Plant Biology

1. This Macronutrient Checks the Opening and Closing of the Stomata and Decreases the Water Loss from Leaves


2. Which of these is the Most Advanced Phylogenetically Among the Dicotyledonous Families?


3. Among the following organisms which shows the best adaptations for locomotion?


4. In Funaria, the Sporophytic Phase is Well-Developed, Comprising


5. Pusa Hybrid 4 is a Variant of


6. Which of the following is true about the hearts of earthworm?


7. Transport of minerals from the soil to epidermal cells of roots via carrier protein molecules along their concentration gradient is called:


8. Which of the following are proteins in nature?


9. What is the Placentation in the Unilocular Ovary with a Single Ovule?


10. Clinging Roots are Found in


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