amniocentesis Procedure?


This is a Neuroendocrine organ


Oleic Acid is an Example of


What is the primary pigment responsible for the red coloration of red algae?


The endosperm in Angiosperm is


The spores of Rhizopus are


Diffusion of Water through Selectively Permeable Membrane is


What is the first stage of the gametophyte in mosses?


Arenes do Not Show


Reptiles are


Infectious Proteins are Present in ________.


In Moss plant


Which of these do the Reptiles and Aves not share?


Which of the following character is exhibited by platyhelminthes?


Double Fertilization Was Discovered by


Unicellular blue-green algae reproduce by


The Main Purpose that the Aerenchyma Serves in Parenchyma is


Which of these is shelled protozoan?


In the fluid mosaic membrane model the lipid bilayer


The Stimulation of a Muscle Fibre by a Motor Neuron Occurs at the


This is the correct definition for Dialysis


This is the Key to Speciation of Populations


The Nutritive Medium for the Ejaculated Sperms is Given by


Which of the structures is not found in a prokaryotic cell?


Which of these is mismatched?


Glucose in solution forms a ring called


The Group of Molluscs, which Possess Eyes Similar to Vertebrates


In the retting of flax and hempcellulose fibers are freed by bacteria which decompose


Which of the following is not the character of gametophyts in tracheophyte?


As compared to somatic cells the amount of DNA in germ line cells (sperms and ova) is almost


Immunosuppressant drugs are consumed with


The characteristic of pronounced cephalisation is seen in


The antherozoids of Funaria are


This is the chief principle of Dialysis

Which of these belong to platyhelminthes?


This Nephron Segment is Not Permeable to Water Even in the Presence of ADH


In the Hypothalamus, the Displacement of Set Point is a Result of


What type of symmetry do animals in the phylum Chordata exhibit?


In which of the Plant Species, Parthenocarpy Takes Place?


Which of the following is not necessary for photosynthesis?


The Most Common Site for Amoebiasis is:


In which part of the gymnosperm are megasporangia located?


Which of the Following is used as a Vector in Genetic Engineering?


This is an anti-Apoptotic Protein


Domination of angiosperms on Land Due to


The Endosperm in Gymnosperms is


Which of the following are adapted to survival under conditions of a limit supply of water?


This Carbon isotope is Radioactive and Very Rare

This Branch of Science investigates the Relationship between Stress and the Nervous and Immune Systems


Raphanus sativus is the botanical name of


Apomixis is a form of


Ribosomes are Produced and assembled in


Possessing Four Appendages When Comparing Mammals with Birds is


Which of the following is the end product of anaerobic respiration in animals?


In Lactic Acid Fermentation, the Final Electron Acceptor is:


The Main organelle involved in Modification and Routing of Newly Synthesized Proteins to their Destinations is


Amino Acids are linked together by


Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of Kingdom Fungi?


A Plant with Epidermis Specialised to Absorb Moisture from the Air is______.


What are the characteristics of living organisms?


Which of the following belongs to Gymnosperm group


Identify the Correct Statement About double Circulation.


If a Patient with Blood Group B Requires an Immediate Blood Transfusion, this Type can be Given


In case of typical attack, malarial patient feels


Brain and Thymus are the Main Factors in the Ageing Process


This part serves as a kidney in Dialysis


The entry of pyruvate into the TCA cycle is inhibited by the presence of a high cellular concentration of


Which of the following is not a mode of nutrition in bacteria?


Man can now be saved from fatal diseases by using


The Urea in Hypertonicity is Retained in


This Diabetes Drug Acts by Decreasing the Amount of Glucose Produced by the Liver


In the Bodies of Complex animals, the Most Widely Distributed and Abundant Tissue is


Amino acids (proteins) are present in the cell walls of


Which of the following bodies is not bounded by a double membrane structure?


One of the X Chromosomes in Females is inactivated by


A plant in the division Tracheophyta has a Sporophyte with


Which of these is not true of the egg laying mammals?


A New Species Emerges from this Geographic Range of Its ancestor as Per this theory of Speciation


Ethylene is an unusual hormone in that it is


Mammalian Pinna is Supported by ________.


This is the Excretory Waste of Sycon


This is a Third Generation Pesticide.


Many substances that are not needed constantly enter the cell by


Which of the following is not a characteristic of living organisms?


This is ineffective Against antibiotics


The Stroma of the Ovary Consists of Blood Vessels, Nerves, Muscle Fibres and a Type of Protein Called


Nerve Supply of Ovary is through


Which of the Following Produce Acetyl Coa Directly


The earthworm is placed under the group


Bioethanol is Denatured Alcohol, Also Referred to as


Menstrual Phase Bleeding is Due to


The manner in which different peptide chains are connected determines the


An Autotrophic, Prokaryotic and Nitrogen-Fixing Symbiont is Present in


RNA Contains Uridine, It is A


This Plasma Protein is Responsible for Blood Coagulation


Differentiation between Pathogenic and Non-Pathogenic Strains can be done by


Mitotic anaphase and Metaphase Have


Lac Operon will be Turned on When


Which of these Substances is Transported by the Blood Plasma?


Which of the following cellular organelles extracts energy from carbohydrates and forms ATP molecules?


Water in the xylem vessel will ascend up until


The Fruit in tomato is Classified into _____.


The morphology of the chromosome is best studied during


Largest Salivary Gland is


In Plants, the Most Common Ground Tissue is___________.


Which Type of Epithelium is Found in Thyroid Follicles?


The Release of this Stimulates Pancreatic Juice


Following form(S) of Oxygen is/Are involved in Ozone-Oxygen Cycle


Which of the following is useful activity of fungi?


Which of the following is a characteristic feature of Kingdom Protista?


The Protoxylem in Its Midrid Bundle in a Vertical Section of a dorsiventral Leaf


The characters of vertebrates are


Pollen tube is required for the production of


The vertebrates are


Common Vegetative Reproduction in Bacteria is by


The Primary Endosperm Nucleus is


Which of the Following organelle is involved in Lipid Metabolism?


What is the main use of pteridophytes?


Phanerogams without the Ovaries are


In an Ecosystem, If you Discard Predators in A Hypothetical Scenario Causing Few Species to become Extinct, It indicates


This Stage is Found to be the Most infective Stages of All


Categorization of Epithelial Tissue is Based on this


Gall Bladder Contractions and Pancreatic Secretion are Triggered by_______


Which of these chromosomes have a very short arm?


This is an incorrect statement regarding the innervation of the lower limb


Gas Molecules Absorbing thermal infrared Radiation and Present in Large Quantity to Change the Climate System is Known as


Glucose + Fructose _ Sucrose + H2O


In Chloroplasts, the Parallel Layering of Membranes is Suited for


In which of the Following Living Species, Phytochrome, the Blue-Green Pigment is Found?


Which Class does the Malarial Parasite belong to?


The total DNA Comprises what Amount of Cytoplasmic DNA in Cells?


Where will the Image of A Distant Object be formed When A Person Using A Concave Lens to Correct Vision, is Not Using Glasses?


Which of the Following Protein Causes the Dilation of Blood Vessels?


This is not a prion disease


The Characteristic of this Stage of Mitosis is the Separation of the Sister Chromatids


Which of the Following Pigment involved in Red-Far Red Light interconversion?


Which of the following is required for fertilization in pteridophytes?


1 one of the Ways Scientists Suggest to Find a Treatment for Muscular Dysfrophy is___


In blue-green algae photosynthesis takes place in


Aerial Absorptive Roots Occur in


Megaspores are produced inside


Which of these are regarded as the first of the vertebrates?


The reproductive organs of moss plants are located on the


This Causes the Maximum Accumulation of Fat in the Liver


One End of Trna Matches Genetic Code in Three-Nucleotide Sequences Known as


The female sex organs in moss plant are called


Which of the Following is a C4 Plant?


Cholecystokinin Hormone which is Released from the intestinal Epithelium Triggers___.


The Plant Tissues that are Known for Photosynthesis, Secretion and Storage are______.


Pancreas is Not


Cholesterol is


Pick the incorrect Statement Regarding Krebs Cycle


All Regulatory Proteins Possess a Common DNA Binding Motif that is Specific Flexes in their Protein Chains Permitting them to interlock with


This is an Example of Derived Lipids


Which of the following percentage of transpiration usually occurs through the stomata?


Meiosis (reduction division) in moss plant occurs


The empirical formula of chlorophyll a is


Green Manure is


This accurately does not describe Lymphatic filariasis


Which of the Following Hormone can Replace Vernalization?


Adenine is a


The Reason Why Exotic Species Starts Dispersing Fast and Turns invasive is


These are Osmotically inactive


Water potential of a liquid increases when solute concentration


Which of these develops from the mesoderm?


Which of the following belongs to the family Solanaceae?


Which of the following is used in cheese production


What is the name of the plant body that produces gametes by mitosis?


Which of the Following is Not a Characteristic Feature of Prtozoans


The manner in which different peptide chains are connected determines the


During Cellular Respiration, Chemiosmosis Occurs in


Amino Acids are linked together by


Which of the following forms of Plasmodium is present in the saliva of mosquito?


Ascaris Lumbricoides is Found Living in the intestine of


Which of the following is not a mode of nutrition in bacteria?


Which of the following is not a taxonomic hierarchy?


In Older Dying Leaves to younger Leaves, the Mineral Ions are assimilated into


All embryophytes have life cycle with


A Biocontrol Agent Against Plant Diseases


What do archegonia produce?


The Phenomena that initiates When a Helper T Cell Binds with a Class II MHC Protein on a Displaying Cell is Referred to as


Which of the following is an example of a viral disease


Dopamine, Serotonin and Noradrenaline are Collectively Called _______.


Endosperm mother cell is


Restriction Enzymes are isolated from


Which of the following is hydrolyzed into simple unit


What is the smallest infectious agent among the following?


Which of the following classes of Aves includes animals that cannot fly?


What is the name of the multicellular, free-living, photosynthetic gametophyte in pteridophytes?


In Humans, Bipolar Neurons are Found in


Chloroplast does Not Contain

As Per the Prenatal androgen theory, Female Homosexuality Takes Place as a Result of


Removal of Apical Bud Results in


Jellyfish fish belongs to


Inner Membrane of Mitochondria is Rich in Phospholipid _______


Which of the following is cultivated in rice fields for the increase of soil fertility?


Water is forcefully Pushed beyond Endodermis of the Root through the Process of


To Comprehend General Plant Relationships, this is one of the best Methods


Inhibition of Gastric Secretions is Brought About by


Yeast is Not included in Protozoans but in Fungi because


Which of these is mismatched?


Megaspore divides by mitosis and forms


What is the endoskeleton of birds made of?


The part of the flower that produces pollen is the:


The sequence of electron acceptors in the light reaction is


Which of the Compounds Shows the Highest Lattice Energy?


Neck is Not Found in a Frog. this Absence Helps the Frog to


This is Also Known as Meroblastic Cleavage


Cytochromes are Present in


Which of these Plants will Lose their Economic Value If Its Fruits are as a Result of induced Parthenocarpy?


The number of chromosomes in a fertilized egg is


The Availability of Proteins and Energy and inadequate Absorption in the Body is Known as


This Stage is Found to be the Most infective Stages of All


The entry of Plasmodium into the blood of Man was discovered by


Blue Green Algae are included in


This is the best Explanation for the Pyramidal Shape (Excurrent) of Pinus (Branches Producing the Appearance of a Tall Cone)


One of the Constituents of the Pancreatic Juice While Poured into the Duodenum in Humans is


This is an Example of Starch Crops Biomass Feedstocks


Marasmus is Not Characterized by


One ATP molecule is generated during the Krebs cycle in the step


Mast Cells Contain


Which of these is not the mammalian character?


The Difference between Perisperm and Endosperm is that Perisperm:


Cell Division Occurring During Cleavage


Find the Correct Statement About the Eustachian Tube


Which of the following has been used extensively in understanding the principles of inheritance?


In tracheophyte the Sporophyte generation is


What is the nature of the association between algae and fungi in lichens?


The Enzyme COX-1 is Vital for Human Health in this Way:


The National Aquatic animal of India is


Food indigestion is Mainly Caused by


The Reason Why Hybrid Seeds Have to be Produced Every Year is


The function of an enzyme is to


Filariform larvae are observed with


A Combination of anxiety and Spicy Food can Cause


The main function of the plasma membrane is to


When the fluid outside a cell has a greater concentration of a given molecule than the fluid inside the cell, the external fluid is


After Drinking Alcohol, Consumption of this Leads to Death


The Primitive Multicellular Entities, Sponges Have


Which of the Following Statement is False About Hilum?


In some of the Liverworts, Spore Dispersal is Aided by


A Phosphodiester Bond is Present in


Micro Propagation involves


Extensive Oedema, Fat Underneath Skin, Swelling of Parts of Body are All associated with


Which of the following number of rows of leaves are present on the stem of Selaginella?


This Structure is Absent in Frogs and Present in Man


For Cloning, Restriction Enzymes with Sticky Ends are used for


Which of these is mismatched?


The structure of a protein can be denatured by


The spores of Rhizopus are


It is the study of fossils and their relationship to the evolution of life on earth


C4 Pathway is a More Efficient Photosynthetic Pathway than C3, because of


Parenchyma Cells in the Spongy Mesophyll Exhibit Large intercellular Spaces Promoting:


The Reason for Daughter Cells to Differ from Parent Cells and Also Each other in Meiosis is;


Which of the following is a characteristic of prokaryotic cells?


Blue-Green Algae are included in


Which of the Following Membranes Encloses Lungs?


India belongs to this Category in the Context of Wildlife and Natural Vegetation


These Many Plants Among Salvia, Sesbania, Mustard, indigofera, Aloe, Allium, Groundnut, Turnip, and Radish Gram Possess Stamens with Diverse Lengths in their Flowers


Find the incorrect Match

An Ideal Good Fuel can be attained from


How does vegetative reproduction occur in mosses?




Compared to Genus, which of the Following is less General in Characters?


Amino acids with aromatic side chain are


This is the innermost Layer of Sporangium of Selaginella


This is the Most Heterogeneous Type of Cytoskeleton Filament


In Leaves with Kranz anatomy, formation of Malic Acid During CO2 Fixation Occurs in


Arthropods Have an Exoskeleton Made Up of Chitin. It is a Polymer of


Assertion(A): “Biological Species” Concept Helps to ask How Species are formed, Reason(R): Concept of Biological Species is Centred Around the Question of How Reproductive isolation Comes About


How do mosses reproduce vegetatively?


In Chloroplasts, Where do Light Reactions Occur


Mast Cells are Linked to


The Cell Walls form Two Thin Overlapping Shells in which Group of organisms Such that they Fit together


Most of the Global Warming is Due to the Perturbation of which of these Cycles?


Which class of animals have a four-chambered heart?


Reduction of Blood Ph will


What is the name of the structure that protects the composite structure of the nucellus and megaspore mother cell in gymnosperms?


Syphilis is A Complicated and organized Sexually Transmitted Diseases Where the Causative Agent is


This Process involves Transferring Naked DNA Fragments between Bacteria


Which of the following are the principal photoreceptors in the chloroplast of green plants?


Alleles of Different Genes that are on the same Chromosome can Occasionally be Separated by a Phenomenon Called


This Statement is False About the Greenhouse Effect

The __________ Checkpoint is Also Known as Restriction Point


Anaerobic Respiration by Yeast Produces


Treatment that can be Given to Thalassemia Patients


Which of the following statement is true for archaebacteria?


Haemophilia is Caused by


The Abundantly Distributed Enzyme in Germinating Seeds and Adipocytes is


What is the End Product of Glycolysis?

In which type of plant life cycle is the diploid sporophyte represented by a dominant, independent, photosynthetic, vascular plant body?


The EMP Pathway in Eukaryotes Usually Takes Place in


After Trying for Several Years, A Couple Finally Learnt that they are Going to Have A Baby. they are Experiencing this Type of Stress


Pollen tube is required for the production of


Peptidoglycan Present in the Cartilage is


In which of the following sporangia are not properly protected?


This Method is Carried Out for the Castration of Male Pigs


In anaerobic Respiration, the Respiratory Quotient is


This Cell is the Longest in the Human Body


Regulation of the Lac Operon can be Envisioned as Regulation of Enzyme Synthesis by Its


____________ Encloses Thyroid, Responsible for Its Movement During Swallowing


An Albuminous Seed Showing Hypogeal Germination is


The large nonmotile egg formed in heterogamy is full of


One ATP molecule is generated during the Krebs cycle in the step


Which of the Following is used in DNA Replication Studies?


This System Has the Capability to Directly Override the Normal Endocrine Controls


Which of these Plants may Not be Suitable for Cultivation through Hydroponics


DNA Replication is


Which organism is responsible for potato spindle tuber disease?


The best Material for Demonstrating Streaming Movements of Protoplasm within Living Cells is


Krebs cycle occurs in aerobic respiration due to


Which of these is a fresh water sponge?


Which of the following gymnosperms has unbranched stems?


Mustard’s Sinigrin Pungent Principle can be attributed to


This will Lose Its Economic Value If Fruits are Produced through Parthenocarpy


An Excised Piece of Stem Tissue or Leaf used in Micropropagation is


The water of guttation is forced out of the leaves by


In the seeds of leguminous plants, food is stored in the


Corpus Luteum is the source of Secretion of


The Division of Cytoplasm is Known as


DNA is Not Present in


In 1955, the Person Who invented the Polio Vaccine Was


Viruses belong to the group


In reptiles amnion and allantois are extra membranes of


Meiosis in Selaginella occurs


Pick the Wrong Statement


Which of the following stages of Plasmodium is spindle shaped?


For the Production of A DNA Copy, the Enzyme which Uses RNA is Called


Slime Mould Differ from Fungi in Having


How do liverworts reproduce asexually?


Microphagial Nutrition Takes Place in


The protective covering (integument) of the ovule is transformed into


A moss sperm moves by means of


In Funaria, the antherozoids are


Which class of animals have milk-producing glands?


ATP synthesis is powered by


Which of the Following Embedded Enzyme in the Peroxisomal Membrane is involved to in the Activation of Fatty Acids before the beta-Oxidation?

Megaspores are produced inside


ECG Identified by the PR interval Tends to become Longer with Every Succeeding ECG Complex Until there is a P Wave Not Followed by a QRS is Observed in


This Structure of the Plant Cell is Non-Living


What is the Reason Why some Human Females Tend to Develop Male Characteristics Such as Degeneration of Ovaries and Uterus, beard, Enlargement of the Clitoris?


The osmotic pressure of pure water is


In Rabbits, the Number of Salivary Glands Present are


Which of the following is not true of palmatic acid


Frogs Dwell in Water or in the Vicinity of Water as


Rupturing of _________ Causes the Dehiscence of Moss Capsule


Which among the following is not polymeric?


The Type of Joint between the Skull Bones is


The Eye of Octopus and the Eye of Cats Show Different Patterns of Structure, Yet they Perform Similar Functions. this is an Example of


What is the Sequence in which organic Compounds are used by the Body During Prolonged Fasting


In Mosses, Meiosis Takes Place During


A True Species Comprises of a Population


Which of the following cytoplamic organelles is not bounded by membrane


Which one of the following best describes the scientific method?


Majorly, Lichens are the Pollution indicators of


Which of the following is hydrolyzed into simple unit


Inside human body Plasmodium attacks


The two types of cellular organelles that transform energy are


Which of the Following is the Complex III of ETS?


In case of typical attack, malarial patient feels


This Weed Has been Eradicated by Biological Control


Perigynous Flowers are Found in________.


Rbcs Present in the Blood of a Person Residing at Higher Altitudes


On the Sand, Ecological Succession is


A DNA Sequence is Read by an RNA Polymerase that Produces Complementary antiparallel RNA Strand Known as


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of viruses?


The Reproductive isolating Factor Occurring When a Sperm and an Egg are incompatible is


The Main Function of Nucleolus is


Which of the Following Complexes of ETS does Not Account for the Pumping Out of Protons from the Mitochondrial Matrix?


This is an incorrect Statement


This is an anti-Apoptotic Protein


Gibberellins Were Named After a Fungus Known as


The number of pairs of legs in insects are


Which of the following is not a characteristic of Kingdom Protista?


Ion Carriers are Located in


All of the Following is True About the Hormone Epinephrine Except that It


Which part of the sporophyte in mosses contains spores?


This About Sponges is True


Marriages between Close Relatives Should be Avoided as It Causes More


Which of the following forms part of coenzyme


This Measure does Not Help to Prevent Diabetes Complications


Which of the following is not the characteristic of the succulents?


If the Endosperm Cell of a Dicot Plant Contains 30 Chromosomes, Find the Number of Chromosomes Present in the Root Cells of the Plant


Reptiles are


Which group of algae is primarily found in marine habitats?


When Typing Blood, a Positive Reaction


Which of the following classes of Chordata includes animals that have a cartilaginous skeleton and five to seven pairs of gill slits?


In aerobic respiration, most of the ATP is synthesized during


Consumption of this Causes increase in the Fat Synthesis, Dilation of Blood Vessels, Low Blood Sugar and Stomach-Inflammation


The Absorption of Fructose by intestinal Mucosa is


For the Very First Time, this Virus Was Synthesized in the form of Non-Living Crystals


The Process by which Fruits are Developed without Fertilization is Called _________.


Molluscs are


Precursor of Fatty Acid Synthesis is


Plastids are Present in ______


In the Plant Cell, this Layer is Present Nearest to the Plasma Membrane


Animals Lacking Excretory, Respiratory and Circulatory Structures are


Which of the following is absent in the nucleotides of RNA


The Polar Nuclei and Male Gamete Fuse to form


In the life cycle of Plasmodium fusion of gametes and formation of gametes and formation of zygote take place in


In Ayurveda, the __________Disease is Called as Vishuchika ?


Formation of Non-Motile Male Gametes is Observed in


Why is the collection of actual specimens of plant and animal species essential?


Which of these belong to platyhelminthes?


Carbon Dioxide is Not Released in which of the Following Processes?


In Monocot Leaf


Which of the following is not the character of amphibians?


Infectious Proteins are Present in ________.


Chancre of Syphilis is Found in the


Which of the following pigments is commonly found in green algae?


The Stimulation of a Muscle Fibre by a Motor Neuron Occurs at the


This is ineffective Against antibiotics


Extranuclear DNA is Found in


The Cell Wall of Most of the Fungi Contains ________.


This is the Most Commonly Occurring ornamental Species of Cycas


The endosperm in Angiosperm is


The branches of primitive vascular plants are


What is the dominant, independent, photosynthetic phase in haplontic plants?


Which of the Following Medical Conditions are Responsible for Producing incorrect Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Screening Results and indicating a Fetus Has Genetic Defects?


If a Stent is Not used in a Few Cases Who Have Coronary angioplasty done, the Artery Tends to Narrow down or Get Blocked Again in 6 Months. this is More Likely to Happen If:


How Many Children in the Middle and Low-Income areas can be Affected by Vitamin a Deficiency?


Reduction of NADP+ to NADPH is Seen in


All seed plants are


Symplastic Movement is Slower than Apoplastic Movement because


Biomass is used in the Production of


This Hormone Prevents the Crop from Falling


Apart from the conventional use, Dialysis can also be used in scenarios of


A False Positive Result is best Described as one that is Given


This Cranial Meninges is in Close Proximity of the Brain Tissue


Sperm Lysin, the Enzymatic Substance Produced by Sperms in Mammals is Known as


The Border between the Middle and inner Ear is formed by


The Main Function of the Cornea Present in the Human Eye is


Which of the following is not a viral disease?


The osmotic pressure of pure water is


Which of the Following Families is Characterised by Trimerous Flowers, Superior and Trilocular Ovary with Axile Placentation?


The Most Important Reason for Biodiversity Loss in today’s Age is


Plastids are Present in ______


Gout attack Commonly Occurs at this ________Site.


The Number of Chromosomes a Child with down Syndrome Has is


In Tissues, Amoebiasis is Treated with


What is the Mode of Sexual Reproduction in Chlorophyceae?


Pick the incorrect Statement About Marasmus


In 1981, the First Bioherbicide Developed Was Based on


Which of the following structures protect the megaspore mother cell in gymnosperms?


Which of the following is a viral disease?


Cytokinins stimulate cell


Ligament is


The External Conditions Required for Seed Germination are


Which of these is an Accessory Reproductive Gland in Male Mammals


In Terms of Efficiency, the Most Potent Greenhouse Gas is


Free-Central Placentation is Found in_______.


In Funaria, the Sporophytic Phase is Well-Developed, Comprising


Phosphoglyceride is Made Up of


Which of the Following Options Contains only the Mesodermal Structures?


Which of these are acoelomatic triploblastic animals?


Globulins of the Blood Plasma are Responsible for


When its terminal bud is moved, plant grows more


When the Rate of Synthesis of Ketone Bodies is More than Its Utilization, It Leads to


What Happens to the Red Blood Cells When It is Kept in 0.8% Nacl?


Death angel/Death Cap (Amanita) and Jack O Lantern Mushroom are All Examples of


What is a key?


Which of the following is not formed during alcohol fermentation?


Which of the Following is Correct for Muscle Contraction?


Velamen is a Special Layer of Absorptive Tissue, Consisting of 4 or 5 Layers of Long Polygonal Cells, which are formed by the _________.


Find the Correct Statement About inner Ear


Macromolecule Chitin is


This is the Most Potent Greenhouse Gas in Terms of Efficiency


A Few Protists Possess Structures to Regulate their Water Content. they are


New leaves are formed from the


In Ureotelic animals,


This is Most Likely to Happen If Parietal Cells of the Gut Epithelium Turn Partially Non-Functional


Find the Most Stable Carbonium Ion Among the Following


The part of Cinchona plant found suitable for the treatment of Malaria was


This is the best Explanation for the Pyramidal Shape (Excurrent) of Pinus (Branches Producing the Appearance of a Tall Cone)


The first person who discovered Mycobacterium tuberculosis was


The Eye of Octopus and the Eye of Cats Show Different Patterns of Structure, Yet they Perform Similar Functions. this is an Example of


In Both Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells, the Synthesis of Protein Chains is initiated with


This is Considered to be the Start Codon


An Immune Response When Provoked by a Nonself Particle is Known as


Which of the Following is Not a Lateral Meristem?


Nostoc form


Cambium is responsible for increase in


What will be the Condition of the Progeny If the Father is Normal, While the Mother Has one Gene for Haemophilia and one Gene for Colour Blindness on one of the X Chromosomes?


Nucleic Acids are a Polymer of Nucleotide Monomeric Units. Each Nucleotide Consists of


A Person with the Enlarged Thyroid Gland Protruded Eyeball, increased Bmr and Weight Loss is Suffering from _______.

Which of the following is a mode of locomotion in Euglena?


This is an Example of Biological Hazard


Amniocentesis is a Prenatal Diagnostic Test, which can Also Determine Whether an Unborn Child will Have __________ or not.

Which of the following is a method of asexual reproduction in bacteria?


Pneumatophores Show


Which group of protists are commonly known as algae?


In the electron transport system, the final acceptor electrons is


Which of the following is not a characteristic of viruses?


Which type of plant life cycle is represented by the alga Fucus sp)?


In wind pollinated flowers the petals are


The process of Glycolysis takes place in


Cytokinins stimulate cell


Basic tools of Genetic Regulation are the Ability of some Proteins to Bind to Specific


Axile Placentation is Not Found in


Which of the Following Statement is False About Fabaceae?


For the Production of Ethanol, the Most Common Substrate used in Distilleries is


Prothallus Represents


Which of these Traits is Not Linked with down Syndrome?


It Receives sound Vibration and Passes to the Eardrum


The Largest Sperms are Found in this Plant


During mitosis the process of cytoplasmic division is called


Which of the following is part of an embryo?


Which of the Following organelle Helps in the Penetration of Sperm into the Egg During Fertilization?


In Roots, Most of the Water Flows through


Which of the following is not a type of bacterial cell shape?


A Cornea Transplant is Never Rejected in Humans because


Ketogenesis Occurs Primarily in ______ of Liver Cells


Which Part of the Digestive System Contains Lacteals?


Ascaris infection is Transmitted by


Before Pyruvate Enters the Krebs Cycle, the Connecting Link between Krebs Cycle and Glycolysis is Changed to


This is Considered to be a Living Fossil


Which of these Plants will Lose their Economic Value If Its Fruits are as a Result of induced Parthenocarpy?


During what phase of meiosis tetrads are form?


Joining and Cutting DNA are these Techniques


Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of Euglenoids?


An Epithelial Tissue Having Thin Flat and Closely Packed Cells that are Arranged Edge to Edge are Found in


Cholesterol is


Which of the Following Pigment is Present in Carrots?

Which of the following is a characteristic of monocots?


After How Many Days of Fertilization does Implantation Occur?


Roots of a Plant in Hydroponics are Submerged in a solution of Dissolved _________


Which of the following causes rusts in cereals?


This is Not a Function of Mitochondria


The Seminiferous Tubules of the Testis are Lined by the Germinal Epithelium Consisting of


Bioaugmentation involves


This Hormone Facilitates the Secretion of Hcl from the Stomach


They are water conducting cells of xylem tissue


Checking of Re Radiating Heat by atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, Dust, Methane, Ozone is Known as


The Action of Contraceptive is


Entamoeba Histolytica can be Cultured in


This animal does not show any metamorphosis of larval stage


Identify the incorrect Statement


This is one of the Most Recent and Valid Explanations for Stomatal Movements.


Which type of plant life cycle is represented by the alga Fucus sp)?


Hybridization of this Pair Led to the Development of a Man-Made Cereal, Triticale


This is a Plant Hormone


Cell membrane of bacterial cell invaginates producing structure called


Which of these Diseases is Not Related to Thyroid Glands?


Which type of plant life cycle is represented by algae such as Volvox, Spirogyra, and some species of Chlamydomonas?


Artiodactyla include


The Conversion of this is Brought About by Enterokinase


The honey bee is of greatest use to mankind as:


Which of these is shelled protozoan?


This is Chiefly Produced by the Activity of an anaerobic Bacteria on Sewage


What type of roots do some gymnosperms have that are associated with N2-fixing cyanobacteria?


Water in the xylem vessel will ascend up until


___________ Takes Up the Role of Transcription of New Messenger RNA


The Hypothalamus forms a Part of ____________


Which of the following is the character of insect pollinated flowers?


What is the Fruit of Wheat and Rice Called?


Bacteria reproduce asexually by:


In India, Flamingos Migrate in Large Numbers to Nest in this Region




Cyclic Photophosphorylation is associated with the Production of


Which of the Following Statement is True About the Spongy Parenchyma?


The Full form of PFA is


What is a herbarium?


Causative of Chickenpox is


What does the sporophyte of a moss consist of?


Pick the common trait in rats, bed bugs, mosquitoes, leeches


Potato is an example of


In a Linear Chromosome Map Distance between 4 Loci is as Follows A-B is 10%, A-D is 3%, B-C is 4% and A-C is 6%. the Crossover Frequency between C and D is


Microfilaments are Composed of


When Danger or Stress is Perceived/Experienced, this Response Occurs in the Body


Which of the following helped the seed plants to adapt to a wide variety of environments?


This is the Floral formula of


Indri-Indri Lemur is Found in


Cytotoxic T Cells Destroy the Target Cells

The body cavity of roundworms is called


Source of Liquid Wax is


In thin slices of cork Robert Hooke noticed.


Shrinking of the Nucleus is Caused When this inactivates


Transplanted Graft may be Rejected Due to


Which of the following stores food in the cotyledon of the seed?


In the Plasma Membrane, Lipid Molecules are Arranged in


This can be used to Demarcate a Facultative Parasite


Which of these is not true of birds?


Which of the Following Contains Chlorophyll A, B, Phycoerythrin and Phycocyanin?


Which of the following produces winged fruits ?


Winged Seeds are Present in


Chlorophyll mainly absorbs red light and


RQ (Respiratory Quotient) can be Defined as

The Reason Why Hybrid Seeds Have to be Produced Every Year is


Which of the following is a viral disease?


This can Stimulate Cytochrome Release from Mitochondria


Which of the Following Statement are True About the Tyloses – the Balloon-Shaped Structures?


For the preparation of food, chemosynthetic bacteria use


If After Ovulation, Pregnancy does Not Take Place, then the Corpus Luteum


Dormin is A


Tissue Having Very less or No intercellular Matrix is


An enzyme promotes a chemical reaction by


In Eukaryotes, in order to initiate Transcription


The Start Condon for Protein Synthesis is


Active transport


This Statement is incorrect


Antigen Binding Sites are Present in


How may ATP molecules are formed inside mitochondria from the breakdown of one glucose molecule?


Which phylum includes animals with radial symmetry?


Which of the Following Diseases is Caused by Protein-Energy Malnutrition?


Polyarch and Exarch Vascular Bundles Occur in


Tendons and Ligaments are ________.


Factors Leading to an increase in the Risk of Thalassemia Disease


Which of the following characters are shared by both the Gymnosperms and Angiosperms?


The wavelengths of visible light are longer than the wavelengths of


Red Tide is Caused by


Beta Carotene is


The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates by bacteria is called


Which of the following algae is commonly found in marine habitats?


Which of the Following Pathways of Carbon Fixation Has Phosphoenol Pyruvate as a Primary CO2 Acceptor?


What is the main plant body of bryophytes called?


Which of the following constitute the body of Rhizopus?


Which of the following is not soluble in water


Which of these are acoelomatic triploblastic animals?


A Network of Microfilaments and Microtubules is Classified as


Yeast Produces an Enzyme Complex, which is Responsible for Fermentation. which is the Enzyme Complex?


The Correct Sequence of Taxonomic Categories is:


What is the most unique mammalian characteristic?


The fusion of two motile dissimilar gametes is called


Which of the following is edible?


The Lightest Body Weighed Goat is


Trichoderma Harzianum is used for


Which of the following is a characteristic of gymnosperms?


The pushing out of materials by the cell against the concentration gradient is


Which of the following is not a characteristic of living organisms?


Which of the Following Blood Vessels does Not Contain Valves?


The Following Practice Has Led to the Maximum Damage to the Diversity of Indian forests


Independent Male and Female Gametophytes are Present in


The diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide in bryophytes take place through the


This is a Living Fossil


Which of the following characters is not shared by both the Gymnosperms and Angiosperms?


Superior Rectal Vein Drains into


Acquired Characteristics of Lamarck are Not inherited and Have an Evolutionary Value. Who Gave this Statement?


In Selaginella the embryo develops into


This Statement is incorrect


This Condition of Chronic inflammation of the Thyroid Leading to Under-Activity is


Which of the following is polymorphism in coelenterates?


Plastids are Absent in ________.


This is a Cellular totipotency Property.


Repulsion and Coupling are Two Faces of


In Paramecium, Genetic information is Stored in


Coiled shell is present in


The water percentage of cytosol in the cytoplasm is


In Paramecium, Metabolic Activities and Growth is Regulated by


In Humans, the Alzheimer Disease is Linked with the Deficiency of


Which of the following is cultivated in rice fields for the increase of soil fertility?


The Chromosomes Accounted for Sex Determination are Referred to as


The first step in the evolution of Megaphyllous leaf is called


Ribbon-Shaped Chloroplast is the Characteristic Feature of


_________ is the Large Shield-Shaped Cotyledon, the Wheat Grain Possesses in Its Embryo


A Common Trait between Tadpole and Fish is


The Four Small Glands in the Thyroid Gland are Known as


Which of the following amino acids has to be supplemented in the diet?


The Graafian Follicle Regresses to this After Ovulation


Which of the Following is Not a Vector-Borne Disease?


The function of cellular respiration is to


Which of these is not true of Annelida?


Difference between the Natural System of Plant Classification and Artificial System of Classification is


The type of hyphae that penetrate and digest the substrate in fungi are called:


Rapid Heart Rate, Weight Loss, Heat Sensitivity are Most Likely the Symptoms of _________


Which of these Illustrates Pleiotropy?


Staminodes are Commonly Found in?


Individual Chromosomes become Distinct through a Light Microscope During this Mitotic Stage


Association of Histones H1 with Nucleosome Shows


Plant cells are connected by channels through their walls called


The Substitute for the Newly Collected Specimen When the original Type Material is Missing in a Herbarium is Entitled as


Ulva is


Most abundant prokaryotes helpful to humans in making curd from milk and in the production of antibiotics are the ones categorized as _______.


In Biomethane, the Percentage of Carbon Dioxide is


Which of the following is not present in Chlamydomonas?


A Phosphoglyceride is Always Composed of


Stigeoclonium is


Rapid Heartbeat, Shortness of Breath, High Body Temperature are the Symptoms of ___________.


In the conversion of Pyruvic acid to acetyl coenzyme A, Pyruvic acid is


Which of the following bacterial disease is not matched correctly with its causative agent?


The atP Synthesised by atP Synthase Present in the Thylakoid Membrane is Released towards


Which of the following is a radially symmetrical animal?


Indri-Indri Lemur is Found in


The Human Body Loses Cells Regularly in this area


This Ecological Factor is the Strongest Determinant of Different Biomes


Each beta chain of Hemoglobin contains


The number of cotyledons present in bean seed is


The Body Mass index(BMI) Measure Depicts that one can be Considered as Overweight with a BMI of:


Mycorrhiza is association of


How does vegetative reproduction occur in mosses?


Which of the following number of molecules of various types of histones form Nucleosome?


Find the Correct Statement About Class Reptilia


This Condition in Lac Operon Facilitates the Condition of Lac Genes being Transcribed at High Levels


Asexual Reproduction in Rhizopus is by the formation of_______.


It is the most abundant carbohydrate in nature


Which of the Following Veins does Not Drain into the Hepatic Portal Vein?


In Which of the following young are born in rudimentary conditions?


________ are the Neurons Carrying Impulses Away from the Central Nervous System


The statement made by a scientist, which may be the possible answer to the problem.


This Amongst the Following Statements is incorrect. Human Spermatozoa Usually


This Chemical Fertilizer is Essential for better Rhizobial Nitrogen Fixation


Plant Cells and animal Cells Differ from Each other in Having ________.


Which of the following is not necessary for photosynthesis?


Which of the following is present in the cytoplasm of prokaryotes?


Amoebiasis is Caused by


This Type of Speciation Enables Production of Hybrids between Two Species


Which of the following is present in the cytoplasm of bacterial cell?


The Disease Caused Due to Deficiency of Nicotinic Acid is


The number of chromosomes in a fertilized egg is


Slug formation is induced by


This does Not Accurately Describe Lymphatic Filariasis


What is the primary pigment responsible for the red coloration of red algae?


Which of these is not true of Annelida?


The Fleshy Evident Mass Found between the forelimbs of Cows is Known as


Which of the following is an example of spike?


Which type of plant life cycle is exhibited by bryophytes and pteridophytes?


At the end of the electron transport chain during respiration, electrons are accepted by


This is a Good Producer of Citric Acid


Phylum annelida is Not Characterized by


Which of the Following Disease is Caused Due to the Deficiency of Iodine?


The female sex organs in moss plant are called


Glycosidic and Peptide Bonds are Present Respectively in


Which of the following has segmented body?


Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy can be Cured with


Which of the following are seedless vascular plants?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of living organisms?


Which of these Subunits of RNA Polymerase is totally Required to initiate Transcription?


Which of these possesses true body cavity (coelom)?




The Mode of Nutrition in which one organism Obtains Nutrition from other organisms is Known as


Under this Circumstance, an antigen-Antibody Reaction will Occur. a Person with


The Eye Lens is


Viruses belong to the group


There are Several Variations of down Syndrome with Trisomy 21 Accounting for Close to 95% of All Cases Recorded. there is another form of the Syndrome that Occurs When a Segment of the 21st Chromosome Detaches to attach Itself to another Chromosome. Its Name is


Which of the following chromosomes have arms of unequal length?


An Abnormal Rise in the Number of Rbc Count is Known as________.


Which of the Following is a Nitrogen Fixer in the Root Nodules of Alnus?


Embryonic development of the bryophyte zygote takes places in the


At the Producer Level, If 20J of Energy is Trapped, then How Much Energy will be Available to a Peacock as Food in the Subsequent Chain? Plant -> Mice -> Snake -> Peacock


_________ is the access for treatment that is used in Peritoneal dialysis


This is the common factor between housefly, anopheles and cockroach


Interferons are


The Cell theory is Not Applicable to


Which of the following is a richer source of chemical energy?


The Process of DNA Replication is Affected by an Enzyme Known as


This is a Correctly Matched Pair

Which part of the flower develops into the fruit?


Secondary growth involves activity of the


The Condition of Monoecious is Found in


Secondary growth involves activity of the


The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates by bacteria is called


Glyoxysomes are Present in


Who Discovered Transduction


The Lesions to which Part of the Brain in animal Research Have been Shown to Cause Appetite Loss Leading to Self-Starvation Syndrome


Most animal Fats are


These Bacterial Groups are Exploited in the Production of Biogas


Which of the following is parasite in the intestine man?


Chancre of Syphilis is Found in the


Which of the following is not a characteristic of Kingdom Fungi?


How Many Bases does the Sequence which Identifies the Restriction Enzymes Contain?


A 30-Year Old Female Presents with Fatigue, Fever, Swelling in the Neck area Along with Pain and Difficulty in Swallowing. Upon Diagnosing, Tenderness on Palpation of Thyroid in Elicited. the Lab Reports Showed Elevated Esr, Elevated T4, T3, and Thyroglobulin Levels. the 24hrs Raiu Report is lesser than 5 Per Cent. what is Diagnosed According to the Patient’s Lab Reports?


For the Production of A DNA Copy, the Enzyme which Uses RNA is Called


Which of these develops from the endoderm?


Pick the incorrect Statement Regarding Krebs Cycle


Through Transduction When a Recipient Bacterial Cell Picks Up Bacterial DNA, then


Acetylcholine is a Neurotransmitter Enabling Communication between Muscles and Nerves. in Case of an interruption in the interaction between Acetylcholine and Acetylcholine Receptor Sites on the Muscles, this Condition can Occur in _______.


People who slept outside in open spaces suffered from malaria more frequently than those who slept indoors, indicates that


The asexual production of seeds is called


What is the name of the multicellular female gametophyte in gymnosperms?


Which is Not a Vitamin Deficiency Disease


If a short-day plant is grown under conditions of long nights and short days and the dark period is interrupted in the middle by a brief exposure to red light, the plant will


It is Recommended to Avoid __________ for People with Gout


This Has the Largest Number of Chromosomes


In Disputed Parentage, Blood Group analysis of Mother, Alleged Father and Child can


What Happens to the Red Blood Cells When It is Kept in 0.8% Nacl?


This Cleanup Approach includes Removal of Groundwater or soil from Its Natural Setting to Permit for Bioremediation


They are water conducting cells of xylem tissue


A single molecule of glucose generates _________ molecules of acetyl CoA, which enters the Krebs cycle.


In Cycas, the Fern Characteristic is


In the Plasma Membrane, Lipid Molecules are Arranged in


In the conversion of Pyruvic acid to acetyl coenzyme A, Pyruvic acid is


Which of these is Not a Reason Accounting for Greater Biodiversity of Tropics?


What is the nature of cell-walls in diatoms?


Glycolysis is a process found in


Application of ________ can Delay Abscission of Fruits and Leaves at Early Stages


In the dark reaction, ATP and NADPH2 react with


Which of the Plastid(S) Contains Carotenoids?


In blue-green algae nitrogen fixation occurs in specialized cells called


Division of White Blood Cells Takes Place by_______.


Respiration and Photosynthesis are Central to this Process


The number of Carbon in oleic acid is


Which group of algae is known for producing agar?


If a Boy Has Sexual Characters of that of a Girl, Its Genotype Would be


Which of the following is a characteristic feature of ascomycetes?


The plastids that give fruits and flowers their orange and yellow colours are the


Henri Dutrochet confirmed.

Joining and Cutting DNA are these Techniques


Which of these established that the units of inheritance are located on the chromosome?


Find the Correct Statement


Viroids are infectious agents that:


Colour of the body in earthworms is due to the presence of


A Chromosome is the Thickest During


This is Not a Function of Gibberellins


The Hot Spots of Biodiversity are Characterized by:


This Statement is incorrect About Mitochondrial Membrane


The molecule which actually enters the Krebs cycle is


This is the Difference between a Nerve and a Neuron


What is the Outer Covering of the Epiphytic Root Called?


Which of the Following is the Correct Sequence of Electron Acceptors in ETS for Production of atP?


Seed dormancy Allows the Plants to


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of viruses?


Chrysanthemum indicum is a


The Rate at which Food Energy is assimilated at the Trophic Level of Consumers is Known as


If a long day plant is grown under conditions of long nights and short days and the dark period is interrupted in the middle by a brief exposure to red light, the plant will


The Cell Walls form Two Thin Overlapping Shells in which Group of organisms Such that they Fit together


The Endosperm in Gymnosperms is


Cristae in Mitochondria Serves as Sites for


In Erythrocytes, the EMP Pathway or Glycolysis Produces Pyruvate which is Metabolized Further to


The Chloroplast Present in Volvox is


Which of the following gymnosperms is known for being one of the tallest tree species?


This is a Migratory Fish


The naturally occurring proteins consist of


Diseases Caused Due to the inflammation of the Vermiform Appendix of the Digestive System is Known as ________.


Concerning the knee joint movements

Who Stated this theory – organ in Use will Develop and If Not used will Weaken to Turn Vestigial


Shrinking of the Nucleus is Caused When this inactivates


Which of the following is not the characteristic of the succulents?


Bioaugmentation involves


Find the incorrect Statement About Volvox


Obligately Placed Superior Ovary is the Characteristic of


The leaves produced by the Pinus plant are


Terpenoides are


Which of the following established five kingdom system of the living organisms?


This is Not A Symptom of Thalassemia Disease


Which of the following form a network over the surface of the food?


In Manufacture of Bread, It becomes Porous Due to the Liberation of CO2 by the Action of


Presence of RBC in Urine is Known as


Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of viruses?


Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of angiosperms?


The intermediate Filaments Found in Hairs and Nails are a Type 1 IF Protein, Composed of


Consider a Population of Sheep to be in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium. the Allele for Black Wool(W) Has an Allele Frequency of 0.81 While the Allele for White Wool(W) Has an Allele Frequency of 0.19. then the Percentage of Heterozygous individuals in the Population is


Which of the following fruits are parthenocarpic?


This is an Active Cell Death Process


An amino acid yielding acetyl CoA during catabolism is


These Cells of the Testes Secrete Testosterone


Protoplasm of plant cell is


Which of the following is the number of cotyledons in corn seed?


Presence of Plants organised into Well Defined Vertical Layers Based on their Heights can be best Observed in


Which of the Following is Deemed to be Vital in the Development of Seed Habit?


Which of the following is a unicellular green algae found in fresh water?


All of the Following is True About the Hormone Epinephrine Except that It


In Pinus plant megaspore


The labrum in cockroach is attached to the head capsule through the means of


If Protein Deficiency is Seen in a Child More than a Year Old, It may Lead to


Water potential of a liquid increases when solute concentration


This is a beverage Plant


In which Typical Stage are Lampbrush Chromosomes Observed?


Which of the Following Procedure is involved in injecting a Small Flexible Plastic Tube into the Uterus through the Vagina?


The Following Practice Has Led to the Maximum Damage to the Diversity of Indian forests


Antheridia are produced by


The Condition of Free Martin is Observed in


The fruiting body of a mushroom is called:


Which part of the flower develops into the fruit?


A Frog Has


Of all the taxa, the only one that exists in nature as a biologically cohesive unit is the


Animals Eating Own Faecal Matter are


In Paramecium, Osmoregulation Occurs through


The Protective Covering Over Radical During the Germination of Seeds is


In Ts of the Dicotyledonous Root, the Parenchymatous Cells which Lie between the Xylem and Phloem are Called ________.


This Diabetes Drug Acts by Decreasing the Amount of Glucose Produced by the Liver


Which is the dominant phase in the life cycle of pteridophytes?


Discoidal and Superficial Cleavages are Types of


This is a Viral Disease


Which of the Components of Nucleolus Disappears During Late Prophase and Reappears During Telophase?


_____________ Bacterium can withstand the dosage of Radiation, which are Several Times Higher than what Human Cells can tolerate


Male gametophyte develops from


The large nonmotile egg formed in heterogamy is full of


Thigmotropism is a growth movement in response to


The part of the flower that produces pollen is the:


This is a Characteristic Feature of Coelenterata


Protists include


Mycorrhiza is association of


The Presence of ________ anatomically Characterizes the Stem of Selaginella


If Cladistics Were used to Build a Phylogenetic Tree of Cats, this Would be the Most Appropriate Outgroup


The Class of antibodies, which can Cross Placenta is


The sex organs of moss plant are


In Cycas, the Endosperm is A


In the Plasma Membrane, Glycolipids are Usually Situated in


In earthworm, the mouth is located on


Which of the following is the character of reptiles?


“Chilgoza” a Popular Dry Fruit is a Production of


UV Rays is Higher in Summer as


Which of the following is an example of carbohydrate


A 35-Years-Old Female Present to the Hospital with Symptoms of Sudden onset of Pain in the anterior Neck Spreading to the Jaw from the Past 2 Days. other than these Symptoms, She Also Reported A Full Recovery from ‘A Cold A Week Ago’. which of the Following Findings are Not Consistent with Her Diagnosis.


In how much time the process of seed formation is completed in Pinus?


Small Discrete Molecules are Present in which of the Substances?


Factors Leading to an increase in the Risk of Thalassemia Disease


This Disease is Caused by a Protozoan


Micronucleus and Macronucleus are the Characteristic Features of


These Possess Needle-Like Foliage Leaves


Penicillium belongs to


Henri Dutrochet confirmed.


Sperms are transported to the egg in seed plants through?


Vermicompost is A/An


Cellulose is absent in the cell wall of most


It is a true cell wall in a newly growing cell


Gap, Tight and Adhering Junctions are Found in


Which of the Following is the Complex II of ETS?


The Body Temperature of a Frog is 20 Degrees Celsius in an Environment Having a Temperature of 30 Degrees Celsius. the Temperature of the Frog in the New Environment is


The main effect of auxin is to stimulate


This is the main symptom of Tuberculosis


Which of the Following is the Primary Acceptor for CO2 Fixation in C3 Plants?


In the Cellular Respiration of one Molecule of Glucose, _________ of Energy is Conserved as 38 atP Molecules


This is an Example of industrial Melanism is


Which of the following molecules move regularly from the nucleus to the cytoplasm?


Embryo Sac of the angiosperms Having Eight Nuclei is


Which of the following is a characteristic feature of dinoflagellates?


Compared to Genus, which of the Following is less General in Characters?


Fatty acids enter cellular respiration as


The part of the embryo between the point of attachment of cotyledons and the radicle is called the


The number of veins in Megaphyllous leaf is


Particles in an Ionic Crystals are Held together by


Which of the following is a true statement


When Actin Filaments are Dragged towards M-Line, It is Known as


Reproductive leaves produced at the ends of upright branches in Selaginella are called


Recent Uses of Phylogenetic analysis is to analyse ________ in Addition to Tracing the Evolutionary History of Specific Genes


Which of the Following is a Symptom of Gout?


Silk is chemically


Generally, Translocation of Gibberellins is Non-Polar Occurring through


This is a Metabolic Waste as a Result of Protein Metabolism


Which of the following is a red alga?


All embryophytes have life cycle with


In Chronically Deficient Patients, this Abnormality is Directly Related to the Enlargement of the Thyroid Gland


The Acrosome of Sperm is formed from


This is True of the Population which are included in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium


In cockroach, the spiracles are found in

The Least Level of Chromosome organization is


Antibiotics are used in Genetic Engineering. they are Useful


Major inorganic Components of Vertebrate Bone are______.


The most common monomer of carbohydrates is a molecule of


The leaves produced by the Pinus plant are


Which of the following is a characteristic feature of Euglenoids?


This Cell organelle Participates Actively in animal Apoptosis


This is incorrect About Vitamins


Morphologically Endoplasmic Reticulum exists in


One of these Gases is Required for the Germination of Pea Seeds


Which of the following is part of mitosis in cells of seed plants?


Which of the Following is a Biocontrol Agent for Nematodal Diseases?


On the Basis of Cladistics, this Eukaryotic Kingdom is Polyphyletic and Hence Unacceptable


The Pheromone Coated Paper Strips in the Confusion Technique are Thrown Over an area to


Oxidative Phosphorylation Results in the formation of


Spores of Slime Moulds Develop into


This can be a side effect of haemodialysis


Which of the Following is the Complex IV of ETS?


This is a Function of Velamen


How may membranes comprise the nuclear envelop?


Commonly Applied Hormone in Tea Plantation is


The Thylakoid in Chloroplasts are Arranged as


Which of these is mismatched?


Which of these established that the units of inheritance are located on the chromosome?


A Characteristic Feature, which is Present only in the Phylum Coelenterata is


Which of these is not true of amphibians?


Which of the following is the asexual method of reproduction in Protozoa?


In Patients with Haemophilia, which of these can increase the Risk of Cerebral Microbleeds?


The Starfish Pisaster Amongst the Rocky intertidal Communities of the American Pacific Coast is A Significant


Excretion is Performed by _______ in Flatworms.


Which one of the Following is Tested by the Technique of Amniocentesis?


This Group is used to Represent Pathological Fungi


The Class of Coelenterata in which the Medusa and Polyp Both are Found in one animal is


When Typing Blood, a Positive Reaction


A lipid molecule in the plasma membrane has a head and two tails. The tails are found


Exophthalmic Goitre is Due to ________.


The Pollen Tube Releases the Two Male Gametes into the


What is the nature of cell-walls in diatoms?


Difference between Heartwood and Sapwood is that Heartwood


Which of the Following is True About Bundle Sheath Cells Present in the Leaves Having Kranz anatomy?


Component of Plant Cell Absent in animal Cell is


Which of the above properties are shared by fermentation, aerobic respiration and photosynthesis?


The Symbiotic association of Algae and Fungi is Known as


The Process of Spermatogenesis is induced by


Osmotrophy is Found in


The morphology of the chromosome is best studied during


In the Process of Fertilization, this is True


As compared to somatic cells the amount of DNA in germ line cells (sperms and ova) is almost


This Lacks in Patients with Haemophilia A


Which of the following is a heterosporous pteridophyte?


The body cavity of roundworms is called


This cannot be Killed by Apoptosis


Correct Descending order of Relative Contribution of Various Greenhouse Gases to total Global Warming is


Synandrous Condition of Stamen is Commonly Found in which of the Following Families?


Which of the following is a parasitic protist that causes malaria?


Male Gametes in Selaginella are


Sporozoites of the Malarial Parasites are Found in


The number of Carbon in oleic acid is


The vertebrates are


‘New Systematics’ Term Was Coined by


High energy electrons in photo system – I are transferred from FRS to


Geitonogamy and Autogamy Both are Prevented in which one of these?


One of the First Acts in Taxonomy is


Which of the following is a characteristic of Euglenoids?


In plants, meiosis occurs during the formation of


In Translation, this is Not an Essential Component


The combined area of total stomatal pores as compared to the total leaf area is almost


Which of the following cell organelles is not involved in the sequence of events from synthesis of an enzyme to its excretion?


The Difference between the Phosphorous Cycle and Carbon Cycle Lies in the Fact that


Collenchymatous Hypodermis is Characteristics of


In cockroach, the spiracles are found in


Four polypeptide chains take part in the formation of


Mycorrhizal association is


Which of the following classes of Arthropoda includes animals that have two pairs of wings and three pairs of legs?


In which of the following sporangium is enveloped in a leaf?


For Cloning, Restriction Enzymes with Sticky Ends are used for


This is the Virulence of Viruses Producing Bacterial Cell After infection If a Specialized Transducing Virus attacks a Healthy Bacterial Cell


DNA and histones together form a structure called


Which of these is Related to Ex-Situ Conservation of Threatened Plants and animals?


Transfer of Genetic Material from the donor to Recipient Bacterium through Cell Contact is Termed as


A Chromosome with a Very Short Arm and a Very Long Arm is Referred to as


Which of the following pair is incorrect?


Find the incorrect Match


An Abnormal Rise in the Number of Rbc Count is Known as________.


Vascular Bundles are Scattered in


What is the Function of Osmoregulation in Paramoecium?


Which of the following are non-vascular plants?


Spiral thickenings of the walls of cells occur in


The Genes for the Seven Characters Chosen by Mendel are Located on


This Regulates the Peristalsis of the intestine

This is Wound Hormone


The structure of a protein can be denatured by


Respiration and Photosynthesis are Central to this Process


Hydrophobia or Rabies is a Disease Caused by


The Malignant Tertian Malaria is Caused by


It is a fossil vascular plant


To view the haemocoel, you would pick this animal


For How Long does A Worker bee Live in the Summer?


In reptiles amnion and allantois are extra membranes of


Which one of the Following Statements is Correct About T-Lymphocytes in Mammals?


Sarcomere is


Two Allelic Genes are Situated on


The mineral that must be consumed in limited quantities by those undertaking Dialysis is


This Biodiversity Boosts the Oxygen Availability


The Phenomenon of Using a Predator to Control Pests is


Procedures used to Treat infertility are

When a solution Changes the Color of a Turmeric indicator to Red from Yellow, what is the solution?


Which one of these Has a Chinese Letter Arrangement?


Oxidative Phosphorylation is the Production of?


Amoebiasis is Caused by


The wave lengths of red light are in the range of


The Respiratory Pigment in Human beings is


The Activity of Collagen Protein is Affected Badly in Old Age. this is Due to


The functional group COOH is


Siberian Crane is A Regular Visitor of Bird Sanctuary


A Nerve Impulse Jumps from one __________ to another During Saltatory Conduction


Which of the following is a characteristic feature of pteridophytes?


All Three Types of Plastids Have Evolved from _________.


This is the Shortest in Water-Soluble Hormones


This agent represents an isolate of Hepatitis G virus


Fatty acids enter cellular respiration as


Polenske Value of Milk is Due to


Experimental Entities that are Utilized for the Study of Syphilis are


Which of the following is a unicellular green algae found in fresh water?


Which class of animals have a four-chambered heart?


Neurotransmitters can inhibit or Excite Neurons. _________ for Example, is inhibitory Whereas __________ is Excitatory


Which of the Following Enzymes Separates the Two Strands of DNA During Replication?


Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of lichens?


Sacred Groves are Useful in


Simple Cuboidal Epithelium is Found in


All of these are A Differential Diagnosis of the Primary Genital Lesion of Syphilis, Except for


Which class of animals has the characteristic of external ears or pinnae?


In aerobic respiration, most of the ATP is synthesized during


Which of the Following is Necessary for Chemiosmosis?


The labrum in cockroach is attached to the head capsule through the means of


Tetanus Germs Produce a toxin. It Affects


The asexual production of seeds is called


Smut is caused by


Which of the Following Statement is True About Complications of a Large Goitre?


This is a Contractile Protein of Muscles


Which of the Following Shows atPase Activity During Muscle Contraction?


Sisymbrium irio belongs to the family


Oxygen gas released during photosynthesis is comes from


In which type of plant life cycle is the diploid sporophyte represented by a dominant, independent, photosynthetic, vascular plant body?


Which of these studied mitosis in plant cells?


Prions are infectious agents that consist of:


They retain zygote after fertilization in the female reproductive organ which develops into an embryo


What happens to the male and female gametophytes in gymnosperms after fertilization?


In Which of the following young are born in rudimentary conditions?


The Longest Primary Transcript is Generated by


Chenopodium Oil is used in


The Reason Why the System of Plant Classification Proposed by Carolus Linnaeus Was Artificial is


Vegetative Reproduction in Lichens Takes Place by


The Difference between the Phosphorous Cycle and Carbon Cycle Lies in the Fact that


In Hypothalamus, Osmoreceptors are involved in


72 Generations of Drosophila Were Kept in Darkness by a Scientist. Despite that, the First Flies Possessed Eyes that Were Normal. this Disapproves the theory of


Inverted Omega-Shaped organization of Vascular Bundles is Seen in


If an Unfertilized Egg is Pricked with a Microneedle, It will


Before Pyruvate Enters the Krebs Cycle, the Connecting Link between Krebs Cycle and Glycolysis is Changed to


This is not an action of the gracilis


Ozone can be Destroyed by the Following Free Radical(S)


If a Muscle Fails to Give Stimulation Action and there is Much ingestion of Lactic Acid, the Conduction is Termed as


The Wavelength of infrared Radiations is


Rhodopseudomonas Acidophila Follows this Mode of Reproduction


The hyphae of Rhizopus are


Megaspore develops into


These Possess Needle-Like Foliage Leaves


Leaves Fall of Helping in Plant to Get Rid of Accumulated Wastes Hence Known as


How may ATP molecules are formed inside mitochondria from the breakdown of one glucose molecule?


After Ovulation, the Graafian Follicle becomes an Endocrine organ Called


Which of the following anchor the Rhizopus and absorb nutrients?


Macromolecule Chitin is


Order of Basic Processes involved in Succession is


Which of the Following is included in the Concept of Genetic Bottlenecks?


The Point at which Polytene Chromosomes Appear to be attached together is Known as


The edible mushroom commonly consumed as a food item belongs to which group of fungi?


The Character that Selaginella Possesses which is of Evolutionary Significance is


Which of the Following Plants Has Stilt Roots?


Double Fertilization is Due to the Fusion of


Sexual reproduction in which small male gamete is motile while the large female gamete is immotile is called


The anterior tibial artery


The Ti Plasmid is Found in


Egg Implantation is Followed by______.


Liverworts play an important role in:


Gaucher’s Disease is Linked with________.


Which of the Following organs only Receives Oxygenated Blood?


Nasal Septum Gets Damaged. Its Recovery Requires Cartilage Known as_______.


Which of the following is not a characteristic of Kingdom Monera?


In Humans, this Pair of Food Constituents Arrive at the Stomach in a State of Complete indigestion


What are bryophytes?


Which of the following would occur when a plant cell is packed in a fluid with high osmotic concentration than the cell sap?


Which of the following is a green alga?


Keel is the Characteristics Feature of the Flower of_______.


Which of the following is a characteristic feature of pteridophytes?


This is a Correct Statement About Pinus


Which of these is not a lipid


In this Species of Selaginella, the Apex Continues Its Vegetative Growth beyond the formation of Strobilus


Which of the following sexual method of reproduction is absent in Protozoa?


At the end of the Krebs cycle, most of the energy removed from the glucose molecule has been transferred to


The inner Lining of the Vagina, Urethra and Oesophagus is Made Up of


The Protist that Reproduces Both by Binary Fission and Conjugation is


This is a Major Product of Chief Cells


This is Not an Enzyme of the Digestive System


Which of these makes cellulose nondigestable


In majority of the Fungi the chief component of the cell wall is


Find the incorrect Match

This is the reason why diagnosing tuberculosis is turning challenging


Peat Moss is used for Transporting Plants to Distant Places because


A fatty acid is unsaturated if it


Lymph Differs from Blood in Having ________.


This is used in the Preparation of Alcohol


Which of the following bacterial disease is not matched correctly with its causative agent?


Mostly, the Flesh of Fruit is Made of


Sigma Factor is A Component of


This Happens During Spermatogenesis


Which of the Following can Pass through a Nuclear Pore?


The sac-like internal digestive cavity of coelenterates is called


Which of the following have unicellular reproductive organs?


In Connective Tissue Sheaths, this is the Correct Sequence Stretching from the Outermost to the innermost Layer


The most effective organ for food digestion in earthworm is


Phosphodiester Bond is Present in


What is the defining characteristic of living organisms?


Composition of Bone Marrow is_______.


They are non-vascular plants


Cell Lining of the Lumen of the Fallopian Tube is involved in Ciliary Action to Transport the Egg from the Ovary to the Uterus. the Cytoskeleton Structure Responsible for this Movement is


Which group of algae is known for producing agar?


The Motile Zygote of Plasmodium is Found in


Which of the following is not true of malaria patient?


The linkages between two monosaccharides is called


Green pigments capable of capturing the energy of sunlight are located within the


Which of the Following Flowers is Perigynous?


Which of the following is a characteristic of monocotyledonous angiosperms?


Which of these is a Cocci Occurring in Single or Pairs?


Apomixis is a form of


Acetyl CoA is formed from pyruvate by__________ reaction


This cannot be Killed by Apoptosis


What is the Person with these Symptoms Suffering from? Outbursts of Emotions, Unpredictable Moods, Quarrelsome behaviour, Conflicts with others


This can be the First indication that PEM Has Led to the Permanent Damage to the Brain


Maximum Energy can be Extracted from Wood through


Pick the Odd one Out in the Context of their Surrounding Membrane Systems.


The Enzyme involved in the Opening of DNA double Helix During Transcription


The Alimentary canal is Typically Longer in


Dikaryon Phase Has


Mannitol is a Reserved Food Found in


Beetroot, If Kept in Cold Water, anthocyanin does Not Come Out Due to Plasma Membrane


Which of the following bacterial diseases is not transmitted by contaminated water?


The earthworm is placed under the group


This Part of the Eye Dilates and Contracts Based on the Environment


Stroma is the Ground Material of which of these


Flagella in Bacteria Enable them to


The causative of Plague is


Viruses which Cause Lysis of Bacteria are Known as


In the Five-Kingdom System of Classification, into which Kingdom Would you Classify Nitrogen-Fixing organisms and Archaea?


Cancerous Cells are More Easily Damaged by Radiation than Normal Cells as they


What is the characteristic feature of the class Aves (birds)?


Which of the following produces embryo with in the parent plant?


This can be A Predator in A Broad Ecological Context


Salamander is an example of


The causative of Filariasis is


In Amphibians, organ of Jacobson is for


All of these are Symptoms of Dracunculiasis infection Except


Which of the following is not a level of biological organization?


Flowers and Cones are Similar because


In arthropods, this is complete


Which of the following is not a characteristic of Kingdom Fungi?


Epimorphosis is Regeneration through


Which of the following classes of Chordata includes animals that have a cartilaginous skeleton and five to seven pairs of gill slits?


In photosystem II, the electrons lost by reaction center are replaced by electrons from


The Sympathetic Nerve Stimuli Releases


This Macronutrient Checks the Opening and Closing of the Stomata and Decreases the Water Loss from Leaves


This Ecosystem Has the Maximum Biomass


This Happens During Spermatogenesis


The Nutritive Medium for the Ejaculated Sperms is Given by


What is the name of the male gametophyte in gymnosperms?


Greenhouses Gases Causing a Rise of 3. Rise in the Overall Global Temperature in the Past Century are Cfcs. the CFC used in Refrigerators is


Elongation or Lengthening of Rosette Plants is Obtained by Treating It with


A Single Strand of Mrna attached to Complex of Ribosomes is Called


The only Blood Cells which are Not Viewed as a Part of the Immune System are


This Essential Element is Not a Constituent of any Enzyme However Triggers the Activity of Many Enzymes


The chief characteristic of the succulents is that the bulk of the plant body is composed of


Which of the following classes of Mollusca includes animals that have a single, spiral shell and a muscular foot used for movement?


A Root Cap is Not Found in the Root of


This is Not a True Amphibian animal


Which class of animals possess feathers and most of them can fly except for flightless birds?


In which of the following food is not stored in the endosperm of the seed?


Clinging Roots are Found in


The Opening Mechanism in Dryopteris of Sporangium is Functional by


Digestion of Proteins is Accomplished in


The Spindle in the Determinate Cleavage is


Serum Differs from Blood as It Lacks


What is the name given to the life cycle pattern in which the diploid sporophyte is the dominant, photosynthetic, independent phase of the plant?


The Cross Where the sources of Gametes are Reversed is Called


Crossing Over Refers to


The Wild Growth of ______ is Checked with Cochineal insect


There are these Many Histones in the Core of a Nucleosome


The reproductive organs of moss plants are located on the


This nucleic acid is found in hepatitis B virus


Nutrients are returned to the environment by


The dome shaped structure formed in the sporangium of Rhizopus is called


This is the Common Passage for Breathing and Swallowing Food


By the Contraction of the Spermatic Cord, the Testis of Man are Not Taken to the Abdominal Cavity Due to this Structure


Amoeba Was Discovered by


Rheumatoid Arthritis is Different from some other forms of Arthritis as It


What is the typical mode of development for birds and mammals?


Presence of this in the Seed is Linked with dormancy


The Level of Taxonomic Study Related to Biological aspects of Taxa, inclusive of intraspecific Populations, Speciation, Evolutionary Trends and Rates is


Test Cross Determines


This is used in the Preparation of Alcohol


The function of tRNA is


The Specific Gravity of Lipid is


Hydrogenation is the Process of Conversion of Unsaturated Acid Groups into Saturated ones by a Catalyst ___________


This Elongation Factor is Known as Translocase


What are sporophylls?


Which of the following is not true of organisms in the kingdom Monera?


Parasitic and Saprobiotic Mode of Nutrition are Found in


Taxonomy is the study of


This is Correct About Epithelial Tissue


Their cotyledons absorb the endosperm tissue and are greatly enlarged


This Type of Thalassemia Disease is Cooley anaemia


What is the sporophyte of a liverwort differentiated into?


The Ability of Single Cells to Divide and Produce All Differentiated Cells in the Entity.


Which of the Following Cells is Immortal?


Living Amoeba is


Name the Event Wherein the Paternal and Maternal Chromosomes Change their Material with Each other in Cell Division


In which of the following assimilates move along the concentration gradient?


________Is Recommended for Considering as First-Line therapy for Gout.


Transduction is Mediated by


The hyphae of Rhizopus are


The BCG vaccine is administered for immunity against


Which of the Following organisms will Vanish If All the Ponds and Puddles are Destroyed?


In this interaction, the interacting Species Stay Close together


Which of the Following Joints does Not Allow any Movement?


Which of these develops from the mesoderm?


This force can Stabilize a DNA double-Helix


Perisperm is Different from Endosperm because


The Characteristic Larva in Coelenterates is


This Structure Has Dense Irregular Connective Tissue


Salts and Water in Hydroponic Plants are Absorbed by


As a first identifiable product of the dark reaction is


Which of these is the culture medium for Mycobacterium tuberculosis?

Viroids are infectious agents that consist of:


Saturated Fats are a Type of Fat Wherein the Fatty Acids Possess


Phenylketonuria is a Genetic Disorder Impairing the Metabolism of


Colostrum is


Root-like hyphae of Rhizopus are called


This is a Common Feature of Kwashiorkor and Marasmus


Sporophyte generation produces


This is the most common form of plague causing swelling of the lymph nodes


Which of the following types of teeth are absent in the primary dentition of a human being?


By this Method, the Majority of Carbon Moves from the Lithosphere to the atmosphere


Most Likely, People Who Perform tough Manual Work can Develop


Clostridium Botulinum is A


One of these Statements About Apomixis is incorrect


This Statement Regarding angina is True


Which of the following determines the shape of the chromosomes?


In tracheophyte the Sporophyte generation is


The Disease Characterized by Extreme Muscle Weakness and Brownish Pigmentation of the Buccal Cavity and Skin is


Which of the following diseases is not caused by fungi?


The periplaneta belongs to which of this phyla


A DNA Molecule in which Both Strands Have Radioactive Thymidine is Permitted to Replicate in an Environment that Contains Non-Radioactive Thymidine. what is the Right Number of DNA Molecules which Possess some Radioactive Thymidine Post Three Duplications?


On hydrolysis triglyceride yields


Colour of the body in earthworms is due to the presence of


For the Normal Heartbeat, Depolarization Stimulus originates in


The Type of Coiling in DNA is


Which of these chromosomes have a very short arm?


Which of the following generally possesses only primary wood?


Which of the following pigments is responsible for the red color in red algae?


Pinus produces


Morphactins are


What causes scrapie in sheep?


Diagnosis of tuberculosis is done by


Sarcoplasmic Reticulum is associated with


Tryptophan Synthetase of E.Coli, a Typical Bifunctional Oligomeric Enzyme Consists of


Which of the following is an economically important use of heterotrophic bacteria?


The combined area of total stomatal pores as compared to the total leaf area is almost


In lytic life cycle bacterial cell


A molecule of ADP differs form a molecule of ATP in that it has


Chlorophylls c, d and e are present in


One of these is Not a Symptom of Acute Coronary Syndrome


In Amoeba and Paramecium, the Cell organelle for Osmoregulation is


Tetradynamous Stamen is a Characteristic Feature of


Which of the Following is Correct for the Partial Pressure of Oxygen in Alveoli?


In the Plasma Membrane of a Few animals, the Presence of Cholesterol


Jellyfish fish belongs to


Plague is Caused by


Collagen is


Plant Diversification is a Result of


These are the Primary Producers of the Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Ecosystem


This Event can Cause a Damage to the Hypothalamus Portal System


Which class of animals possess feathers and most of them can fly except for flightless birds?


Metallic Bonds do Not Have


If the Centromere is Located at the Proximity of the End of a Chromosome, It is Known as


This Statement is True


The Substitute for the Newly Collected Specimen When the original Type Material is Missing in a Herbarium is Entitled as


Widal Test is used for the Susceptibility of ________.


Which of the following do not produce seeds?


Endosperm mother cell is


__________ is used to Develop Virus Free Plants


This is an Effective Plant insecticide


Which of the following is reduced if the leaves are succulents in the succulent plants?


Athletes foot disease in man caused by


Which of the following is not a characteristic of Class Mammalia?


Which of the Following is a Part of the Rhombencephalon?


Algae with Motile Colony is


Fungi that form associations with plant roots and benefit both partners are called:


Volvox belongs to which of the Following Classes of Algae?


Which of the following is enlarged resting cell with thickened walls, large food reserve and DNA?


This Essential Element is Not a Constituent of any Enzyme However Triggers the Activity of Many Enzymes


The Enzyme Required for Transcription is


When the Progressive Enlargement of a Multinodular Goitre Causes Symptomatic Tracheal Compression, the Typically Preferred Treatment Management in otherwise Good-Risk Patients is ____.


How are the leaves of gymnosperms adapted to withstand extreme conditions?


Which of the following are without jaws?


The wavelengths of visible light are shorter than the wavelengths of


This is the Correct Sequence for Artificial Experiment in Bisexual Flowers


The Red Data Book Gives Data on


Name the Blood Test which can Detect If A Person is A Carrier of Thalassemia


What are sporophylls?


The Following Cooking Processes does Not Rely on Coagulation Taking Place


Nucleoside Contains


This is a Special Character of Coelenterata Occurring only in them


Glycolysis is a process found in


In Manufacture of Bread, It becomes Porous Due to the Liberation of CO2 by the Action of


The number of cotyledons present in bean seed is


The Cambial Tissue of Pinus Radiata Has


When its terminal bud is moved, plant grows more


Mesophyll Tissue of Pinus Needle is Composed of


A Particular ECG Change Observed in Hypokalemia is


The Change Over from Vegetative to Reproductive Phase in Plants Takes Place in Response to______.


The Energy Balance in Nutrition Refers to the


Taxonomic Hierarchy Refer to


Which of the following features is not shared by prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?


Which of the following number of molecules of various types of histones form Nucleosome?


Which of the Following is one of the Parts of the Hindbrain?


Most of the Fungi Contain _______ in their Cell Wall.


The plant body of a liverwort is:


This is a Most Popular Example of Lamarck


The numb of microsporangia in each sporophyll of male cone of Pinus is


Which of the Following Characteristics Differentiates Bryophytes from Algae?


Which of the Following is Rich in Protein?


Which class of animals is characterized by the presence of feathers and wings?


Which of these is an example of Annelida?


The Degree of Unsaturation of Lipids can be Measured as


This Tissue includes the Blood Tissue


What is the smallest infectious agent among the following?


Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of Euglenoids?


In Adventive Embryony, a Type of Apomixis, the Embryo Develops Directly from the


Replication of Plasmid DNA other than initiation is Controlled by


Sporangia of Slime Mould Contain


In Protein Synthesis, Translocation is initiated with the Movement of


Which of the following is not true of Glycolysis?


Which of the following releases greatest amount of energy


This Fungi Division includes ‘Club Fungi’


PEM is Mostly Seen and Has the Most Destructing Consequences in


Which of the following plant groups exhibit the haplo-diplontic life cycle pattern?


Glycolysis is the Conversion of


Chief Cells are Present in


What are some procedures and techniques that biologists have established to store and preserve information and specimens?


Which of the following is a complete monomeric unit of DNA


Which of the Following Cell organelles is the Site of Glycoprotein and Glycolipid formation?


The wavelengths of visible light are shorter than the wavelengths of


Which of the following are products of light reaction?


This is a Major source of Liquid Hydrocarbon


Inverted Omega-Shaped organization of Vascular Bundles is Seen in


The Type of Sexual Reproduction in Spirogyra is


Organisms possessing true body cavity are called


Restriction Enzymes are isolated from


These Entities Sequester Most Carbon from the atmosphere


Which of the following is an economically important use of heterotrophic bacteria?


The typhlosole found in Pheretima occurs in


The Reason Why Exotic Species Starts Dispersing Fast and Turns invasive is


This Has a Smaller intestine


Which of the following is the character of amphibians?


If an Unfertilized Egg is Pricked with a Microneedle, It will


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of angiosperms?


Experimental Entities that are Utilized for the Study of Syphilis are


The unique properties of each amino acid are determined by its particular


What is the precursor to the seed habit in pteridophytes?


Which of the Following is Linked with the Self-Starvation in Preventing Type anorexia Nervosa/Binge-Eating?


This is Not the Locomotory organ of Protozoans


Reduction of Blood Ph will


Which of the following is a human disease caused by Fungi?


Which of the following is caused by bacteria?


The Joint between atlas and Axis is


The Sugar Molecule Present in Nucleotide is


How Many Cleavages are Completed in the 16-Celled Stage of an Egg?


Deficiency of Mineral Nutrition does Not Cause which of these


Which of the following pigments is commonly found in green algae?


Allosteric Enzymes Consist of Several


Sexual reproduction of the malaria parasite occurs in


Which of the Following Secretes Secretin Hormone?


Which of the following cytoplamic organelles is not bounded by membrane


When the Count of White Blood Cells Drops below the Optimum Level of Blood It is Known as ________?


An injury Sustained by the Hypothalamus is Most Likely to interrupt


Which of the following is required for fertilization in pteridophytes?


This is Not a Major Endocrine Structure However Produces Hormones Along with Performing Its Main Function


Heterotrophic Nutrition is


Which of these Yields the Maximum Number of atP Molecules and is the Ultimate Respiratory Substrate


Beta-Oxidation of Fatty Acids Occurs in


Which one of these Categories Has Real Existence?


Which of the following is resistant to degradation?


Which of the Following Plant Hormones Stimulates the Development of Parthenocarpic Fruit?


If Both Genotype and Phenotype Shows the same Ratios of 1:2:1 in the F2 Generation, It Shows


Which of the Following is an Important Precursor for Purine Synthesis?


This is a Characteristic Feature of Cropland Ecosystem


Antheridia are produced by


What are some procedures and techniques that biologists have established to store and preserve information and specimens?


This force can Stabilize a DNA double-Helix


Animal Cells are interconnected by


Which of the Following Disorder is Also Called the Royal Disease?

In earthworm, the mouth is located on


Which Types of Cells Line Blood Vessels?


The formation of Erythrocytes in Foetus Takes Place in_________.


The main advantage of aerobic respiration over anaerobic respiration is that


The rate of water evaporation doubles for every temperature rises of


The Filarial larva can be collected from the sample of


Which of the Following Combination of Hormones will Promote Differentiation of Shoot as Well as Root in Tissue Culture?


This Virus Has RNA and DNA Both


Zygotes of species in the group Thallophyta


Enzyme-Driven Metabolic Pathways can be Made More Efficient by


In moss plant, spore on germination develops into


Which of the following are non-vascular plants?


Red Blood Cells that do Not Contain Either a or B antigens on their Surface are Normally Found in the Person with Blood Type


One of these Statements About Apomixis is incorrect


In a Cell as Per the Operon Concept, the Regulator Gene Governs the Chemical Reactions by


Which of the Following Parts of the Brain Controls the Body Temperature and Urge of Eating?


In this Type of DNA Replication, of the Two Newly formed Molecules, one is Purely a New one and the other is an Old one


Primitive vascular paints had sporangia at


Which antibodies are Found in the Plasma of a Person with Type a Blood?


Find the Correct Pair

This Disease is Caused by a Nematod


Which of the following anchor the Rhizopus and absorb nutrients?


The fusion of two motile dissimilar gametes is called


Bacterial are haploid organisms because the number of chromosomes in their cells is


The Avena Curvature Test is an Accurate Bioassay for


Prions are infectious agents that consist of:


Which of the Following is Made of Dead Cells?


The Relative Contribution of Various Greenhouse Gases to total Global Warming will Not be

What Happens When a Person Goes Hungry for a Long Period of Time?


This is the basic unit in the eye of insect/cockroach


What is the characteristic feature of the class Aves (birds)?


This is the chief principle of Dialysis


A Country with Several Different Habitat Types is Said to Have a High Degree of


Production of Bioethanol is through Fermentation of ________ and Starch Components


Which of the Following Amino Acids are Exclusively Ketogenic?


What does the term “gymnosperms” mean?


Roots Developing from a Part of the Plant other than Radicle are Called


Oyster Mushroom is an Example of Predator Fungi that attacks


Trypanosoma belongs to which of the Following Group?


It is ___________ When the Phage Tranduces Those Bacterial Genes only which are Adjoining to the Prophage in the Bacterial Chromosome


Carboxypeptidase Requires _______ for Its Activity


They lack secondary growth


Avery and his colleagues confirmed that the transforming material is that


Morels and truffles are


Vibrio Cholerae is a Motile Bacteria, which belong to the Group of _______.


Secretin and Cholecystokinin are Secreted in


Benefit of Clonal Propagation or Micropropagation is


In Selaginella sperms are transported to the egg through


Cholodny-Went theory is Based on________.


This Virus is used for Transduction


Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of viruses?


The Chemical Nature of Estrogen is


What is the Count of Genes that Determine the Synthesis of one Enzyme?


In ascaris, the Period of incubation Outside the Human Body is


Which of the following forces are responsible for the ascent of water in plant body?


Phenomena through which Water is Absorbed by solids Such as Colloids Leading them to increase in Volume is


Substances cross the cell membrane more easily when they are


Which of the following percentage of transpiration usually occurs through the stomata?


The processes involved in stomatal transpiration are


Extensive Oedema, Fat Underneath Skin, Swelling of Parts of Body are All associated with


Germplasm theory Against Lamarck’s Principle Was Put forward by


Ion Carriers are Located in


Pick the Correct Match


Pick the Correct Statement


Peat formation can be ascribed to


The embryo of Selaginella develops into


In Pinus plant megaspore


Mammalian Pinna is Supported by ________.


New Ribosomes are assembled in the


In angiosperms, the Functional Megaspore Gives Rise to


Presence of RBC in Urine is Known as


Which of the Following is a Characteristic of Bryophytes?


Which of the following has been used extensively in understanding the principles of inheritance?


Which of the following is a characteristic of monocots?


Which of the Following Pigment Impart a Red Colour to tomato?

Mt DNA is


Who proposed the five-kingdom classification system?


The function of tRNA is

Through Amniocentesis, Foetal Cells can be Tested for Detecting Various Diseases If Foetus by


Find the Correct Match

Proton Concentration is Highest in which Part of the Chloroplast?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of Kingdom Protista?


The Diagrammatic Representation of Karyotype (Morphological Representation of Chromosomes) of a Species is Known as


A Common beverage, Cola is Obtained from


The Energy Yield Due to the Outcome of total Oxidation of 1 Molecule of Glucose During the Cellular Respiration is Enough to Convert


Thigmotropism is a growth movement in response to


Which of the Following is a Precursor of Amino Acid Synthesis?

Kitchen Wastes and animal Excreta can be Minimized Most Profitably Via


This Comprises Nerve Tissue and down Growth from the Hypothalamus


Which of the following are exclusively marine?


This can Cause a Steeper Cline


Transfer of Genetic Material from one Bacterium to another in the Process of Transduction is by


Which of these is the culture medium for Mycobacterium tuberculosis?


This Statement Regarding Enzyme inhibition is Correct


Common Characteristics of Coelenterates and Sponges are


Cfcs Have a Continuing Effect on the Ozone Layer as


Which of these is Not a Function of Auxin?


The innermost Layer and the Most Delicate Layer of the Eyeball Where the Photoreceptors are Located are


Which of the Following is a Common Feature of Plastids and Mitochondria?


Organic Farming is the Technique of Raising Crops through the Usage of


The National Aquatic animal of India is


Abelmoschus Esculentus belongs to which of the Following Families?


The Bases are Held together in a DNA double Helix by Hydrogen Bonds. these Bonds are


The typhlosole in earthworm is related to


In Ecological Succession, the intermediate Developmental Phase is Known as


Which of the Following is incorrectly Matched?

Which of the organism Produces Aflatoxin?


Which of the Following is Not a Colourless Plastid?


Which of these is the naturally occurring auxins?


___________ is the incomplete Oxidation of Glucose into Pyruvic Acid involving Many intermediate Steps


This is Not Absorbed through soil


Plant cells are connected by channels through their walls called


In Cassia fistula the inflorescence is


In which of the following the thalamus forms the edible part of the fruit?


This System of Classification Was used by Linnaeus


A Person on a Long Hunger Strike, Surviving only on the Water will Have ______.


Which of the following are exclusively marine?


Vascular Bundles are Closed in Monocots as:


Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum helps to


What is the Shape of Chloroplast in Chlamydomonas?


Which group of protists are commonly known as algae?


The Stage in which Chromosomes Align on the Equator of Spindle Fiber is


Sexual reproduction of the malaria parasite occurs in


The formula of glyceraldehydes is


Increasing Genetic Diversity interprets Daughter Chromosome Contains Genes from


Which of the following is polymorphism in coelenterates?


Distance between twist of DNA molecule is


Nucleic acids are formed of units called


The rate of water evaporation doubles for every temperature rises of


In which of the following the endosperm tissue continues to grows as the ovule matures into a seed?


Amoebiasis is Transmitted by


Which of the following is not the part of Selaginella plant?


Which Type of Epithelium is Found in Thyroid Follicles?


The Repair by Cell Division in the Damaged Tissue is Called ______.


Covered Smut of sorghum is Caused by


During Catabolism of Amino Acids, the Release of the Amino Group is Known as


The Disease as a Result of Prolonged Clotting is Due to Lack of Plasma Thromboplastin Component (PTC) Necessary to the formation of Thromboplastin, is


The processes involved in stomatal transpiration are


This is the Importance of Species Diversity


How do liverworts reproduce asexually?


The Study of Different aspects of Ageing is Known as


Which of the following is a characteristic feature of Euglenoids?


During Cellular Respiration, the Carbon Dioxide Produced is


It is the first to be formed


If the DNA Strand Has Nitrogenous Base Sequence atTGCC, the mRNA will Have?


The source of Carbon to Plants in the Carbon Cycle is


The Fundamental Feature of Kranz anatomy of C4 Plants is


What is the Fruit of Wheat and Rice Called?


It is an underground stem that is short, thickened, and fleshy containing food material


In Cycas, the Spermatozoid is


Which of the Following is Found More Widely in a Cell?


Microphagial Nutrition Takes Place in


It is the first to be formed


Which of the following is not the character of seed plants?


In Sycon, the Epithelial Lining is Made of


Which of these Compounds can induce Seed dormancy?


Which of the following constitute the body of Rhizopus?


The Pollen Tube Releases the Two Male Gametes into the


This is Not Under Situ Conservation


This is a Naturally Occurring Growth inhibitor


Food Reserve in Dinoflagellates is


Which of the Following Pathogens Causes Cholera in Humans?


Which of the Following Blood Vessels Carries Glucose from the Digestive Tract to the Liver?


In which of the Following organisms, the Cell Wall is Made Up of Two Overlapping Shells?


This Structure Guards the Opening of the Hepatopancreatic Duct into the Duodenum


All the Plants Like Fern and Mosses, which Produce Spores are Grouped Under


This is the Most Important Human Activity that Causes the Extinction of Wildlife


This is Not A Cloning Factor


Type of association between Shark and Suckerfish is


This Has a Cartilaginous Endoskeleton


Which one of the Following Statements is Correct About T-Lymphocytes in Mammals?

Ascaris lumbricoides, commonly is known as


Which of the Following is Not a Colourless Plastid?


Which of the following is the characteristic of all fungi?


Which of the following is included in sexual reproduction?


Which of the following bacterial structures is responsible for motility?


Which class of animals is characterized by the presence of scales, dry skin, and mostly lay eggs on land?


Which of these is found in viruses


In Photosynthesis, the Chlorophyll is used for


Presence of ingested Rbcs is A Characteristic Feature of


Which of these are the placental mammals?


Reptilian ancestry of Birds can be indicated by


Syncytial Epidermis is Found in_______.


In Adventive Embryony, a Type of Apomixis, the Embryo Develops Directly from the


Which of the following is not soluble in water


The Statement which is incorrect with Respect to Enzyme Action is


In which of the following families Gynoecium consists of only one pistil?


Which of the following is the correct definition of ‘Taxonomy’?


Difference between Heartwood and Sapwood is that Heartwood


Which of the Following Genotypes and Phenotypes in a Man may be the Correct Result of aneuploidy in Sex Chromosomes?


Process of the Successful Establishment of Species in a New area is Known as


This is Also Referred to as Bog Moss


Amanita is


Lichens are a Known Combination of Fungi and Algae Where the Fungus is


For Fungus, the Culture Media is

Pick the Correct Statement


In sheep, this disease characterizes pneumonia and demyelination


The Type of Coiling in DNA is


In the Plant Cell, this Layer is Present Nearest to the Plasma Membrane


Syphilis is often Called


The Reason Why there is a Close association between Fungi and Algae in Lichen is because the Fungus


The Success of Birth Control Programme in Controlling Population Growth is Dependant on


The wavelengths of visible light are longer than the wavelengths of


Find the Correct Statement About Phosphodiester Linkage between Adjacent Nucleotides in Nucleic Acids

What is Chemotaxis?


Which of the Following is a Common Feature of Plastids and Mitochondria?


Most of a plant’s auxin is produced in its


The Gastric Glands are Situated in this Layer of the Stomach


Which of the Following is a Trait of X-Linked Recessive?

The Largest Extracellular Material Present in the


In the Krebs cycle oxaloacetic acid reacts with


The Seminiferous Tubules of the Testis are Lined by the Germinal Epithelium Consisting of


This Hormone is Not a Growth inhibitor


Which of the following is not the asexual method of reproduction in fungi?


Which of the following is enlarged resting cell with thickened walls, large food reserve and DNA?


In Fats, the Number of Oh Groups can be Expressed as


Which of the following is a characteristic of monocotyledonous angiosperms?


This Type of Thalassemia Disease is Cooley anaemia


This Statement About Homeostasis is incorrect


Amoebiasis Causes


Megaspore divides by mitosis and forms


What does ‘Perfect Stage’ of a Fungus indicate?


Which of the Following is Not a Feature of Plant Cells?


In which of the following flowers are produced in dense spikes?


This Condition is Necessary for a Cell to Qualify through the G2 Checkpoint


_____________ is used to Refer to the Growth of Bacteria or Microbes


Which of the following is an example of a viral disease


Which of the following is a parasitic protist?


Factory for Synthesis of Sugars in Autotrophic Eukaryotes


Layer of Cells Immediately Surrounding the Ovum but Outside the Zona Pellucida is Called as


Filariasis in India is transmitted by


A Characteristic Feature of Bryophytes is


At what phase of meiosis are homologous chromosomes separated?


The Correct Option Regarding the Lac Operon in E.Coli from the Following is


The Enzymes Found in intestinal Juice Finally Convert


Antiserum is


Sexual Reproduction in Rhizopus Takes Place by Fusion of_______.


Reduction Division in Pteridophytes Occurs in


Organisms possessing true body cavity are called


This is a Microfilament inhibitor


The gametophyte of a moss plant is


Regeneration of a Limb or Tail is an Example of


How do mosses reproduce vegetatively?


Which of the following processes is responsible for the entry of water into root hair?


The Persistence of Vision for the Human Eye is


Which of the following bacterial structures is responsible for motility?


DNA Synthesis Takes Place During_________ Phase


_________ is the access for treatment that is used in Peritoneal dialysis


Which of the following classes of Mammalia includes animals that lay eggs?


The chromosome number in the gametes of Ulva is


A moss sperm moves by means of


This is a Feature of Marasmus and Not Kwashiorkor


If Hypothalamus does Not Secrete Gnrh, It Would Have an Impact on


Here, the Maximum Exchange of Material between Blood and Surrounding Cells Takes Place


Olericulture is


This is the Precursor of indole-3-Acetic Acid


The CH Bond of Food in Cellular Respiration is Disintegrated through


Protein Synthesis Corresponds to the Process of


Fungi obtain their food by:


Which of the following types of chromosomes have arms of equal length?


What is the function of the protein coat (capsid) in viruses?


Apoptotic Cells Detach Due to the inactivation of this


What type of pigments do brown algae possess?


This is a withdrawal Symptom of Alcohol Consumption


The Reason Why Haemophilia is More Commonly Observed in Human Males than in Females is Due to


Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of viruses?


The Enzymes Found in intestinal Juice Finally Convert


Chlorophyll “a” occurs in all Photosynthetic plants except


T. O. Diener Discovered


Prosenchyma is a Type of


In lytic life cycle bacterial cell


Regions Having Severe and Long Winters and Growing Season Consists of a Few Months of Summers Represent


How Many Days are Required for the Amniocentesis Tests Results?


Differentiation between Pathogenic and Non-Pathogenic Strains can be done by


This is a Result of the Appearance of the Fatty Liver Syndrome


In plants, both haploid and diploid cells can divide by which process?


The transfer of high energy phosphate bonds to ADP by the substrate is called


Which of the following infectious agents lacks a protein coat?


The causative of tuberculosis is


This is a Feature of Marasmus and Not Kwashiorkor


The Hot Spots of Biodiversity are Characterized by:


A Phenomenon Occurring During Prophase I of Meiosis is


The Spindle in the Determinate Cleavage is


This is incorrect Regarding Specialized Transduction


This Entity will be the First one to Colonize a Bare Rock


Most of the Marine invertebrates are _______.


Extranuclear DNA is Found in


Which of these is Exposed on the Outer Surface of a Gram-Negative Bacterium?


ATP Synthesis by atP Synthase is Driven by the Movement of


The Least toxic Excretory Material is


A Fold or Bleb Like formation is Seen in this Bacteria


Which of the following would occur when a plant cell is packed in a fluid with high osmotic concentration than the cell sap?


This transmits Plague


Where will the Image of A Distant Object be formed When A Person Using A Concave Lens to Correct Vision, is Not Using Glasses?


Slime Moulds, Algae, Protozoa are Related in Having


Which of the following cell organelles release oxygen


Which of the Following is Present on the Surface of the Epithelial Lining of the intestine and Help in the Absorption of Digested Food?


Early Prophase of a Diploid Cell Has_____ Sets of Chromosomes; Telophase of a Diploid Cell Has ____ Sets of Chromosomes


The space near the gut as per the kidney dialysis is known as


What are gemmae?


Which of the following groups from the nucleotides


Which of the Following Has Haemocoel?


Whorling Whips are Named so because of


This can Eradicate Polio


Which of the following is absent in the nucleotides of RNA


Female gametophyte of an angiosperm consists of


Which of the Following Statement is incorrect About Thyroid Hormones?


Phosphoglyceraldehyde is oxidized during Glycolysis. What happens to the hydrogen atoms that are removed during this oxidation?


Which of these is the characteristic of coelenterates?


Which of the following is not an acellular organism?


What are the male sex organs in bryophytes called?


Typically a nucleotide is composed of


Foetal Sex can be Determined by Examining Cells from the Amniotic Fluid by Looking for


For How Long does A Worker bee Live in the Summer?


Lichens are a symbiotic association between which of the following organisms?


There is a Connective Tissue Cord Extending between the Testis and Abdominal Wall Known as


Which class of animals has a completely ossified (bony) endoskeleton?


Transport of Auxin is


In Bacteria, Sporulation Takes Place in this Growth Phase


Which of the Following is a Chronic Respiratory Disorder Caused by Smoking?


Geitonogamy and Autogamy Both are Prevented in which one of these?


A Stable Ecosystem is Maintained with the interaction of


Penicillium is used in the Production of


Members of Phylum Porifera are


Rotenone is A


The Activity of this Enzyme increases When the atP Supply of a Cell Depletes


Phylogeny describes a species


The Acrosome of Sperm is formed from


This is Also Called a Biogas

Which of these is not a lipid


The Control and Regulation of Biological Processes involve some Enzymes. they are Known as


‘Saccus’ Term is used for


The Idea of Use and Disuse of organs Was Given by


The heart of reptiles is


The Energy Balance in Nutrition Refers to the


Which of the following are produced in archegonia?


Neurodegenerative diseases such as mad cow and Kuru diseases are caused by infectious particles known as


Plant Species on the Verge of Extinction as A Result of Over-Exploitation is


Four polypeptide chains take part in the formation of


The Chlorophyll Pigment Present in Volvox are


Which class of pteridophytes includes horsetails and scouring rushes?


Which class of animals has a completely ossified (bony) endoskeleton?


Artiodactyla include


Which of these is a Disease of the Myelin Sheath?


Which of the following is variable in an amino acid?


Which of the following is a mode of locomotion in Euglena?


The empirical formula of chlorophyll a is


Which of these attack red blood cells?


Which stage in the life cycle of mosses is responsible for bearing the sex organs?


The term anaerobic means


The Generic Name of which of these is Apis?


In human cells, this is the first virus to be cultured


Man can now be saved from fatal diseases by using


Pyrethrin is Extracted from


___________ is the incomplete Oxidation of Glucose into Pyruvic Acid involving Many intermediate Steps


Phosphoglyceraldehyde is oxidized during Glycolysis. What happens to the hydrogen atoms that are removed during this oxidation?


Polio virus is


The Mutualistic association between Certain Fungi and Roots of Vascular Plants are Known as


In Fats, the Number of Oh Groups can be Expressed as


The diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide in bryophytes take place through the


A virus that can reproduce without killing its host is called


This Macromineral is Essential for the Synthesis of insulin


In electron transport chain, one pair of electrons passing from NAD reduced to oxygen produces


Which of the following contains stored food for the germination of embryo?


ECG (Electrocardiogram) Was Developed First by


Nullification of Genetic Dwarfism is Possible by Spraying with


Which of the following has hollow stem between the nodes?


Which of these belong to the phylum nematoda?


Which of the following forms part of coenzyme


What is the name of the small, multicellular, free-living, photosynthetic gametophytes of Pteridophytes?


Photosystem I has an absorption spectrum of wavelengths of around


Which of the following is a characteristic feature of Euglenoids?


This Structure Tends to Vanish Always During Meiosis and Mitosis


Which of the Following Structure Contains a Polar Nodule on Both Ends


Amoebiasis is Transmitted by


When calyx and corolla are not distinguishable, they are collectively called


Which of the following is not a taxonomic hierarchy?


Which of the following is caused by bacteria?


Many substances that are not needed constantly enter the cell by


Most sponges are


The development of a male bee (drone) takes how long?


Gibberellins can Facilitate Seed Germination Due to their influence on


Urine of a Person Contains Abnormal Quantities of ________ During Prolonged Fasting


It is a fossil vascular plant


Amino Acids in Insulin molecules are arranged in


Which of the following cell organelles is present in both plant and animal cells?


Which of these are sexually reproductive zooids?


The General Term for a Group of Plants Reproducing by Spore formation is


Pick the incorrect Statement


Which of the following conducts water inside plant body?


Which of the following bacteria thrive in extreme environmental conditions, such as high temperature and acidic pH, the absence of oxygen and high salt concentration?


The Sex of the Unborn Takes Shape During


This is analogous to Mesosomes of Bacteria


At the end of the electron transport chain during respiration, electrons are accepted by


These Teeth are Not Found in Rats_______.


Atretic Follicles Occur in


This is a Major Macronutrient, Component of Vitamins and Enzymes


The thinnest bone of the human body is


Which of the following is common method of asexual reproduction in yeasts?


The prophase I of Meiosis completes in


LSD is Obtained from _______.


The Reason Why Cycas is Not Classified Under Dicotyledons Plants Even Though It Has an Embryo with Two Cotyledons is


Which of the Following Activities are Characteristics of Peroxisomes? I. Catalase Activity II. Possess a Glyoxylate Cycle III. Degradation of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acids IV. Produce Dihydrogen


This is Responsible for Production of Concentrated Urine


The Sympathetic Nerve Stimuli Releases


Which of the Following Class of Protozoa does Not Generally Contain Contractile Vacuole?


This is incorrect About the Merits of Molecular Data for Phylogenetics Study


These are the Set of Hormones that the Hypothalamus Produces


Man has been able to produce food in greater quantities due to advancement in


The Process in which Earthworms are used to Degrade organic Wastes is


Algae are Further Classified into Different Classes Based on which of the Following Characteristics?


Unicellular Eukaryotes are Grouped in


Which of the following are seedless vascular plants?


It is the most abundant carbohydrate in nature


In an Entity with Genetic Composition AA+XXY Such as Drosophila will be a Normal Female. in the Case of Mammals, It will be?


This Provides the Greatest Energy Value Per Gram of Nutrient


DNA replication occurs in which phase of the cell cycle?


In Artificial Media, the Growth of Plant Tissues is


In Pteridophytes, the dominant Generation is


This Bioassay is used to Detect the Presence of Auxin


If there is an injury in the Hypothalamus Region of the Brain, It is Most Likely to Affect


Which of the Following are Synthesised in the Nucleolus?


The form of Hydroponics that does Not Require a Growing Medium at All is


Which of the following is an example of a unicellular organism?


This Provides the Greatest Energy Value Per Gram of Nutrient


The Tissue that Provides Maximum Mechanical Strength to the Plant is


Which infectious neurological disease is caused by an agent consisting of abnormally folded protein?


Nastic Movements Differ from Tropic Movements in being


These Cells of the Testes Secrete Testosterone


Which of the following birds cannot fly?


Potato is an example of


Which of the Following is Not a Biofertilizer?


Which class of animals has dry skin without glands except for the oil gland at the base of the tail?


Which of these develops from the endoderm?


This Macronutrients is a Structural Component of a Cell Wall Activating the Enzymes


Which of these makes cellulose nondigestable


The Evolutionary Advantage of Meiosis can be best Explained by which of these Statements?


Pick the Wrong Statement


Disorders Related to Nutritions is Known as


Which of the following is parasite in the intestine man?


Most Likely, People Who Perform tough Manual Work can Develop


The process whereby water moves through the plants is known as


In Man, Cryptorchidism is the Condition When


The Process Wherein the Labellum in orchidaceae Surfaces at the anterior Side Via the Twisting of the Ovary through 180 Degree


The bee Carries the Pollen Back to Its Colony on:


The Hormone Gastrin is Secreted by_______.


Solidifying Agent that is used in Plant Tissue Culture is


If Protein Deficiency is Seen in a Child More than a Year Old, It may Lead to


Parenchyma cells are concerned with


An enzyme promotes a chemical reaction by


Which of the Following antibodies is Predominantly Present in Tears, Saliva and Mucous


Beta Carotene is


This Bioremediation Technique includes Mixing Contaminated Water and soil, Fertilizers and Carbon Dioxide in a Bioreactor to Stimulate Biodegradation


The chlorophyll of photosynthetic bacterial is localized in


They are non-vascular plants


Alcoholism Causing Fatty Acid Syndrome is Called


In Human beings, the Fungus that can Cause a Disease is


The antibody-Dependent Cytotoxicity is Seen in ________.


Syphilis is often Called


In Man, Cryptorchidism is the Condition When


An important effect of ethylene is to cause maturation of


This is Most Diagnostic investigation for Acute Pancreatitis


This Structure Guards the Opening of the Hepatopancreatic Duct into the Duodenum


The one which is Not Considered as Naturally Occurring Greenhouse Gas is


In this Kind of Speciation, Evolution can be Expected to be Faster Whilst the Speciation between the Speciating Events


___________ is a Coconut Milk Factor


Pick the Wrongly Matched Pair

Chlorophyll in Chloroplasts is Present in


Which of the Following Sentence is True for the Chorion?


The Modifiable Risk Factor associated with coronary artery disease is


Degenerative Changes Take Place During


Which of the following is not a characteristic of living organisms?


Alternation of Generation is Distinctly Found in


Cyanobacteria are


This is a Characteristic Feature of Cropland Ecosystem


They play a role in the making of dairy products


Soil Erosion can be Prevented by


In Rabbits, the Number of Salivary Glands Present are


The Protistan Genome Has


This Cell is Not a Type of Neuroglia Found in CNS


Which of the Following Blood Cells Play an Important Role in Blood Clotting?


Rarely Females Experience the Physiological Defect of Haemophilia as they do so only When they are


Meiosis in Stigeoclonium occurs


For Tuberculosis, the drugs used to combat it are


Pick the Correct Statement Regarding Vaccines of Polio


It is a racemose inflorescence in which the main axis is elongated and the flowers are sessile


__________ is a Connecting Link between Gymnosperms and angiosperms


The Diagrammatic Representation of Karyotype (Morphological Representation of Chromosomes) of a Species is Known as


Which of these is not true of Echinodermata?


Which of these does the Chemical Classification of Hormones Exclude?


The numb of microsporangia in each sporophyll of male cone of Pinus is


Liverworts are divided into two groups, which are:


Which of the Following is Deemed to be Vital in the Development of Seed Habit?


Photosystem I has an absorption spectrum of wavelengths of around


This one is Saprophytic in Nutrition


Which of the Following is the Cause for Transmission of Nerve Impulse through Nerve Fibre in a Single Direction?


It is a true cell wall in a newly growing cell


What is the female reproductive structure of an angiosperm called?


Which one of the following properties are shared by photosynthesis and aerobic respiration?


Which of these does not develop from the zygote of an angiosperm?


The Allosteric Enzymes on the top of Active Sites Contain


Phylogeny describes a species


Which of the following is a characteristic of a prokaryotic cell?


Identify the Correct Statement


Which is the dominant phase in the life cycle of pteridophytes?


Salivary Glands are Absent in


Which of the Following Has Both Covalent and Ionic Bonds?


Germination of seed involves the rupturing of seed coat because of


Which of the following is true of chlorophyll?


An organism that forms a Symbiotic association with anthoceros


The chromosome number in the gametes of Ulva is


To view the haemocoel, you would pick this animal


In which of the following assimilates move along the concentration gradient?


Pyrenoid is involved in


The Joint between 1st and 2nd Cervical Vertebrae


This Was the First Restriction Endonuclease that Was Discovered


Sensor Mechanism of Spore Dispersal is Seen in


This is a Correct Statement About Pinus


This Disease Falls Under the same Category as Colourblindness in Man


Sliding theory States that


The bryophyte sperm attracted to the egg by


Which of the Following Statement is False About Hilum?


Plasma Membrane is Made Up of


The Starfish Pisaster Amongst the Rocky intertidal Communities of the American Pacific Coast is A Significant


Which of the following is adaptation of fungi for terrestrial mode of life?


The Complications that can Occur in Severe Thalassemia is


Pollution of our surroundings in the recent past has resulted because of


Which of the following is not a common genus of green algae?


Anthocyanin Pigments are


Tip of the Nose and External Ears Have


The Ventral Portion of the Midbrain is Composed of Mainly Four, Round Swellings Known as


The Sunflower Embryo Has


What is the name given to the new infectious agent that was discovered to be smaller than viruses and lacked the protein coat?


Which is the Classification of a Group of Fungi Having Septate Mycelium Wherein Sexual Reproduction Either is Unknown or Absent?


The transfer of high energy phosphate bonds to ADP by the substrate is called


Pick the incorrect Statement


Which one of the Following is Correct for the Plasmid pBR322 of E.Coli.?

The sex organs of moss plant are


What is the Name of the Special Hyphal Tips through which Parasitic Fungi Absorb Nutrients Directly from the Cytoplasm of the Living Host?


After Reaching the Ovary, Pollen Tube does Not Display this of the Following Events


Which of the following is not the asexual method of reproduction in fungi?


In protoplasm dry matter consists about


The Blood is Transported to the Liver by Hepatic Portal Vein from which Part of the Body?


All the somatic cells of a diploid organism originate from a single cell called


Which of the Following Bacteriophages are Responsible for Specialised Transduction?


The Final Product of C4 Pathway is


A Disease which may Result from down Syndrome


They lack secondary growth


Which of the following bacterial diseases is not transmitted by contaminated water?


In Chloroplasts, the Parallel Layering of Membranes is Suited for


Growth of Plant Tissues in Artificial Media is Called _______.


Sexual Reproduction in Volvox is


In the Regulation of Gene Expression, this is an incorrect Statement


What are the Non-Substrate Molecules Binding to the Allosteric Sites Called?


The growth in arthropods goes along with this process


In Chlorination of benzene, which of the Following Acts as an Electrophile?

Which of the following is the characteristic of all fungi?


Which of the following is the approximate number of species in the family Brassicaceae (Cruciferae)?


The intermediate Filaments Found in Hairs and Nails are a Type 1 IF Protein, Composed of


This Lichen is Pioneer in Xerosere


The linkages between two monosaccharides is called


The formula of glyceraldehydes is


The function of an enzyme is to


In the Plasma Membrane, the best Method to Study the Properties of integral Membrane Proteins is


This Condition Results in Females that Secrete Large Quantities of androgens

Which of the following types of algae is primarily found in marine habitats?


They play a role in the making of dairy products


Name the Non-Membrane Bound organelle Exclusively Found only in animal Cell


Which of the following have unicellular reproductive organs?


Which of the following processes makes direct use of oxygen?


Mycoplasma is


How many ATP molecules are formed during one turn of Kreb’s cycle?


Which of the Following Pigments are Not Present in Dinoflagellates?


A photosystem is an assemblage of pigment molecules together ranging from


Allosteric Enzymes are


Bones of the Reptiles are Covered by


Which of the following is not a kingdom in the five-kingdom system of classification?


This Statement About Epithelial Tissue is incorrect


The chlorophyll of photosynthetic bacterial is localized in


Which of the Following inhibits the Action of Succinic Dehydrogenase by Competitive inhibition?

How Platyhelminthes Differ from annelids?


Yeast is Not included in Protozoans but in Fungi because


Neurosyphilis is


The Accumulation of this Substance in the Body Causes Gout.


In Eukaryotes and Bacteria, the Most Common form of Regulation is


This animal does not show any metamorphosis of larval stage


Fret Channels are associated with _________


Fungus without Mycelium is


Which class of animals has dry skin without glands except for the oil gland at the base of the tail?


Which of the following is true of chlorophyll?


Graafian Follicle are Characteristically Found in the


In Funaria, the antherozoids are


Alternation of generation


A Condition Marked by Low Tsh Levels is Called ___________.


Trichinella belongs to


The Process by which Fruits are Developed without Fertilization is Called _________.


Vertebrates are


This is a Consequence of Alcohol Addiction


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Kingdom Protista?


In which of the following reproductive organs are not surrounded by sterile cells?


Natural Gas, Petrol and Coal are this Type of Fuel


The number of pairs of legs in insects are


In which of the following sporangium is enveloped in a leaf?


This About Sponges is True


Which of the following is not formed during alcohol fermentation?


Embryos are present in all


Lysosomes contain enzymes capable of


A Gene Locus Has Two Alleles a and A. If the Frequency of dominant Allele a is 0.4, then the Frequency of Homozygous dominant, Heterozygous and Homozygous Recessive individuals in the Population is


When Placed in Water, Raisins Swell Up as a Result of


Which of the Following Protein Causes the Dilation of Blood Vessels?


This forestry Material is used as Biomass


This is a Major Risk Linked with Extreme Ultraviolet Rays through the atmosphere as a Result of Ozone Layer Depletion


Which of the following is a characteristic feature of monocots?


Skeletal Muscle Bundles are Held together by A Common Connective Tissue Layer Known as _______.


A Vector that can Clone only a Small DNA Fragment is


The term “Binomial Nomenclature” was coined by:


This Weed Has been Eradicated by Biological Control


The zygote in moss plant divides and produces


Haversian canals Occur in_______.


A molecule of ADP differs form a molecule of ATP in that it has


Which of the following is an example of liverworts?


Which of the Following Processes is Responsible for Generating a Proton Gradient Across the Thylakoid Membrane?


The Main Difference between Human Cheek Cells and onion Peel Cells is


Which class of animals is characterized by the presence of scales, dry skin, and mostly lay eggs on land?


This Amongst the Following Statements is incorrect. Human Spermatozoa Usually


Which of the Following organ is Present in a Rat and Not in a Frog?


What is the name of the small, multicellular, free-living, photosynthetic gametophytes of Pteridophytes?


The Process of Morphological Differentiating Male and Female Sexes is Known as


In this Type of DNA Replication, of the Two Newly formed Molecules, one is Purely a New one and the other is an Old one


If at the end of meiosis, each of the four daughter cells has four chromosomes, how many chromosomes were in the mother cell?


The Actual Genetic Section of Sperm is Its


In Funaria, the Peristomial Teeth are


The Most Abundant Protein in the animal World is


The Function of Pusule in Dinoflagellate is


The honey bee is of greatest use to mankind as:


Most of the Movement in Roots through Apoplast is Due to


Common cold is caused by


Color of the Skin in Humans is Regulated by


Athletes foot disease in man caused by


Wall Pressure will______________ with Rise in Turgidity


For Paddy, the best Fertilizer is


What is the female reproductive structure of an angiosperm called?


An Enzyme which can Stimulate the Germination of Barley Seeds is


Which of the following is NOT a type of angiosperm?


Tongue is attached to the Floor of Buccal Cavity by


Restorative Regeneration is _______.


Fertility in Women is Impaired by


The taking up of a liquid by a substance with the resultant swelling in volume is called


In Plants, Apomixis Pertains to Plant Development


It is the study of fossils and their relationship to the evolution of life on earth


Which of the following is part of an embryo?


In EMP Pathway, the Process by which atP is formed from ADP is


Stele of Selaginella Stem is


A Protein Complex, that Links Sister Chromatids, is


Which of the following is the source of hydrogen in the glucose molecule formed during photosynthesis?


Cfcs are Crucial in Global Warming Along with their Role in Ozone Depletion as It


Oxygenated Blood in the Cardiac System


Systemic Circulation in the Cardiac System Refers to


This is the animal Symbol of World Wildlife Fund


Which of the following plant groups exhibit the haplo-diplontic life cycle pattern?


Rhizopus is


The Hormone involved in the Regulation of Florigen Synthesis is


This is Not a First-Line Option for Pharmacological Treatment of Gout


This Macronutrients is a Structural Component of a Cell Wall Activating the Enzymes


Which Types of Epithelial Cells form Stratum Germinativum?


Embryonic development of the bryophyte zygote takes places in the


The most effective light absorbed by the chlorophyll is


A Good Alternative to Biogas is


Which of the following is not part of an embryo?


In which of the following, flowers are sessile and crowded together on a short axis?


Which of the following processes makes direct use of oxygen?


Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis Describe the Process of Meiosis in Males and Females, Respectively. this Statement About Both Processes is True


This Group of Vertebrates Comprises of the Highest Number of Endangered Species


In the Context of the ABO Blood Group, a Transfusion of AB Blood may be Given to a Person Who Has Blood Type


This is Not one of the Possible Adverse Effects of the Phenomena of Global Warming


Vitamin A is a


Which of the following stages of Plasmodium is diploid?


This Disease is Not Related to the Circulatory System


The Fertilized Egg Divides by the Process of


What is the study of evolutionary relationships among organisms called?


What is the name given to the infectious living fluid present in viruses?


In plants, meiosis occurs during the formation of


Who Discovered the ornithine Cycle?


The Species Causing White Rust of Cruciferae Has A Botanical Name, It is


Lack of coordination and muscle twitching in a disease takes place due to this prion


Most of the Carbon Dioxide Produced in the Tissues is Transported to the Lungs as


The First Phase of Protein Synthesis or Translation is


Find the Correctly Matched Pair without any Exceptions


The most effective light absorbed by the chlorophyll is


This Molecule Acts as Molecular Chaperones to assist the Folding of Proteins


They fix atmospheric Nitrogen


Male Gametophytes of Pinus is


Vessels are Found in


What is the primary function of flowers in angiosperms?


From which of the following plants gain weight?


This is the Function of Dietary Fat


Plants do not store carbohydrates as glucose because it


The main function of the plasma membrane is to


Mycorrhizal association is


Cancer is Related to


Which of the following is not a part of a flower?


The Complications that can Occur in Severe Thalassemia is


Pick the incorrect Statement About Fungi


Zygospore formation is a Characteristic Feature of_______.


The plastids that give fruits and flowers their orange and yellow colours are the


Terpenoides are


The Veins from the Stomach, intestine, Pancreas and Spleen Drain into


Seed dormancy Allows the Plants to


This is a Wrongly Matched Pair

Plastids are Absent in ________.


In an Ecosystem, which one of the Following Types of Entities Occupies More than one Trophic Level?


Which one of these is Commonly used Synthetic Auxin?


Brain Derives Energy from Ketogenesis, If Glucose is


Which of the following produce flowers?


Lysosomes contain enzymes capable of


Which of the Following Pathogens Causes Leprosy in Humans?


What is the Average Life Span of Human Red Blood Cells?


The part of the axis of embryo above the attachment of cotyledon is called the


Which of the following is a heterosporous pteridophyte?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of Kingdom Protista?


New Ribosomes are assembled in the


Which of the following is not formed during the Krebs cycle?


In Euphorbia, the inflorescence is


What is the biological name of the vector/insect which carries Plague?


What is a Cluster of Polar Flagella Called?


The primary plant body is covered with a layer of cells called


In the photo system II, high energy electrons of chlorophyll molecule are accepted by


The Rising of dough is Due to


Slime Moulds Were included in which of the Following Kingdom?


This About Apomixis is True:


The Food Reserve in Albugo Usually is


This is Not Part of Apoplast


Which of the following is involved in the spread of malaria?


The stem of Selaginella does not contain


Mammals can Drink Water and Also Derive It from


Phospholipids are


Placoid Scales are Found in


Stroma is the Ground Material of which of these


The CH Bond of Food in Cellular Respiration is Disintegrated through


Glyceraldehyde is one of the


This Causes Syphilis


This is used to Know the Phylogeny


Pick the Odd one Out.


This Branch of Science investigates the Relationship between Stress and the Nervous and Immune Systems


For the First Time, Research on Nerve Cells Was Carried Out on this organism


Pharmacologic therapy can be initiated After How Long, once the Acute Gout attack Has Taken Place?


This Lipoprotein is Produced through the Exogenous Lipoprotein Pathway


Unicellular blue-green algae reproduce by


Which of the following colours of light work best for photosynthesis?


In Selaginella the embryo develops into


The dentition of amphibians is


Pick the Right Sequence of Taxonomic Categories


Lichens are symbiotic associations between:


Movement of the Walls of the Gut is Known as


A combination of medications which are applied to treat tuberculosis is


The Thalloid Plant Body is Found in


What type of roots do some gymnosperms have that are associated with N2-fixing cyanobacteria?


Apoptotic Cells Detach Due to the inactivation of this


What is the name of the process by which haploid spores are produced in a diploid sporophytic plant body?


The units of the colonies of coelenterates is called


Find the True Statement About Bryophytes


Bacteria survive unfavourable condition by


The Parasitic Fungus which Destroys Wheat Plant is


Which of the Following is Commonly used as a Nitrogen Fixer in Paddy Fields?


Conjugation in Spirogyra or Fertilization in Chlamydomonas Leads to the formation of


In which of the following the thalamus forms the edible part of the fruit?


Which of the following are without jaws?


Lichens are symbiotic associations between:


This Ecosystem Has the Maximum Biomass


During growth fibers elongate greatly


Which of the Following is Correct?


In Bacteria, the Restriction Phenomena Occurs Naturally as


Which of these is an example of amphibian?


This is the Outermost Cranial Appendage


If the Plasmid and the foreign DNA are Cut by the same Restriction Endonuclease, Recombinant DNA can be formed by Joining Both by


______________ Discovered XY Sex Chromosomes


Which of the Following Purine Bases is Present in RNA?


Their roots contain nitrogen fixing bacteria


The Differentiating Factor of the Venous System of Frog and Rabbit is in the Presence of this


In Gymnosperms, the Ovules Typically are


Polio virus is


Red Tide is Caused by


The space near the gut as per the kidney dialysis is known as


Which of the following is not a sub-group of Kingdom Protista?


In Ecological Succession, the Final Stable Community is Known as


Cnidarians, which Exhibit only Polyp Stage


Glucose + Fructose _ Sucrose + H2O


Ventricular Muscle Depolarization is indicated by


The transport of substances from a region of its lower concentration to its higher concentration is called


In thin slices of cork Robert Hooke noticed.


Which of the Following is Not a Vegetable or Fruit-Based Fermented Product?


The Least Number of Cells in a Male Gametophyte is Found in


Which of these Substances is Transported by the Blood Plasma?


Lichens are symbiotic associations between:


In Tissues, Amoebiasis is Treated with


Production of two types of spores is called


Which of the Following Contains More than one Pyrenoids?


An Example of a Non-Reducing Carbohydrate is


This is an Example of Non-Polluting Renewable Type of Energy


In Adults, Red Blood Cells is formed in ________.


Find the Correct Statement


Which of the following is mismatched?


Deficiency of this Causes the Death of Root Tips and Stem


DNA is unique among the organic molecules of protoplasm in that it can


The arrangement of teeth in the upper and lower half of the jaws is represented by


Glyceraldehyde is one of the


During what phase of meiosis the nuclear envelop breaks down?


Ubiquinone Transfers Its Electrons to


This Has a Smaller intestine


Which of the Following is an Important Precursor for Pyrimidine Synthesis?


The Fastest Enzyme is


Which of the following are adapted to survival under conditions of a limit supply of water?


This is a Flagellated Larva of Leucosolenia


Which of the Following Has Zygomorphic Flowers?


The chief characteristic of the succulents is that the bulk of the plant body is composed of


Ribosomal RNA is Synthesized in


The exudation of water drops from the leaves of intact plants is


Meiosis in Stigeoclonium occurs


The breakdown of water molecule (photolysis) in photosynthesis occurs during


The Hormone Secretin Triggers ______.


Which of the following bacterial groups is known to form endospores?


Which of these Functions will be Affected If the Medulla Oblongata is Damaged?


The characteristic of pronounced cephalisation is seen in


During the Germination of Seeds, the Seed Coat Ruptures Due to


What type of symmetry do animals in the phylum Chordata exhibit?


When Chemical Signals are Produced by Entities, It influences the behaviour of other Entities belonging to the same Species. this is Known as


In Yeast, the Sexual Reproduction is by Conjugation. After Fusion, the Zygotic Nucleus Divides Meiotically and forms Haploid Spores. the Unicellular Structure with Haploid Spores is


The Disease Characterized by Extreme Muscle Weakness and Brownish Pigmentation of the Buccal Cavity and Skin is

In Spirogyra, Pyrenoids are Present in


Nucleus in plant cells was discovered by


Which of the following is non-living character of virus?


Pick the Correct Match

This is Not a Reproductive isolating Mechanism


During Replication, Okazaki Fragments Elongate


This Molecule Acts as Molecular Chaperones to assist the Folding of Proteins


In Selaginella, sporangia are produced


DNA Fingerprinting Recognizes the Differences in


The Fluid that Comes Out of Earthworm While Piercing It (Without Damaging Its Gut) is


Predators Suppression of Prey Declines with the increasing Impact of Prey on the Next Lower Trophic Level Such as the Impact of Herbivores on Plants – this is


Given below is the scientific name of Mango. Identify the correctly written name.


What are the characteristics of living organisms?


Species very near to Extinction if Conservation measures are Promptly Not take up are


The breakdown of water molecule (photolysis) in photosynthesis occurs during


With the increase of ions in the xylem its water potential becomes


Which of the following properties is incorrect for both mitochondria and chloroplast


What is the End Product of Glycolysis?


The fruits of which of the following are provided with hooks?


A Few Protists Possess Structures to Regulate their Water Content. they are


The parasite found in the seminal vesicle of earthworms are


This is the Function of Glycosylation


Crossing over occurs during


The number of chromosomes in the cells of the Sporophyte plant body of Ulva is


Diastema is Found in


In Lamarck’s View, the Key of organic Evolution is that Each Progeny


Ultraviolet Radiations from Sunlight Cause a Reaction Producing


This Bioremediation Technique includes Mixing Contaminated Water and soil, Fertilizers and Carbon Dioxide in a Bioreactor to Stimulate Biodegradation


This System of Classification Was used by Linnaeus


Which of the following number of rows of leaves are present on the stem of Selaginella?


Dicondylic Skull Along with Ten Pairs of Cranial Nerves is Found in


Juice Containing sodium Glycocholate is Secreted Under the influence of _______.


In this State of the antibody Test, It is Found to be Positive in 1-3 Weeks Post the Appearance of A Chancre


Ketone Bodies are formed from


Which of these do the Reptiles and Aves not share?


The Rising of dough is Due to


The ear of mammals is divided into


Which of the following types of algae is primarily found in marine habitats?


These Sponges are Found in Rivers


From Protonema, Leafy Gametophyte is formed in


Which of the following is edible?


The Mode of Nutrition in Fungi


Which of the Following Hormones Stimulates the Production of Pancreatic Juice and Bicarbonate?


Regulatory Proteins Turn Transcription off through Binding to a Site Rapidly at the Front of the Promoter and Many Times Even Overlaps the Promoter, this Site is the


Which of the Following Fern is a Biofertilizer?


Yellow Fever is Transmitted by


Antheridium produces


Raphanus sativus is the botanical name of


The Abundantly Distributed Enzyme in Germinating Seeds and Adipocytes is


This is an Extracellular Messenger of Apoptosis


Inside photosynthetic bacteria, Chlorophyll is


Which of these is the habitat of Mollusca?


What is the name of the male strobilus in gymnosperms?


This Species of Mycoplasma Causes Human Sterility


The Enzyme, Whose Blood Levels is increased in Patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is


In which of the following food is not stored in the endosperm of the seed?


Thyroid Disorders are often Mistaken for this Condition.


Doctors Place a Stent inside the Artery During angioplasty. a Stent is A


Organisms in this kingdom are made of prokaryotic cells


Peat formation can be ascribed to


In Many Mammals, Even Humans, Ageing can be Due to


Each chemical reaction in cellular respiration requires


Which of the Following is Not a Characteristic of the Phylum Arthropoda?


The application of Auxin in small amount


DNA Fingerprinting Recognizes the Differences in


Predation can be Considered as


During Ecological Succession, Types and Numbers of animals Remain Constant


Type I Hypersensitivity involves


What are bryophytes?


It is the oldest vascular plants


Hyaline Cartilage does Not Have__________.


Ergot is Caused by


In blue-green algae nitrogen fixation occurs in specialized cells called


One of these is Not a Plant Fossil


Which of the following is not a part of a flower?


The Amniocentesis Procedure is Not done before the _________ Week After Conception.


Which of the Following Plastid is Found in Ripe Fruits?


Which of the following characteristics are adopted by organisms for life on land?


Plants with Larger Roots can be Cultivated with which of the Following Types of Hydroponics


Uneven Distribution of _______ Results in Phototropic Curvature


Which of the following produces winged fruits ?


Entamoeba Gingivalis Found in the Buccal Cavity of Man Causes


Food can be preserved when pH of the medium is


Which of the following is caused by bacteria?


___________ is a Gaseous Plant Hormone


This is a Major Reason for infertility in Women


Fungus without Mycelium is


It is the most abundant carbohydrate in nature


The term anaerobic means


This Amongst the Following is Found in Muscle Cells and Nerves


The Transfer Vesicle from RER Fuse with which Region of Golgi Complex


Biodiversity Loss can Lead to Everything Except this


Ulothrix Produces


Phloem is without ___________ in Pteridophytes


Potato, tomato and Brinjal belong to


Insects Not Found in Wild State is


The number of stomata per square centimeter of leaf surface of tobacco leaf is almost




DNA Polymerase Synthesizes

This Statement Describes the Hardy-Weinberg Law the best


The Cycas Has


The oldest known vascular plants were widespread about


The Actual Genetic Section of Sperm is Its


Chlorophyll is a large molecule with a central core of


In Patients with Haemophilia, which of these can increase the Risk of Cerebral Microbleeds?


Which of the Following Factors increasing the Cause of Developing Gout?

The Causative of the Disease, Polio is


Which of the following is not a characteristic of living organisms?


Root hairs are formed from extension of the


Which of the following taxonomic categories is the most inclusive?


Posterior End of Amoeba is Characterized by


The Proteinaceous Part of Maize Endosperm is


Tongue is attached to the Floor of Buccal Cavity by


What is the composition of the membrane that is used in Dialysis?


A Biofertilizer involving a Pteridophyte Host is


The Condition of Polyadelphous can be Found in


Sigma Factor is A Component of


Which of the following is true of reptiles?


The periplaneta belongs to which of this phyla


Marasmus is Not Characterized by


In the photo system II, high energy electrons of chlorophyll molecule are accepted by


Which of the following is a characteristic of Diatoms?


Which of the Following Methods of Reproduction Proved for the First Time that DNA is Genetic Material?


A Floral formula does Not Tell About


Which of the Following is a Correct Matching Pair of Disease and Pathogen?

The Myelin Sheath is Derived from the


Which of the Following Has Non-Flagellated isogamous Gametes?


Alpha 1 anti-Trypsin Deficiency is an Autosomal Recessive Genetic Disorder. what are the Chances that any of the offspring do Not Express the Disease Phenotype If Both Parents are Genotype (Aa)?


Honey is


In Dryopteris the Dehiscence of Sporangium is Controlled by


Which of these Has the Highest Permeability in a Resting Nerve Cell?


Which of the following properties is incorrect for both mitochondria and chloroplast


One of these Gases is Required for the Germination of Pea Seeds


Gibberellins Found in the Aleurone Layer of Barley increases the Transcription of


Plant Species on the Verge of Extinction as A Result of Over-Exploitation is


Pancreatitis can be Produced by the Following Drug


Which of the following is a characteristic feature of dinoflagellates?


In Monocots, Grafting is Not Possible as _________


The most effective organ for food digestion in earthworm is


It is dominant generation in tracheophytes


The Chief Constituent of Honey is


Main Cause of Ozone Holes and Its Depletion is


Regulation of Cells’ Activity Takes Place through


Asexual Spores Produced Terminally on Hyphae are Called


This is a Complication of Haemophilia


Another Name for Bulbourethral Gland is


The simplest amino acid is


Which of the following has a body cavity called pseudocoelom?


The process whereby water moves through the plants is known as


Which of these studied mitosis in plant cells?


The process by which homologous chromosomes being to pair with each other is called.


An Example of Plants Occupying the Second Stage of Hydrosere is


What does a High Value of BOD(Biochemical Oxygen Demand) indicate?


Tendons and Ligaments are ________.


In which of the following only the stem performs the function of photosynthesis?


The elimination of bacteria from a medium is called


To Construct a Phylogenetic Tree in order to Apply Parsimony, Choose


Which of the following protozoans lives in the gust termites and helps them digest cellulose?


Distance between twist of DNA molecule is


Some hyperthermophilic organisms that grow in highly acidic (pH2) habitats belong to the two groups called _______.


Presence of ingested Rbcs is A Characteristic Feature of


A Single-Stranded, Radiolabelled Molecule of Nucleic Acids is Called


What type of pigments do brown algae possess?


Which of the Following Disorder Causes dopamine Neurons to Die?

Which is a Helminth Disease


Viroids are infectious agents that consist of:


Dogs Have Specialized Evaporative Cooling in the Respiratory Tract by


The Fungi which Derive their Food Directly from Dead organic Matter are Known as


The Eye Lens is


Nasal Septum Gets Damaged. Its Recovery Requires Cartilage Known as_______.


In the Plasma Membrane, the best Method to Study the Properties of integral Membrane Proteins is


Which class of animals has the characteristic of external ears or pinnae?


By this Method, the Majority of Carbon Moves from the Lithosphere to the atmosphere


Which one of the Following Dicot Plant Lacks Cotyledon


Bacteria reproduce asexually by:


Which of the following is present in the cytoplasm of bacterial cell?


Most of the Scientists Deem the Algal-Fungal Relationship in Lichens as Helotism. Helotism is A


Nitration of benzene is Carried Out by which of the Following Reactive Species?

Which of the following is the correct definition of ‘Taxonomy’?


Which of the Following Characteristics of Pea Plants Was Not used by Mendel in His Experiments?


This is the common factor between housefly, anopheles and cockroach


Histamine is Secreted by


Who Discovered the C4 Pathway?


They catalyze biological reactions in the form of enzymes


Little Leaf of Brinjal is Caused by


Which of the following is NOT true about Pteridophytes?


Which of the following is not an acellular organism?


Cotton fibers are made up of


This is Not A Cloning Factor


There are some Special Types of Cells Present in the Seminiferous Tubules Known as Sertoli Cells which are


Which of these is Related to Ex-Situ Conservation of Threatened Plants and animals?


In C4 Plants, Calvin Cycle Occurs in


Pteridophytes and Bryophytes Differ in Having


Crossing over occurs during


Secretion of the Parathyroid Hormone is a Good Example of


Which of these does not develop from the zygote of an angiosperm?


Which of these is an example of uniparous cyme?


Protoplasts are Devoid of


The word malaria has been derived from the combination of two words which are


Petals of which of the Following Flowers form a Keel?


Mycorrhiza Shows


Given below is the scientific name of Mango. Identify the correctly written name.


The shrinkage of protoplasm due to ex-osmosis of water from the cell is called


Which of the following cell organelles is present in both plant and animal cells?


Which of the following fruits are parthenocarpic?


Which of the following phyla includes animals that have a segmented body, jointed appendages, and an exoskeleton?


One of the First Acts in Taxonomy is


Which of these can Prevent the Falling of Leaves


In Selaginella, roots are produced from leafless branches called


The Fungal Disease – the Black Rust of Wheat is Caused by


The Alimentary canal is Typically Longer in


Which of these does the Chemical Classification of Hormones Exclude?


Which of the following is an example of spike?


The Epithelial Cells of the intestine which Participate in Absorption of Food Have this on their Surface


Which of the following is not a characteristic of angiosperms?


The Fovea is the Mammalian Eye is the Centre of the Visual Field Wherein


The Tissue Where Cells are Thin-Walled, Living, isodiametric Along with intercellular Spaces is


Balbiani Rings are the Sites of


This is the Smallest organism Capable of Autonomous Growth and Reproduction


Which of the following diseases of plants is caused by bacterial?


The organ of Corti is Present in


The Product formed, when benzene Reacts with CH3COCl in the Presence of Alcl3 is


Which phylum includes animals with radial symmetry?


Which of these is found in seed plants?


In the Female Rabbit, the Expanded Proximal Part of the Oviduct is Known as


There is a Considerable Decline in the Weight of the Body and Growth Rate Along with the Mental Faculties Getting Impaired. which of these Diseases are associated with the Mentioned Symptoms?


This Number of Barr Bodies are Found in a Female with XXXX Chromosomes


Which of the Following is the Largest Gland in the Body of a Mammal?


Glenoid Cavity Articulates


Robert Hooke examined thin slices of cork made up of the bark of


The alternation of generation in moss plant is


The process of Glycolysis takes place in


Which of the following gymnosperms has unbranched stems?


The Protein Content is the Highest in the Lymphatics of ________.


Which of the Following is the inflorescence of solanum Nigrum?


Triticum aestivum belongs to the family


Find the True Statement About benzene


Which one of the following properties are shared by photosynthesis and aerobic respiration?


The skin of mammals is provided with sweat glands for


Synapsis Takes Place between


Which of the Following Helps in Opening of DNA double Helix in Front of Replication fork?


During the Serological Test in which anti-Human Serum is Mixed with the Blood of another animal, the Blood of this animal Gives the Thickest Precipitate


Pick the Pair that is incorrectly Matched

Which of the following organelles and their contents are incorrectly paired


Which of the following is not a characteristic of living organisms?


Tertiary Roots are


In Chloroplasts, Where do Light Reactions Occur


Light reaction of photosynthesis occurs in


What is the name of the male gametophyte in gymnosperms?


Flagella, Centrioles, Cilia and Basal Bodies Possess Evident Similar Structural Elements and Arrangements. this can Lead to this Probable Hypothesis


If Bb is a Gene Pair of an individual then the Alleles for this Gene Pair are


Parenchyma cells are concerned with


The Basis of Phenetic Classification is


Male Gametophytes of Pinus is


Which of the following algae has cup-shaped or spiral-shaped chloroplasts?


Which one of the Following is a Colonial Alga?


In arthropods, this is complete


With the increase of ions in the xylem its water potential becomes


The Longest Primary Transcript is Generated by


Which Disorder are Kids of Age below one Year More Likely to Suffer from If Breastfeeding is Replaced by Foods Low in Calories and Proteins?


Flowers and Cones are Similar because


The Phenomena instrumental in Eliminating atmospheric Carbon Dioxide is


Which of the following birds cannot fly?


This can be A Predator in A Broad Ecological Context


This Has No Alternate Host


The Role of Bacteria in the Carbon Cycle is


Photophosphorylation in a chloroplast is mot similar to which of the following mitochondrial reaction?


Which of the following diseases of plants is caused by bacterial?


It is a site of certain metabolic pathways


Skeletal Muscle Bundles are Held together by A Common Connective Tissue Layer Known as _______.


Which of the following is not the characteristic of Gymnosperm?


Which of the Following is a Genetic Disorder that induces Neurons in the Brain to Drain Away and Die?

Which of the following are trends towards seed habit exhibited by Selaginella?


Which of the Following is the First Transgenic Crop?


Secretion of Gastric Juice is Controlled by ______.


As a first identifiable product of the dark reaction is


Which of the following is not the characteristic of Gymnosperm?


A Neuron that Carries information from the Peripheral Nervous System to the Central Nervous System is


Pick the Set of beneficial insects to Man


The Bioremediation Process involving the Usage of Plants to Degrade Pollutants is


The only Connective Tissue without Fibroblasts is


The nucleolus is largely composed of rRNA and


The Following Cooking Processes does Not Rely on Coagulation Taking Place


Which of the following is a red alga?


In Plants, Water Movement is


The sperm of nematodes are


Which of the following is a correctly matched pair of phylum and its characteristic feature?


A Cranial Nerve with the Highest Number of Branches


This can be the best Worm for Composting


How may membranes comprise the nuclear envelop?


In which of the following cells elongate parallel to the long axis of the stem or root?


Which of these chromosomes have centromere located at one end?


The fungal body consists of thread-like structures called:


Slimy capsule of bacteria is made by


This Hepatitis virus is not an RNA virus


Malformation of these Cytoskeleton Structures can be Linked to an inability to Contract a Muscle


“Devine” and “Collego” are Two Agricultural Substances used as


Which of the Following Pathogens Causes Tuberculosis _________.


Which of the following stores food in the cotyledon of the seed?


The Lymphocytes which can Develop Immunocompetence in the Thymus is


Which of the following is an example of Biparous cyme?


A Freshly Unfertilized Egg of Hen Contains


Which of these is not true of reptiles?


Formation of Cell Plate Starts at


Division to which Selaginella belongs is


Which of the Following is a Superbug?


Gnrh Directly Triggers the Release of


Which of the Following Cells Secretes Gastric Acid in the Stomach?


Phylum Protozoa is Classified Based on


The Motile Zygote of Plasmodium is Found in


Which of the following is not a viral disease?


The enzyme sucrase act on


Which of the following are products of light reaction?


In the Human Eye, the Photosensitive Compound is Composed of


Ethylene is an unusual hormone in that it is


Haversian canals Occur in_______.


The Vertebral Column Provides More Strength as a Result of 4


During which Stage the Blood Pressure is Maximum in the Human Aorta?


The Catecholamines, Norepinephrine and Epinephrine are Derived from


What is the Average Life Span of Human Red Blood Cells?


In the electron transport system, the final acceptor electrons is


The 60S and 40S subunits on attachment with each other form


Centrosome Duplication Takes Place in this Phase


Anatomy deals with the study of


The Main Difference between Parenchyma, Collenchyma and Sclerenchyma is that


Methanogens belong to_______.


The Fovea is the Mammalian Eye is the Centre of the Visual Field Wherein


Which of the following cell organelles cause a decrease in the concentration of organic material in the cell?


How many molecules of oxygen gas are used during the Glycolysis of one glucose molecule?


Rarely Females Experience the Physiological Defect of Haemophilia as they do so only When they are


ABA Contains


Aspergillus Has _______ Hyphae


Neurosyphilis is


Which one of the following is necessary for the development of seed?


Mendelian Factor (Aa) is Segregated During


Dinoflagellates are


What is the predominant stage of the life cycle of a moss?


Which of the Following Protozoans Show Bioluminescence?


Test Tube Baby Means a Baby Born When


Active Uptake of sodium is Promoted by Action of Enzyme Known as


After a Sperm Has Penetrated an Ovum in the Process of Fertilization, Entry of Further Sperms is Prevented by


Pick the incorrect Statement


All the somatic cells of a diploid organism originate from a single cell called


During Cellular Respiration, the Carbon Dioxide Produced is


Another Way that Scientists Propose as a Treatment to Cure Muscular Dystrophy is


This is a Minute Cell which Separates from the animal Egg During Maturation is Known as


In Plants, Apomixis Pertains to Plant Development


These are Features of Higher Energy Level and Shorter Wavelengths


The units of the colonies of coelenterates is called


The Possible Supplies of Nitrogen and Phosphorous Ions in the soil is Exhausted as they are Found as


This is a Major Macronutrient, Component of Vitamins and Enzymes


Which of the following lack chlorophyll?


Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) can be Determined by this Test


The Excess Amount of Produced Neurotransmitters by Presynaptic Neurons is __________.


In the Plasma Membrane, Carbohydrates


Mitochondria are found


Which of the Following Cells is Immortal?


Which of the following is a human disease caused by Fungi?


Fight or Flight Reactions Causes the Activation of


The Gaseous Exchange in Alveoli is a Type of


Which of the Following is incorrect for Fabaceae?


The Point at which Polytene Chromosomes Appear to be attached together is Known as


This cannot be Performed by Predators


Which of the following causes smut in wheat?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of Kingdom Protista?


Nature of Honey is


A combination of medications which are applied to treat tuberculosis is


It involves the liberation of Oxygen and absorption of CO2


Regeneration can be Seen in which of the Following


Which of the Following Has buttress Roots?


What is the latent viral DNA contained in the host DNA referred to as?


This Causes Tunnel Vision


Which of the following stages of Plasmodium is diploid?


Which of the following lack chlorophyll?


Which of the following delays the normal process of aging in leaves?


Colour of tomato Changes from Green to Red Due to


The Meiotic Division Takes Place in


Parkinson’s Disease is Caused Due to Deficiency of ________.


Under the PFA Act, When is the Food Said to be Adulterated


This is the Site Where Detoxification of Xenobiotic Compounds Occurs


What is the Consequence of a Change in the Genetic Diversity


Which of these studied mitosis in animal cells?


Phloem is without ___________ in Pteridophytes


Which of the following is a correctly matched pair of phylum and its characteristic feature?


In Rhizopus food is stored in the form of


Which of the Following Characteristic Structure is Found in Slime Mould?


The Daughter Cells that are formed When the Septum forms Near the Poles of the Cell is Known as


Fermentation Occurs in the


Which Among the Following is Also Known as Bog Moss?


In animals the product of anaerobic respiration is


When sporozoites of Plasmodium pass from the blood to liver cells, they multiply for


Which of the Following does Not Have a Sexual Mode of Reproduction?


The total DNA Comprises what Amount of Cytoplasmic DNA in Cells?


Which of the Following Statement is True About the Malarial Parasites?


Standard Petal of a Papilionaceous Corolla is Known as_______.


Who proposed the five-kingdom classification system?


Chloragogen cells are found in


Which of these Entities is an indicator of the so2 Pollution of Air?


P Wave indicates


Question Yourself Every Day, Expand Your Knowledge Every Way!