
1. Antibodies play an important role against microorganisms and other pathogens to which type of proteins do they belong?


2. Nonpolar organic molecules are _______ in water.


3. Which one the following fatty acid is more soluble in an organic solvent and has a higher melting point?


4. Which one gives a blue color with iodine?


5. Animals fats are ___________ at room temperature


6. Which one is soluble in hot water?


7. The first amino acid of any polypeptide chain in eukaryotes is


8. Fatty acids containing 18 C atoms and a single double bond is


9. Chemical component/s less in eukaryotic cell as compared to prokaryotic cell is / are (i) lipids (ii) carbodydrates (iii) proteins (iv) DNA


10. Hemoglobin molecule exhibits which structural organization of proteins


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