Molecular Biology

1. If Bb is a Gene Pair of an individual then the Alleles for this Gene Pair are


2. A typical human chromosome contains _________ nucleotides in its DNA


3. Which of the Following Rrnas in Bacteria Acts as a Ribozyme as Well as Structural RNA?


4. Nucleic Acids are a Polymer of Nucleotide Monomeric Units. Each Nucleotide Consists of


5. This Was the First Restriction Endonuclease that Was Discovered


6. For Cloning, Restriction Enzymes with Sticky Ends are used for


7. This Process involves Transferring Naked DNA Fragments between Bacteria


8. The Process of DNA Replication is Affected by an Enzyme Known as


9. The Ability of Cells to Uptake DNA Fragments from the Surroundings is Known as


10. Alleles of Different Genes that are on the same Chromosome can Occasionally be Separated by a Phenomenon Called


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