
1. This is the reason why diagnosing tuberculosis is turning challenging


2. For the Very First Time, this Virus Was Synthesized in the form of Non-Living Crystals


3. This is used in the Preparation of Alcohol


4. Viruses which Cause Lysis of Bacteria are Known as


5. Bacteriophages with Tail are


6. Which of the following bacterium is found in extreme saline conditions?


7. Some hyperthermophilic organisms that grow in highly acidic (pH2) habitats belong to the two groups called _______.


8. In Yeast, the Sexual Reproduction is by Conjugation. After Fusion, the Zygotic Nucleus Divides Meiotically and forms Haploid Spores. the Unicellular Structure with Haploid Spores is


9. Pick the Correct Statement Regarding Vaccines of Polio


10. The Causative of the Disease, Polio is


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